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A client-side scripting language primarily used to make web pages interactive. In other
words, it's responsible for the 'behavior' of a website, i.e. how HTML elements
and CSS style animate and move around on the page.

Back-End Node.js, Sails, Express.

A flexible and fast build tool based on Node.js, it provides an asset pipeline for applications
that run in the browser.

An open source navigation scripting and testing JavaScript utility for the PhantomJS, it
CasperJS eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful high-level

The browser and BDD/TDD assertion library for Node.js, it aims to be an expressive and
easily approachable way to write assertions for JavaScript project testing.

A base part of the JavaScript language that is supported on both the client and the server

A JavaScript framework for building data-intensive, cross-platform web apps for desktops,
Ext JS
tablets and smartphones, with the largest set of UI components.

A flexible Node.js web application framework for building and developing web and mobile

A JavaScript library that allows to render templates in the browser, Dust templates are
compiled to JavaScript for speed of execution.

A Node.js feature rich framework for building scalable applications and services, it focuses
on configuration over code, is intended for large teams and large projects

An open-source, cross-platform environment that is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript

engine and used for developing server-side and networking apps.
based build Grunt, Gulp, Broccoli, Webpack.

Stands for Node Package Manage. The default package manager for the JavaScript runtime
npm environment Node.js, an online repository for the publishing of open-source Node.js

A free and open-source library written in JavaScript that is based on MVVM pattern that
Knockout helps developers in building websites. This lightweight source works with any web

An open source Node.js web application framework, it is minimal and flexible, allows to
Koa use a robust set of features for web and mobile apps, provides a simple API to build
websites, webapps and backends.

An open-source JavaScript software stack for building websites and web applications
using MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js.

An open source full-stack JavaScript framework. Enables fast development of end-to-end

scalable web and mobile apps.

An open source JavaScript Web Graphics Library, used as HTML5 2D rendering engine,
PixiJS has canvas fallback. Aims to provide a fast lightweight 2D library that works across all

A headless (without GUI) browser used for automating web page interaction, providing
PhantomJS JavaScript API it enables automated navigation, screenshots, etc, it used to run browser-
based unit tests in a headless system.

A predictable state container for JavaScript apps. Helps programmers write applications that
run in different environments and are easy to test.

A file and module loader for JavaScript used to break large applications into smaller blocks
of manageable code, allows managing dependencies between modules.
A JavaScript framework, which was created by Sam Stephenson in 2005 as part of the
foundation for Ajax support in Ruby on Rails.

A web framework for building custom, enterprise-grade Node.jsapps. It is designed to

resemble the MVC architecture from different frameworks with support for the more
modern, data-oriented style of web app development, good for building realtime features
like chat.

A standalone unit testing library for JavaScript, it supports spies, stubs, and mocks, has
cross browser support and also can run on the server using Node.js.

A JavaScript MVC framework for building web apps. Aims to simplify MVC and integrates
Spine JS well with CoffeeScript. It is simple, lightweight, has minimal dependencies and
approachable source code; great for teams.


A term for library/framework free JavaScript. Using "VanillaJS" means using plain
Vanilla JS
JavaScript without any additional libraries like jQuery.

A lightweight framework for testing client-side JavaScript code in a simulated

environment, no browser is required. Runs on top of Node.js.
An open source general-purpose scripting language designed primarily for web
development, can be embedded into HTML. Mainly focused on server-side scripting.

Twig (templating), PHPUnit (testing), Doctrine (ORM), PHPStorm (IDE), Composer, Sma

Symfony, Zend Framework, CakePHP, Yii, Laravel, CodeIgniter

Bitrix A PHP-based platform for the development of web apps. Popular in the former Soviet
Framework Union region, two famous products are: Bitrix Site Manager & Bitrix24.

Or the 'server-side'. It is basically how the site works, updates and changes. Refers to
everything the user can’t see in the browser.

An open-source web platform for PHP, it helps to build highly affordable web application
using the MVC approach.

A multi-featured testing framework for PHP, can handle unit, functional, and acceptance
Codeception testing of web applications, it's powered by PHPUnit testing framework, allows to test
different kinds of user perspectives and site scenarios.

A PHP dependency management tool, created to facilitate installation and update of pro
dependencies, it is used in all modern PHP frameworks (Symfony, Laravel).

Stands for Content Management System. A software program/set of tools that allows us
CMS to create, manage and store content without having to touch the code.
Examples: Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, Magento (for e-commerce).

