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When it comes to making decisions, who is more important? An individual’s needs and wants, 
or society/the group’s needs and wants as a whole? 
When it comes to making decisions, it completely depends on the situation. If it mostly or will only 
impact an individual, their needs and wants should come first. If it will mostly impact the 
group/society, the group’s needs and wants should come first. However, there needs to be a fair 
balance between all parties, and a reasonable compromise if necessary. In ​A Raisin in the Sun,​ Walter 
puts his own wants before his family’s, jeopardizing their lives and needs. Walter says, “This little liquor 
store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand and we figured the initial investment on the place be 
bout thirty-thousand”(Hansberry, 1.1). His family really needs the money from the insurance check to 
leave the Southside, but he puts what he wants, the liquor store, first. In this case, the needs of the 
group should come before Walter’s personal desires. He gives the money to a business partner, but 
later finds out, “All of’s all gone”(Hansberry, 2.3). He did not consider what his family needed, and 
ended up hurting them. They lost their opportunity to move to a house big enough for them. By putting 
what he wants first, Walter jeopardized his son’s future and his sister’s career. His family was desperate 
for the check, and Walter did not consider the negative consequences of his actions. In the long run, 
Walter’s family will be harmed by his inability to make huge decisions together. In conclusion, the 
needs of all parties are important and should be valued.  

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