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Nihongo Library : nihongolibrary.

■ Particle に
1) Destination : The particle に indicates a destination.
• あした かいしゃに いきますか? Will you come to the office tomorrow?
• らいしゅう やまに いきます。 I will go to the mountain next week.
• きのう ともだちが うちに きました。 My friend came to my house yesterday.

2) Position (existence) : The particle に indicates a location where people and things exist.
• いま レストランに います。 I’m at a restaurant.
• どこに いましたか? Where were you?

3) Specific time : The particle に indicates a time.

• なんじに でんしゃは きますか? What time will the train come?
• 8じに うちを でます。 I leave home at 8 a.m.
• きょうは 10じに だいがくに いきます。 I will go to university at 10 today.

4) Indirect object, contact : The particle に indicates the indirect object of a verb.
• サラさんのともだちに あいました。 I met Sarah’s friend.
• こんばん かぞくに でんわを かけます。 I call (telephone) my family tonight.

■ Particle へ
1) Direction : The particle へ indicates a direction when paired with the expression ほう, which means “in the direction of,

• かのじょは あちらのほうへ いきました。 She went in that direction.

• ねこは やまのほうへ いきました。 The cat went toward the mountain.

2) Destination : Like the particle に, the particle へ can also indicate the destination.
• らいねん たけしは イギリスへ いきます。 Takeshi will go to the UK next year.
• こんしゅうまつ イタリアへ りょこうします。 I’m going on a trip to Italy this weekend.

In general へ is pronounced “he”, but when it is a particle, it is pronoun-
ced “e”.

へいわ heiwa (noun) Peace

やまへ いく yama e iku (particle) I will go to the mountain.
れんしゅう もんだい
Complete the following sentences. ANSWERS ×
1. あした 10じ __ コンサート __ _______。
I will go to the concert at 10 tomorrow.
2. なんじ __ ______か
What time will you come?
3. らいねんスペイン __ _______。
I will go to Spain next year.
4. けさ _______ __ あいました。
I saw my friend this morning.
5. このにちようび かいしゃ __ ______。
I will go to the office this Sunday.
6. どこ_________?
Where are you going?
7. わたし __ かぞくは きょうと__ _________。
My family will go on a trip to Kyoto.
8. たけしくんは あちらのほう _________。
Takeshi went in that direction.

Translate the following sentences into Japanese. ANSWERS ×

1. I will go abroad for summer vacation.

2. My mother stays home today.

3. I explained the meaning of this word to him.

4. I gave a present to my friend.

5. I will meet Sarah at 8 in the morning.

6. She will return home at 5.

7. The Japanese class begins at 10.

8. What time did you get up today?

9. Will you go to the library?

Nihongo Library :
■ ましょう : Let’s... ましょうか : Shall I... ?
ましょう expresses desire or enthusiasm. It means “Let’s do something”.
ましょうか indicates a suggestion or offering of help.

the stem form + ましょう

ましょう /
• こんばん ばんごはんを たべましょう。 Let’s have dinner.
• サッカーを しましょう。 Let’s play soccer.
• いっしょに にほんごを まなびましょう。 Let’s study Japanese together.

the stem form + ましょうか?

ましょうか? /
• てつだいましょうか? Shall I help you?
• えいごを おしえましょうか? Shall I teach you English?
• りょうりを つくりましょうか? Shall I cook something for you?

■ Frequency adverbs
Frequency adverbs are used to describe how often you do something. In general, they are placed at the beginning of the
sentence or after the subject.
いつも いぬと さんぽします。
I always take a walk with my dog.
たいてい にちようびは にほんごを べんきょうします。
I usually study Japanese on Sundays.
よく デパートに いきます。
I often go to the departement store.
ときどき やまに のぼります。 ときどき
Sometimes, I go up a mountain. sometimes
あまり うみに いきません。 あまり
I don’t often go to the beach. not often, not much