A lightweight open-source PHP framework that utilizes the MVCarchitecture. Allows to

CodeIgniter quickly develop full-featured web apps without sticking to strict templating and coding
rules. Learn more.
A set of PHP libraries focused on database storage and object mapping, allows to updat
select, delete an object in a relational database, etc.

Drupal A free, open source web content management platform written in PHP.

An open-source content management system for publishing web content, building websi
Joomla and other online applications. It is built on a MVC web application framework that can be
used independently of the CMS, it is written in PHP.

Stands for HipHop Virtual Machine, engine for the PHP and Hack programming languag
HHVM based on just-in-time compilation, works as a self-contained web server that executes P

A PHP distributed application framework for work with multiple processes, it allows
Gearman applications to complete tasks in parallel, it is multi-threaded, allows large tasks to be do
more quickly.

An open source web development platform. Uses Linux as the OS, Apache as the web
LAMP server, MySQL as the relational database management system and PHP as the object-
oriented scripting language.

An open source PHP web application framework that allows to create customized full-
featured web apps quickly and easily. Follows the MVC architectural pattern.

An open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP. Provides online merchants with a

Magento flexible shopping cart system, as well as control over the look, content and functionality o
their online store.

An open source, a general-purpose distributed memory caching system, used for speed
up dynamic web applications, database-driven websites.

A PHP mock object framework used in unit testing, allows to use a simulated version of
certain objects within unit tests, where objects are passed into methods as dependencie

Kohana An open source PHP framework for building web apps, it uses the MVC architectural
pattern, its main advantages are: security, weightlessness, simplicity.

Phalcon An open source, high performance, full stack framework for PHP written as a C-extensio

A PHP testing framework, used for unit-testing of the code, its focus shifted from defining
input and output to defining behaviors using BDD.

A full-featured, cross-platform Integrated Development Environment for PHP built on

PhpStorm JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA, designed specifically to facilitate the development of Internet
applications written in PHP.

A PHP micro web framework used for the creation of small web applications, simple sing
file apps, or can be extended into a full stack MVC framework, it is lightweight.

A PHP-based web templating framework used as a tool for separation of
concerns, business logic from its visualization.

An open source PHP framework for developing web apps. A new Symfony minor
Symfony version comes out every 6 months, one in May and one in Nov. As of
May 2017 its latest version is Symfony 3.

A template engine for PHP that makes it more object and less messy, it
streamlines display logic using less syntax than normal PHP.

An open source, object-oriented web application framework for PHP 5.

An open-source content management system based on PHP and MySQL, used

as website creation tool and blog platform, it has many features including a plugin
architecture and a template system.

A high-performance component-based PHP framework for developing web

applications and APIs.
A dynamic, open source, object-oriented programming language which focuses
Ruby on simplicity and productivity, its syntax is natural to read and easy to write, it
works across most platforms, also has a automatic memory management.

Rails/Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Padrino, JRuby.

Ruby testing
RSpec, Capybara, Watir, Cucumber.

Passenger, Capistrano.

A Ruby library for working with Relational SQL Databases,

Active record
like MySQL and Postgres. It provides an Object Relational Mapping.

An open source Ruby tool for running scripts on multiple servers, used in
Capistrano deploying web applications, automates the process of making a new version of
apps available on web servers.

A web-based Ruby test framework that automates web application testing for
behavior-driven software development.

An object-oriented programming language that is aimed at the Ruby community,

Crystal with a syntax that is similar to and, at times, identical to Ruby's. It is expected to
bring C-like performance into the highly abstracted world of web developers.

A dynamic, functional language, designed for building scalable& maintainable

apps. Leverages the Erlang VM, known for running low-latency, distributed and
fault-tolerant systems, while also being successfully used in web development
and the embedded software domain.

A software system designed for writing highly scalable applications for

EventMachine Ruby, implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network
A REST-like API micro-framework for Ruby, has built-in support for common
Grape conventions, including multiple formats, subdomain/prefix restriction, content
negotiation, versioning.

The Ruby implementation that runs on a Java Virtual Machine, can integrate
with Java code, hosted within Java application servers.

An open-source Ruby web framework based on Sinatra, it was created in order

to extend Sinatra to more easily support rich web applications.

An open source web application server for Ruby that handles HTTP requests,
Passenger manages processes, resources, enables administration, problem monitoring,

A framework written in Elixir for developing compilers as well as program

Phoenix analysis, testing and optimization tools, to be used as the back-end for future
compiler technologies from Microsoft. It's also available as an SDK.

