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Report for 2nd - 6th December.

Plans are in progress for the new year.

Presently, research into various topics that would be used in the coming year is in progress.

For now, articles have been written and are being vetted for use in the coming year.

The tentative topics which articles would be written on include;

 Hard work, Character and Success

 Developing a Reading Culture
 Self Discipline
 Time Management as A Student
 Tips for Healthy Living
 Financial Literacy for you
 Social Media And You
 Drug Abuse
 Handling Peer Pressure
 Sexual Purity
 Your Self Esteem

Tentative articles are in place for;

 Social media and you

 Developing a Reading Culture
 Time Management

Outlines have also been prepared for;

 Self Discipline
 Financial Literacy
 Tips for Healthy Living

Research would continue for other topics and the completed articles would be provided when required.

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