Escape Sequence Character Explanation

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escape sequence HEX value character represented

\a 07 Alert/used to play beep during execution

\b 08 Backspace/delete a single character

\e 11B Escape character

\f 0C Formfeed Page Break/

It is used to insert a blank paper in the printed

\n 0A Newline/gives a new line

\r 0D Carriage Return/
moves the cursor at the beginning of current line

\t 09 Horizontal Tab/gives horizontal tab

\v 0B Vertical Tab/gives vertical tab

\\ 5C Backslash

\' 27 Apostrophe or single quotation mark

/To insert a single quote in the output

\" 22 Double quotation mark/gives double quatation

\? 3F Question mark

\nnn 2 any The byte whose numerical value is

given by nnn interpreted octal number

\xhh… any The byte whose numerical value

is given by hh… interpreted as a hexadecimal number

\uhhhh 3 none Unicode code point below 10000


\Uhhhhhhhh 4 none Unicode code point where h is a

hexadecimal digit

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