A build automation tool, used for specifying tasks and describing dependencies,
Rake it is written in Ruby and can be used with Ruby projects, allows to use Ruby
code to define tasks that can be run in the command line.

A testing tool for Ruby, created for BDD, the most frequently used testing library
for Ruby in production apps, helps developers to write better code.

An ordered, integer-indexed collections of any object, which grow automatically,

Ruby Arrays each element in it is associated with and referred to by an index, Ruby Arrays
can hold objects such as String, Integer, Hash, Symbol, etc.

A Ruby package manager used for library packaging and distribution, designed
to easily manage the installation of gems (Ruby programs and libraries).

An open source web-application framework that runs on the Ruby programming

Ruby on Rails language and includes everything needed to create database-backed web apps
according to the MVCpattern.
Stands for Ruby Version Manager, a software platform designed to manage
RVM multiple installations of Ruby on the same device and easily switch between

An open source background processor for Ruby, it adds handy methods to

Sidekiq classes which make background processing easier, it simplifies the usage of
modern Rails applications.

An open source library and domain-specific language for quickly creating web
applications in Ruby.

Stands for Web Application Testing In Ruby. An open-source family of Ruby

libraries for automated testing of any browser-based apps no matter what
technologies they're developed in. Allows to write tests that are easy to read
and maintain. Pronounced like 'water'.

A general-purpose, object-oriented programming language used for web
development, it is concurrent, class-based, Java is one of the most popular
Java programming languages in use, particularly for client-server web
applications object-oriented, used for e-commerce website, android apps,
scientific/financial apps, etc.

Java EE
JSP, Servlets, EJB, JMX, JAF.

Java SE
Swing, Play, JavaFX, JSF, Netty, Spring MVC, Wicket.

Java ORM
Hibernate, EJB, JPA.
Java testing
jUnit, TestNG, Cactus, EasyMock, Mockito, Cucumber.

Java build
Ant, Maven, Gradle.

Tomcat, JBoss, GlassFish, WebLogic.

An end-to-end Java EE framework that makes plainer application development

by supplying out-of-the-box infrastructure services and a visual and declarative
development experience. It supports rapid app development based on ready-to-
use design patterns, metadata-driven and visual tools.

A Java library and command-line tool, enabling to compile, assemble, test and
Apache Ant run Java apps. Can be used for building both Java and non-Java applications
(e.g., C or C++ apps).

An open source Java framework that focuses on making integration of different

Apache Camel
applications easier and more accessible to developers.

An open-source Java application server project, created by Sun Microsystems,

GlassFish allows to generate enterprise technologies that are scalable and additional
services that can be installed based on preference.

An open source software from the Eclipse Foundation, a reference

EclipseLink implementation for JPA, provides an extensible framework that allows Java
developers to interact with databases, web services, Object XML mapping etc.

Stands for the Enterprise JavaBeans. A server-side component architecture for

EJB Java EE. Enables rapid and simplified development of large-scale distributed

An open source ORM framework that simplifies the use of relational databases
in Java apps, presenting relational data as simple Java objects.
A Java e-commerce framework built on top of Spring framework, uased to
Hybris build great customer experiences with a top commerce solution, handle high

Stands for JavaBeans Activation Framework, a library for abstracting the

operating system specific bindings between file types and applications.

An open source Java reporting engine that can write to a variety of targets,
such as: screen, a printer, into PDF, HTML, Microsoft Excel, RTF, XML files
etc, can be used in Java-enabled applications, including Java EE or web apps,
to generate dynamic content.

A high-performance Java-based library, JSON processor that serializes or map

Java objects to JSON and back; it is fast, correct, lightweight, and ergonomic.

Short for Java Platform, Enterprise Edition. Platform-independent, Java-centric

environment for developing, building and deploying web-based enterprise apps
Java EE
online. Was originally known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition or J2EE.
The name was eventually changed to Java EE in version 5.

A set of media and graphics packages that enables to design, create, test,
JavaFX debug, and deploy rich client apps that consistently operate across different

Stands for Java Platform Standard Edition, provides the core functionality of the
Java SE
Java language, used for developing desktop applications.

Stands for Java API for RESTful Web Services, is a Java based programming
language API, provides support in creating web services according to
the REST architectural pattern, simplify the development of web service clients
and endpoints.

