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He is Alexander. Hi's last name is Fleming. He's fifty years old.

from Scotland. He is Scottish. He speaks Scottish and English. He's a
Scientist and he works in a hospital. He's married. His wife's name is
Sarah anda they have a child. His name is Robert. His father's name is
Hug fleming and his mother's name is Grace Stirling.
He discover's the penicillin and he wins a nobel prize.
Interviewer -. Hello. Good morning!

Alexander-. Hi. Good mornign!

Interviewer -. I would like to Interview you

Alexander-. Ok, go ahead

1. What’s your first name?

R: My first name is Alexander
2. What’s your last name?
R: My last name is Fleming.
3. How old are you?
R: I’m fifty years old.
4. Where are your from?
R: I’m from Scotland.
5. What’s your language?
R: I speak Scottish and English.
6. What’s your job?
R: I’m a scientist and a doctor.
7. What’s your marital status?
R: I’m married.
8. What’s your wife’s name?
R: Her name is Sarah.
9. Do you have children?
R: Yes, I have a boy.
10. What’s your mother’s name?
R: My mother’s name is Grace Stirling.
11. What’s your father’s name?
R: My father’s name is Hug Fleming.
12. What’s your boy’s name?
R: His name is Robert.
13. What’s your contribution to the science?
R: I discover the Penicillin.

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