こんしゅう ぜんぜん べんきょうしませんでした。 ぜんぜん

I didn’t study at all this week.
not at all

With あまり or ぜんぜん, the negative fome is always accimpanied.
あまり じしょを つかいません。
I don’t use the dictionary much.
たけしは ぜんぜん えいごを べんきょうしません。
Takeshi doesn’t study English at all.
れんしゅう もんだい
Complete the following sentences. ANSWERS ×
1. コーヒーを _____ましょう。
Let’s have coffee.
2. にほんご __ べんきょうし________。
Let’s study Japanese.
3. ____ に かえり________。
Let’s go back home.
4. えいが __ ___________。
Let’s watch the movie.
5. ______________?
Shall I write it down?
6. ______ で______________?
Shall I speak in English?
7. _____ましょうか?
Shall I buy it for you?
8. あなた __ うち __ ____________?
Shall I go to your home?
9. _______ほんを ________。
I sometimes read books.
10. _______スポーツをしません。
I don’t play any sports.
11. ____プール__いきます。
I often go to the swimming pool.
12. ______8じ__がっこう__いきます。
I always go to school at 8.
13. ______にほんの おんがくを __________。
I don’t listen to Japanese music much.
14. ________ここで ふく__かいます。
I usually buy clothes here.

Translate the following sentences into Japanese. ANSWERS ×

1. I don’t watch TV at all.

2. I sometimes go to the Japanese restaurant.

3. Let’s speak Japanese.

4. Shall I lend you my textbook.

5. Let’s take photos.

6. What do you usually do on Sundays?

7. my family usually has dinner at 7.

Nihongo Library :
■ わかります、
きこえます : to understand, to see, to hear
The particle を is generally used to indicate the direct object with transitive verbs, but with the verbs わかる(to un-
derstand), みえる(to see) and きこえる(to hear) you have to use the particle が.

Something, someone + が + わかります、みえます、きこえます

• スペインごが わかりますか? Do you understand Spanish?

• まどから うみが みえます。 I can see the sea through the window.
• おんがくが きこえます。 I hear some music.

■ Particle が : Conjunction meaning “but”

We have seen the particle が being used to indicate the direct object with some verbs, but it can also express a relation be-
tween two contrasting or opposing clauses.

clause A + が + clause B / clause A but clause B

• ふゆですが、きょうは あついです。 It is winter, but it is hot today.

• あしたは にちようびですが、 しごとに いきます。 It is Sunday tomorrow, but I go to work.
• にほんごが わかりませんが、らいげつ にほんに いきます。 I don’t understand Japanese, but I’m going to
Japan next month.

■ Particle と : with (accompanied by), and

1) With (accompanied by). The particle と is uede to indicate specify the person or animal with
whom an action is being performed.
person / animal と / with person / animal

• たけしくんと このえいがを みました。 I saw this movie with Takeshi.

• だれと うみに いきましたか? With whom did you go to the beach?

2) Exhaustive list nouns. the particle と is used at the end of a list of two or more objects (ina-
nimate or animate).
nounA + と + noun B / noun A y noun B

• スペインごと えいごが わかります。 I understand Spanish and English.

• サラさんに ほんと じしょを あげました。 I gave a book and a dictionary to Sarah.
れんしゅう もんだい
Complete the following sentences. ANSWERS ×
1. にほんご__ すこし__________。
I understand Japanese.
2. おんがく__ __________か?
Do you hear some music?
3. あの______レストラン__ ________か?
Can you see a big restaurant over there?
4. ______からやま__ __________。
I saw the mountain by train.
5. にほんごは ________です__、 _________です。
Japanese is difficult but interesting.
6. この______は からいです__、_________です。
This dish is spicy but tasty.
7. __________です__、 きょうは ______________。
It is Monday but I don’t work today.
8. __________ __、 ともだちを てつだいます。
I’m busy but I will help my friend.
9. CD __ ほん __ かいました。
I bought a book and a CD.
10. ______ともだち __ イタリア __ いきました。
I went to Italy with my friends last year.
11. だれ __ ___________ __?
Who did you speak with?
12. けさパン __ チョコレート __ __________。
I ate bread and chocolate this morning.

Translate the following sentences into Japanese. ANSWERS ×

1. Do you understand English?

2. I heard a song.

3. Can you see the library and the bank?

4. I didn’t had breakfast this morning but I’m not hungry.

5. His father is Japanese but he doesn’t speak Japanese.

6. She bought a new car but she doesn’t have not her licence yet.

7. I study with my friends at the library every Friday.

8. My older sister takes a walk with her dog every morning.

9. My youger brother went to France and the UK.

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