An open-source, cross-platform application server written in Java that

implements Java EE. Was renamed to 'WildFly'.
Stands for Java Business Process Model, a flexible, extensible workflow
jBPM management system written in Java, used for managing process definitions
and the runtime environment for execution of process instances.

An open source, production quality reference implementation to develope

RESTful web service based on the JAX-RSspecification, provides it’s own API
that extend the JAX-RS toolkit with additional features and utilities to simplify
RESTful service.

Stands for Java Database Connectivity, an application program
JDBC interface specification for Java, used for connecting programs written in Java to
the data in popular databases, it is oriented towards relational databases.

A free IDE for Java development supplied by Oracle Corporation. Covers the full
JDeveloper development lifecycle and is aimed to simplify app development by providing a
visual, declarative approach.

A unit testing framework for ReactJS project, which is provided and used by
Jest Facebook. It is able to capture snapshots of React trees or other serializable
values to make UI testing easier.

An open source Java Web server used for machine communications within larger
Jetty software frameworks, it serves Java-based web content such as servlets
and JSPs.

Java Flight Recorder is a tool for collecting diagnostic and profiling data about
running Java application.

JMC An advanced set of tools that enables analysis of the data, which is collected
by JVR.

Stands for Java Messaging Service, an API that provides the facility to create,
JMS send, read messages and provides reliable, asynchronous communication, it is a
part of the Java Platform, based on JavaEE.

Stands for Java Management Extensions, a technology used for managing and
monitoring applications, system objects, service-oriented networks, etc.

Stands for Java Native Interface, a programming framework that defines a way for
JNI managed code written in the Java programming language to interact with native
code written C/C++.

Stands for the Java Persistence API. A Java specification for accessing,
JPA persisting and managing data between Java objects / classes and a relational

Stands for Java Persistence Query Language, a platform-independent object-

oriented query language defined as part of the JPA specification, allows you to
define database queries based on entity model, it is based on SQL syntax, but it
operates on objects, attributes and relationships instead of tables and columns.

JSF A component-oriented UI framework for the Java EE platform.

Stands for JavaServer Pages, a server-side programming technology used for

JSP building web-based applications, it that enables the creation of dynamically
generated web pages based on HTML, XML, or other document types.

An open source regression testing framework, used to implement unit testing in

Java, accelerate programming speed and increase the quality of code.

Short for Java Virtual Machine. Converts Java bytecode into machine language to
execute it on the computer.

Gradle An open source, advanced general purpose build management system, built
on ANT and Maven repositories, the initial plugins are primarily focused around
Java, Groovy and Scala development.

A dynamic, object-oriented programming language for the Java platform that can
be used to combine Java modules, extend existing Java apps and write new ones
as well as to test Java code. Its code is more compact than Java code because it
doesn't need all the elements that Java needs.

An open source set of development tools for building and optimizing complex
GWT browser-based Java applications, and deploy them as JavaScript. It is used by
products at Google, including Google AdWords, Orkut etc.

A statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser
Kotlin that is fully interoperable with Java. Being around for 5 years, finally reached its
production-ready version 1.0 in 2016.

Enables developers to treat functionality as a method argument, or code as data,

Lambda express instances of single-method interfaces (referred to as functional interfaces)
more compactly.

An open source Java full-text search library which makes it easier to add search
functionality to an application or website.

A build automation tool used primarily for Java projects, based on POM (project
Maven object model), simplifies the build process, used for dependency and
documentation, hosted by the Apache Software Foundation.

A simple content management system written in Java, it uses a conventional

approach in managing website content, it is one of the fastest CMSes for editing
files online, managing files, and building common components like menus,
breadcrumbs, mail forms, etc.

Stands for Open Service Gateway Initiative, a component framework for Java
used for development modular software programs and libraries, main benefit is an
ability to control which versions are used and proper module isolation, it provides a
very mature component system that works in a big number of environments.
A full open source portable implementation of JAX-RSspecification, provides a
Java API for RESTful Web Services over the HTTP protocol.
A Java classes used to extend the capabilities of servers that host applications
Servlets accessed by a request-response programming model, are commonly used to
extend the applications hosted by web servers.

A Java application framework and inversion of control container mainly

Spring for JavaEE, aims to help structure whole apps in a consistent manner, create a
coherent architecture.

Spring A framework, which provides MVC architecture and ready components can be used
MVC to develop web applications.

Spring A system for easy setup of new Spring applications and for getting things done
Boot faster. Helps to use the existing Spring functionalities with minimum efforts.

