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Amalia Tri Utami 1*, Zidnal Mafaz 2, Noor Rhoziq Ghulam Pradana 3, Andi Anis Rafi Assegaf 4

Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Indonesia1,2,3,4


Objective : To know the effectiveness of ultrasonic sound to treat scabies disease. Method : The
completely randomized design used in this experiment. This research conducted at some Islamic
boarding houses in East Java, Indonesia. There are 69 samples were obtained, ranging in age from
13-24 years. These samples randomized, divided into three groups. The scabies patients treated by
permethrin 5% as the positive control. The negative control was scabies patients without any
treatment. And the last group were scabies patients treated by ultrasonic sound (70.000 Hz). The
duration of ultrasonic sound was 3 hours each night. The severity before and after treatment were
measured using the Scoring System of Severity in Scabies. Result : In ultrasonic treatment, there is a
drastic reduction in the degree of disease. In therapy using permethrin 5%, the decline is not so
significant. Meanwhile, without treatment, the degree of illness is increased. Based on the results of
the Kruskal Wallis test, the calculated chi-square value is higher than the chi-square table (61,994>
5,991). The p-value is smaller than α (0,000 <0.050), the H0 decision rejected, so it could conclude
that there is a significant difference in the average decrease in the degree of disease between
treatments. Conclussion : The ultrasonic sound can be considered as novel therapy for scabies
Keywords : Ultrasonic, Scabies, Boarding house

1. INTRODUCTION Indonesia. There are 168 samples were

Scabies is a common disease that is caused obtained, ranging in age from 13-24 years.
by Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis.1 This disease These samples randomized, divided into three
is usually characterized by skin lesions which groups. The scabies patients treated by
form straight or winding cuniculus colored permethrin 5% as the positive control. The
white or grey. These lesions generally located negative control was scabies patients without
on the thin stratum corneum.2 It usually any treatment. And the last group were scabies
accompanied by itching sensation at night patients treated by ultrasonic sound (65.000
(nocturnal pruritus) and quickly spreads in Hz).
dense environments.3 The duration of ultrasonic sound was 3
Scabies is a skin disease that is endemic in hours each night. The severity before and after
tropical and subtropical climates. In Indonesia, treatment were measured using the Scoring
there are 14,798 Islamic boarding schools with System of Severity in Scabies. The ANOVA is
a high prevalence of scabies.4 Treatment using used to analyze the mortality of scabies. The
permethrin 5% is felt to be less effective Significant differences between treatments were
because if it not done simultaneously and determined at P<0.05. The effectiveness of the
massively, recurrence will occur immediately. ultrasonic compared with the controls.
The scabies disease certainly makes the
students frustrated and decreased academic
value.5 As with other infectious diseases, this
disease is easily spread in dense environments,
poor hygiene, and lack of light exposure.6

The completely randomized design used in
this experiment. This research conducted at
some Islamic boarding houses in East Java,

Table 2. The Average Score of The
Table 1. The Scoring System of Severity in Scabies Severity in Scabies Disease for Each Group

Treatment Mean Notation
Ultrasonic 4.7391 0.91539 c
0.5652 0.72777 b
Control (no -1.3043 0.47047 a
= 0.000
= 0.009
= 61.994
p-value = 0.000
= 5.991
In ultrasonic treatment, there is a drastic
reduction in the degree of disease. In therapy
using permethrin 5%, the decline is not so
In this research, the authors find that the
significant. Meanwhile, without treatment, the
ultrasonic sound effectively to treat scabies's
degree of illness is increased. Based on the
disease among the Islamic boarding house's
results of the Kruskal Wallis test, the calculated
students. The ultrasonic sound can destroy
chi-square value is higher than the chi-square
scabies by making scabies' egg damage so that
table (61,994> 5,991). The p-value is smaller
the contents of the liquid leak out then the eggs
than α (0,000 <0.050), the H0 decision rejected,
so it could conclude that there is a significant
Besides that, the researchers found that the
difference in the average decrease in the degree
soft tissue of scabies becoming warm and
of Disease between treatments. The ultrasonic
finally collapse after using ultrasonic sound.
sound can be considered an effective method to
Ultrasonic waves can damage the internal soft
reduce the severity of scabies disease in very
tissue of scabies, and scabies will die when
short period.
blood diffuses into other parts. Also, the
researchers found there was no side effect
caused by an ultrasonic sound among Islamic
boarding house students. We are developing the
therapeutic frequency for scabies' disease. And
we found that the effective frequency is 65,000
The researchers also try to make a simple
device that can make this device suitable in the
densely populated home. The device is known
as Electronic Ultrasonic Emitter with a version
of basic. This device consists of 4 electronic
components including the 2 pin jumper and the
black wire. The project is controlled by a
microcontroller which is the Arduino Nano
Atmega 328P. It has one speaker that emits
frequency from 20.000 Hz to 65.000 Hz. These
Figure 1. The Progression After Treatment ranges are safe and not annoying because it is
completely no noise from this device. It has a
light indicator, which is the RGB Module. The

RGB is an indicator of the device to recognize Medan: Universitas Sumatera Utara;
the device is working. 2011.
6. Ratnasari AF, Sungkar S. Prevalensi
Skabies dan Faktor-faktor yang
5. CONCLUSSION berhubungan di Pesantren X, Jakarta
There is a dramatical reduction to scabies’s Timur. E-Journal Kedokteran
disease using ultrasonic sound. The Indonesia, April 2014; 2 (1) : 251-256
therapeutical frequency for scabies’s disease is .
65.000 Hz. So that, the ultrasonic sound can be
considered as novel therapy for scabies disease.

This research is a research advancement
with technology that gives a new hope for the
treatment of parasitic diseases. So it needs to be
developed for other disease therapies such as
pediculosis corporis and others diseases.

The authors want to say thank you to all the
participants that enroll this research, the
students from Darul Falah, Sabilur Rosyad, and
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.


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