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A computer virus is a type of malware that, when
executed, replicates itself by modifying
other computer programs and inserting its own code.
Computer viruses currently cause billions of dollars'
worth of economic damage each year, [13] due to
causing system failure, wasting computer resources,
corrupting data, increasing maintenance costs,
stealing personal information etc.
A virus tries to take control of the computer system it
has infected
Virus can also infect new files created on the infected
computer, or the content of pen drives attached to, or
inserted into such a computer.

When the virus has infected a program, it
propagates to infect other programs on the
system, as well as other systems that use a shared
infected program.

A macro virus is a virus that is written in a macro
Macro virus infects a software application, it
causes a sequence of actions to begin
automatically when the application is opened.

The virus copies itself to locations on the
computer where it can be executed; usually
in RAM.
This is also known as hybrid virus.

A polymorphic virus is a complicated computer virus that affects data types and functions. It is a
self-encrypted virus designed to avoid detection by a scanner. Upon infection, the polymorphic
virus duplicates itself by creating usable, albeit slightly modified, copies of itself.

In computer security, a stealth virus is a computer virus that uses various

mechanisms to avoid detection by antivirus software.
Generally, stealth describes any approach to doing something while avoiding
notice. Viruses that escape notice without being specifically designed to do so
-- whether because the virus is new, or because the user hasn't updated their
antivirus software -- are sometimes described as stealth viruses too. Stealth
viruses are nothing new: the first known virus for PCs, Brain (reportedly created
by software developers as an anti-piracy measure), was a stealth virus that
infected the boot sector in storage.

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