A free, open-source, MVC framework for creating elegant, modern Java web

A Java Model-View-Contraller (MVC) framework, which combines both successful

Struts 2 WebWork and Struts 1.x web frameworks. An open-source web application
framework for developing Java EE web applications.

A lightweight widget toolkit for Java programs, provide the ability to

Swing create GUI components, provides several advanced components such as tabbed
panel, scroll panes, trees, tables etc.

A Java EE server, developed by the Apache Software Foundation, built on top of

an Apache Tomcat base integrated with additional related technologies.

An open source web server and servlet container developed by ASF. Provides a
'pure Java' HTTP web server environment for Java code to run in.

An application server: a platform for developing and deploying multitier distributed

enterprise applications.

An open-source Java EE application server that provides an environment in which

applications can run, it is written in Java and was originally authored by JBoss, runs
on multiple platforms. Also knowm as a JBoss Application Server.

Vaadin A Java web UI framework for building single-page web applications.

Stands for Zebra Crossing, a Java library for decoding barcodes (the core/
ZXing and JavaSE modules), also contains applications for Android, Google Glass,
a JavaEE web app, and a GoogleWebToolkit-based encoder application.

C# (.NET)
A type-safe object-oriented language from Microsoft that enables developers to
C# build a variety of secure and robust apps that run on the .NET Framework; a
hybrid of C and C++.

A software development framework from Microsoft. Provides a controlled

.NET programming environment where software can be developed, installed and
executed on Windows-based operating systems.

Provides machine learning, mathematics, statistics, computer vision, computer

audition, and several scientific computing related methods and techniques to

A web framework connected with HTML, CSS, JS: ASP.NET Web API (2),
ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web Forms (old school).

ASP.NET An open source, cross-platform framework for building modern cloud-based

Core internet connected applications, such as web apps, IoT apps & mobile backends.

A data access technology in .NET framework that provides a bridge between the
ADO.NET front end controls and the back end database, provides a set of components for
creating distributed, data-sharing applications.
A an open-source web application framework developed by Microsoft, combining
the features of MVC architecture, Agiletechniques and best parts of ASP.NET
platform it implements the model–view–controller pattern.

An addictive Inversion of Control container for .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, .NET
4.5.1+, Universal Windows apps, and more.

C# testing
nUnit, SpecFlow, MStest.

.NET 1.0 - .NET 4.5.*

An open source ORM framework for ADO.NET, formerly a part of .NET

Framework, it aims to increase the developer’s productivity by reducing the
redundant task of persisting the data used in the applications.

An automated software deployment and release management server, designed to

simplify deployment of .NET applications, Windows Services and databases,
it takes care of replacing application settings, running environment-specific
configuration transforms, updating Windows Services, etc.

NHibernate, Entity Framework, Linq2SQL, ADO.NET.

Stands for Open Web Interface for .NET, an open-source project, interface
OWIN standard between web apps and web servers, allows web apps to be decoupled
from web servers.

A strongly-typed, functional-first programming language for writing simple code to

F# 4.0 solve complex problems, aimed to reduce the time-to-deployment for analytical
software components in the modern enterprise.

A free and open-source project based on the Ecma standard-compliant, .NET

Mono Framework-compatible set of tools including, among others, a C# compiler and a
Common Language Runtime.
C# (.NET)

A general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET

.Net Core community on GitHub that differs by being cross-platform, supporting Windows,
macOS & Linux, and can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios.

A lightweight, low-ceremony, framework for building HTTPbased services

Nancy on .NET and Mono. The main purpose of the framework is to stay out of the way
as much as possible and provide a handy path to all interactions.

An open-source package manager for the Microsoft platform, .NET, it is used to

NuGet automate the process of installing, upgrading, configuring packages from a Visual
Studio Project.

An open source framework designed for writing and running unit tests for .NET
NUnit languages, it is ported from JUnit, provides a console runner which is used for
batch execution of tests.

An all-in-one ASP.NET content management system that fully integrates Web

Kentico Content Management, E-commerce, Online Marketing, and Intranet on one

Stands for Language Integrated Query, a Microsoft programming methodology

that adds formal query capabilities into Microsoft .NET-based programming
languages, it offers a compact, expressive, and intelligible syntax for manipulating

Stands for Microsoft Build Engine, the build platform for .NET and Visual Studio,
MsBuild helps to automate the creating a software product (compiling the source code,
packaging, testing, deployment, etc).

A .NET testing tool that acts as a command-line utility, used to perfom unit tests
created in Visual Studio.

