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<b>The Celts (500 to 1500)<b>

The Celts (pronounced "kelts") were the ancient inhabitants of Northern Europe and
the builders of Stonehenge 5000 years ago. Julius Caesar had battled them during
his conquest of Gaul. The Romans eventually took most of Britain and the Iberian
Peninsula from them as well. At the end of the ancient Roman Empire, the Celts
occupied only parts of northwestern France, Ireland, Wales, and parts of Scotland.
During the course of the Middle Ages, they strengthened their hold on Scotland and
made several attempts to take more of England.

The Irish remained in small bands during the early Middle Ages. By 800 the four
provinces of Leinster, Munster, Connaught, and Ulster had risen to power under
"high kings." Viking raids began in 795 and then Viking settlements were
established in the middle ninth century. The most important of these was at Dublin.
Brian Boru became the first high king of all Ireland around 1000. In 1014 the Irish
defeated the Danes of Dublin at Clontarf, although Brian Boru was killed.

An Irish tribe called the Scotti invaded what is now southern Scotland during the
early Middle Ages, settling permanently and giving the land its name. They pushed
back and absorbed the native Picts who had harassed the Romans to the south. The
Scottish kingdom took its present shape during the eleventh century but attracted
English interference. The Scots responded with the "auld (old) alliance" with
France, which became the foundation of their diplomacy for centuries to come.
Edward I of England (Longshanks, or "hammer of the Scots") annexed Scotland in

William Wallace (Braveheart) led a revolt of Scotland, winning virtual independence

at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297. Defeated the next year at Falkirk,
Wallace waged a guerrilla war until he was betrayed, captured, and executed in
1305. Robert the Bruce declared himself king of Scotland after murdering his main
rival. He drove out the English, winning the battle of Bannockburn in 1314. Edward
III of England recognized Scotland's independence in 1328, but war between the
Scots and English carried on for several centuries. The crowns of the two countries
were united in 1603, long after the Middle Ages were over.

No prince in Wales proved strong enough to unite the country. In the late
thirteenth century, Edward I took over the government of Gwynedd, one of the
strongest Welsh principalities in Wales. He proceeded to build five great castles
in Wales, effectively placing the country under English rule.

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