NHibernate An open source ORM for the .NET framework.

An ASP.NET programming syntax, a view engine that allows to write mix of
Razor HTML and server side code, used to create dynamic web pages with both C#
and Visual Basic.

Roslyn (.NET Provides open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code
Compiler analysis APIs, allows to build code analysis tools with the same APIs that
Platform) Microsoft is using to implement Visual Studio.

A library for ASP.NET that enables to create real-time scalable web


A content management system, which is built on ASP.NET. It gives web

Sitecore CMS content editors and marketers the authority to have full control over all aspects
of their website.

An open source .NET testing framework which implements

SpecFlow the Cucumber syntax for authoring BDD specifications and mapping them to
implementation code for executable tests.

Stands for SQL Server Reporting Services, a Microsoft server-based software

SSRS system used for report generating, it enables users easily generate reports
from Microsoft SQL Server databases.

Stands for Visual Basic .NET, object-oriented computer programming

language developed by Microsoft, it combines the power of .NET Framework
and the common language runtime with the productivity benefits that are the
hallmark of Visual Basic.

WCF A tool for building Service-Oriented applications.

WPF Graphical subsystem for rendering user interfaces.

Offers a single language – C#, class library, and runtime that works across all
Xamarin 3 mobile platforms of iOS, Android & Windows Phone, while still compiling
native apps which are performant enough even for demanding games.
A framework which allows developers to create native user interface layouts
that can be shared across iOS, Android & Windows Phone.

The IDE with a big amount of functions for creating Mac, iOS, Android
Xamarin Studio
A general purpose, high-level, object-oriented programming language, exсept
creating Web apps and dynamic Web content, also used for scientific computing,
Python big data, computer graphics, system automation, scripting etc. Has simple easy-
to-use syntax, available for many operating systems. Was created in the late

Django, Flask, Pyramid, Pylons, SQLAlchemy, web2py, Kivy, Tornado.

A collection of opensource projects for developing, debugging and launching

BeeWare Python software that will allow to run a code, once written with Python, on several
platforms (Linux, OS X, Windows, Android, iOS & web).

A Python object-oriented HTTP framework, designed for rapid development of

web applications by wrapping the HTTP protocol.

An open-source web framework, written in Python, help to ease the creation of

complex, database-driven websites, used for rapid development.

An open-source Python modular system used for processing documentation into

useful formats, it supports plaintext markup syntax.

A set of tools for scientific computing, which combines code execution with the
Jupyter creation of the document in real time. These files may contain custom text,
(IPython) mathematical formulas, graphics, video and any other things that a modern web
browser can display.

A cross-platform web framework written in Python, it is built with a small core and
Flask easy-to-extend philosophy, it can be used for building complex, database-driven
websites, starting with static pages.

An open source Python library for developing multitouch applications with a

natural user interface, used for building mobile apps.

A Python plotting library that provides quick way to visualize data from Python
and publication-quality figures in many formats
A Python library, used as a general-purpose array-processing package to
manipulate large multi-dimensional arrays and matrices.

A Python software library used for data manipulation and analysis, it

Pandas provides fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working
with relational data both easy and intuitive.

An open source machine-learning library for Python, provides flexible, easy-to-

PyBrain use powerful algorithms for machine learning tasks, it supports optimisation
techniques, neural networks, reinforcement learning, etc.

An open source Python framework for building web application and sites,
it comes with project templates that help boot-strap a new web app project,

Dropbox-sponsored initiative to create a high-performance, JIT-compiling Python

Pyston runtime. The goal of the project is to produce a high-performance Python

A lightweight Python web framework, used for flexibile and rapid web
development, allows to write complex software taking less effort.

An open-source Python SQL toolkit, it provides mapping relational databases into

SQLAlchemy objects, manages an applications database connections, can alter a database,

TensorFlow An open source highly scalable machine learning library built by Google.

Theano Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions.

A Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally

developed at FriendFeed.

Stands for Virtual Environment, a working tool for creating an isolated Python
Virtualenv environments, allows to work on multiple Python projects that
have different requirements, to coexist on the same computer and to add and
modify Python modules without access to the global installation.

Free and open source full-stack framework for rapid development of secure and
portable database-driven web applications; written and programmable in Python.

A Python web framework, it is well-balanced, minimalist, easy to install and to

A GUI Python wrapper built around the wxWidgets, it provides window types and
wxPython controls, all implemented with a native look on the platforms, allows to create
programs with a highly functional GUI easily.
A general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that is primarily used
for creating large-scale apps; an extension of the C language.

C++ STL, Boost, QT (for user interfaces), wxWidgets, Loki, POCO, OpenCV (for
frameworks imaging).

Stands for Adaptive Communication Environment, an object-oriented C++

ACE framework that helps to develop and deploy high-performance networked
applications faster, with less code to write and maintain.

A set of modern libraries based on C++, provides a support for tasks and
structures such as number generation, multithreading, image processing,
regular expressions, unit testing etc, these libraries are platform independent
and support most popular compilers.

A compiler front-end for the programming languages C, C++, Objective-C,

Clang Objective-C++, OpenMP, OpenCL & CUDA, that uses LLVM as its back-end
and has been part of the LLVM release cycle since LLVM 2.6.

A command-line tool, detecting bugs that your C/C++ compiler doesn't see. Can
Cppcheck check non-standard code including various compiler extensions, inline assembly
code, etc.

A high-level shading language based on C/C++, which can be used for coding
short programs, called shaders.

A "perfect" hash function that, for a given set of user-provided strings, generates
C/C++ code for a hash table, a hash function, and a lookup function.

A C++ software library that implements typelist, functor, singleton, smart pointer,
object factory, visitor and multimethods tools.

Stands for Microsoft Foundation Classes, a C++ object-oriented library used to

MFC develop Windows desktop applications, useful for developing complex user
interfaces with multiple controls.
A C++ library with a network/internet focus, allows a simple storage mechanism
POCO for data, simplifies serialisation, minimised dependencies, increases testability
through simplification, etc.

A software development method, using contracts to explicitly state and test

PwC (contract
design requirements. The contracts define the obligations and benefits of
program elements such as subroutines and classes.

A cross-platform GUI library for C++, used for developing application software
Qt for desktop, embedded and mobile; except graphical user interfaces, can also
develop command-line tools and consoles for servers.

A cross-platform integrated development environment designed to make

Qt Creator development with the Qt application framework faster and easier, also used to
modify existing apps.

A systems programming language sponsored by Mozilla that combines C-like

efficiency and control over memory with functional language features such as
strong static typing and type inference. Was crowned the "most loved"
technology in StackOverflow's 2016 developer survey.

Stands for Standard Template Library, a set of C++ template classes, provides
STL general-purpose templatized classes and functions that implement commonly
used algorithms and data structures like vectors, lists, queues, and stacks.

A suite of debugging and profiling tools for Linux that can automatically detect
Valgrind memory management & threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail. The
current stable version is Valgrind-3.11.0.

Stands for Visual Basic for Applications, an implementation of Microsoft's event-

VBA driven programming language Visual Basic, allows additional customization
beyond what is normally available in Microsoft Office products.

A set of development tools based on the use of components and other

Visual Studio
technologies to build powerful, productive apps.
A C++ library that allows to create applications for Windows, Mac OS X,
wxWidgets also tools library for creating graphical user interfaces for cross-platform

A high-performance messaging broker used in distributed or concurrent

ZeroMQ applications, was originally conceived as an ultra-fast messaging system for
stock trading and so it focuses on extreme optimization, written in C++.

A structure-oriented programming language which is used for developing system
applications that form a major portion of operating systems such as
Windows, UNIX and Linux. Was invented in 1972.

Kore An easy to use web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C.
Akka, Cats, Lift, Play, Scalaz, Slick, Shapeless, Spray.

An event-driven middleware framework, for building high performance and reliable

Akka distributed applications in Java and Scala, also provides fault tolerant apps on
the JVM, it is written in Scala.

Akka HTTP An Actor-based toolkit for interacting with web services and clients.

An open source streaming platform, supports a wide range of use cases as a

general-purpose messaging system for scenarios where reliable delivery and
horizontal scalability are important. It is written in Scala.

A Scala functional programming library that is more modular and is using some
newer tools to make its code base easier to work with.

A lightweight framework for building high-performance apps in Scala that require

non-blocking network I/O.

A lightweight framework for building fast, testable, Scala applications on top of

TwitterServer & Finagle.

A thin layer of purely functional basic blocks atop of Finagle for building
Finch composable HTTP APIs. Aims to provide the developers with simple and robust
HTTP primitives being as close as possible to the bare metal Finagle API.

http4s A typeful, purely functional HTTP library for client and server apps written in Scala.

Lift 3.0- A free and open-source web framework that is designed for the Scala
RC1 programming language.

Play An open source Scala web application framework that follows

the MVC architectural pattern, used to to optimize developer productivity, to
display errors in the browser.

An open source web app framework, written in Scala and also usable from e.g.
Java, which follows the MVC architectural pattern and aims to optimize developer
Play 2.5.0
productivity by using convention over configuration, hot code reloading and display
of errors in the browser. Play 2.5.0 was released in March 2016.

Stands for Scala Build Tool, it provides facility to compile, run, test, package
sbt projects, used for Scala and Java projects, similar to Maven or Ant, but its focus
mainly the Scala language.

A scalable, object-oriented, functional programming language that runs on

the JVM (has a syntax similar to Java and compiles to Java bytecode).

A library for pure functional programming in Scala, it provides functional data

Scalaz structures, defines a set of foundational type classes and corresponding instances
for a large number of data structures.

SBT An open source build tool for Scala and Java projects (similar to Java's Maven or
0.13.12 Ant), that is used by the Lift & Play frameworks. Released in July 2016.

A type class and dependent type for generic programming for Scala, used for
precise types, provides increased checking and safety at compile time.

Stands for Scala Language-Integrated Connection Kit, a data persistence solution

Slick for Scala, used like functional-relational mapper, allows working with relational
data like with immutable collections, focuses on flexible query composition.

Spray A server and client Scala library that allows to quickly create REST interfaces.
Other Programming Languages
An object-oriented programming language for Web site animation, is based
ActionScript on ECMAScript, used to create onscreen environments - games, e-commerce

A structured, statically typed, object-oriented programming language, extended

from Pascal, designed for large, long-lived applications (and embedded systems
in particular) where security is essential, it improves code safety and

A computer program that interprets software programs written in Assembly

language into machine language, code, instructions.

A low-level programming language for computers with a strong correspondence

between the language and the architecture's machine code instructions, can be
used to fine-tune a program. Also known as Assembly code.

A general-purpose functional programming language features a concise syntax,

Clojure elegant concurrency support and frictionless Java integration, used extensively for
processing large volumes of data.

A programming language that compiles to JavaScript. It means that you write your
CoffeeScript code in CoffeeScript, run it through the compiler, and the output is JavaScript that
can be served up to your browser.

An open-source web-based programming language developed by Google. Was

Dart created mainly for web applications. Has a syntax similar to the C language,
supports object-oriented constructs such as classes and inheritance.

An object oriented programming language and an Integrated Development

Environment, created by the Embarcadero company, it is used for windows
services, utilities, and desktop interactive applications, has its own Object Pascal
dialect and generate native code for several Windows, iOS and Android

An open-source programming language for the HipHop Virtual Machine, created

by Facebook as a dialect of PHP, it includes new language features such as an
extremely robust static type checking system, improved lambda support, native
collections, etc.

A general purpose functional programming language with non-strict semantics. It's

Haskell good for graphics, networking, systems programming, data structures,
development, text processing, etc.

An open-source, statically typed programming language designed

for fast compiling and efficient garbage-collection. Developed at Google in 2007.

A dynamic scripting language, it is lightweight, multi-paradigm and cross-platform,

Lua designed primarily for embedded systems and clients, is easy to add to an
existing C or C++ application.

A multi-paradigm programming language used for representing and interpreting

mathematical expressions and their display in web pages, allows to create
custom UI, supports numeric/symbolic computation and visualization, also has
interfaces to other languages.

Stands for Matrix Laboratory, a high-performance language for numerical

MATLAB computation and visualization, optimized for solving engineering and scientific

A general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages designed for

text processing, used for system administration, web development, network
programming, GUIdevelopment, and more. Short for Practical Extraction and
Report Language.

An open source programming language and software environment for statistical

R language
computing. R is mostly used by statisticians, sociologists and data miners.
Stands for Report Program Generator, a high-level programming language with
a a fixed-format, used for business applications, in particular in IBM systems.

An interface definition language and binary communication protocol that is used to

define and create services for numerous languages, such
Thrift as C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby,
Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk,
OCaml, Delphi etc.

Stands for Visual Basic Script, a general-purpose, lightweight and active scripting
VBScript language developed by Microsoft, has a very simple syntax, is the primary
scripting language for Quick Test Professional (QTP).

A general-purpose high-level programming language for the JVM, an expressive

Xtend dialect of Java that focuses on a concise syntax and additional functionality such
as type inference, extension methods, and operator overloading.

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