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CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS Modules Vocabulary Structures Functions + Words/Collocations related to» Present Simple vs + Distinguishing between ‘computers Present Progressive etmanent and temporary ‘i + Words/Phrases related to + Stative verbs situations eee eG communication Sere + Making comparisons + Phrases expressing IkeSidisikes . past Simple + Discussing past habits and + Words easly confused «Used to events + Word building: nouns ending in. pe/get used to + Expressing tkes/dsikes “ion. ation. ment + Expressing enthusiasm + Accepting o refusing an invitation + Giving news + Adjectives describing feelings» Countable and + Defining people places, things 2 Pics eedieafextes a lscamianienaune || auesedoue sna, be asnouns + Quantiiers| information about them LT eg + Prepositional phrases (njout of) = Defining Relative Clauses _* Narrating past events Ere ati ttt g + Words easily confused + Non- Defining Relative + Sequencing past actions + Personal adjectives Clauses + Describing personality = Phrasal verbs and expressions _* Past Simple - Past + Expressing feelings wih keep Progressive LS MIU AUN EE COU ECM eee + Words/Phrases related to may /might /coulct + Expressing possibilty and shopping amar making deductions + Word building + must /have to/need —_* Exoressing obligation, Merdsesey contsed fto)/cant prohibition and absence of + Phrasal verbs wth get and put + would rather/had better "ecessity Neranwiinintia + Expressing preference and «Present Pertect Semple ‘Making suggestions vs Past Simple + Expressing threat or warning «Present Perfect Simple _* Expressing opinion and giving = Present Perfect advice Progressive + Linking past and present time + Word building: negate Future wil + Referring to the future 7 adectves beginning with un; Future be going to + Expressing opinion i oe Future Perfect Simple + Expressing hypotheses about Bel eteon Cla) + Adjectives + prepositions + AI/ Both / Neither / ‘what is likely or unlikely to + Expressions with ” None either happen in the future + Words easy confused + Both_and /Either.. or / Netther.. nor + Conditional Sentences ‘Types 0,1. and 2 Let'sRead 2 Oliver Twist ™ CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS | Reading _—_=Listening -Amagazine ——« Atelephone: page: Your ‘conversation between pinion: SN sites afather anda.son ~Amegazine —_« Aradio procramme ence From ‘about body language ‘ cx + People talking in Smxiphone different situations _ =Amsgazne ——« Part an interview ace The witha git who's Seas people wil recently been in the a! ews sApecractfrom + ATV news broadcast Sear Sherlock about a robbery Homes The. People talking in Goemure of the different situations ‘Mezorn Stone Speaking + Discussing Gifferent actrities ‘and expressing an pinion + Discussing the differences. between desktop and laptop computers + Discussing sifferent professions and expressing an ‘opinion + Role play: A reporter Interviewing 2 witness of an accident Writing + Information ta include in a personal webpage Developing skills: + Using linking words (and, but, 0, because, of) + An informal latterfemail based ‘on prompts Developing skills: + Expanding on prompts + Adescription of a person, Developing skills: + Supporting an opinion + Astory Developing skills: + Using linking words/phrases (time, resultconsequence, ‘causereason, emphasis) 2ist century competencies/ Values PRs a 2 6 + Friendship 9ue 2 oR + Hebping those in need +Peceinternet — « Partofarado aSetsements: programme about ool buys! places to shop See stopping « & radio interview with -Amogazne ‘a mystery shopper Bice Beware! People talking in Peles are citferent stuations ‘Scking you into sending more money! AQSA column _« Five monologues Femagazine about how to use Excation school funds ~Amegazine + Aradio quiz: Are you a ice More than peer pressure vicirn? sestbeatsand ——« & conversation stymnes between two friends = Comparing photographs: two cifferent places to shop + Speculating and Making a decision, Buying a Tshirt for atrend + Discussing the silarities and differences: between two jobs + Discussing the advantages and disedvantages ot different teaching als + Speculating about apicture = Completing 2 form + A formal later/email of application Developing skills: += Distinguishing between formal and informal language + Apategraph expressing ‘opinion Developing skills: + Developing a paragraph + Using linking words/phrases @o Istiadd points, express contrast, alve examples, sive opinion) + An essay (discussing advantages end disadvantages) Developing skills: + Using topic sentences + Organising ideas Paes a = 6 + Being a responsible consumer eRe se a = + Learning + Honesty, " CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS Modules Vocabulary Structures Functions 5 pe meee re ene Progressive + Netrating events and past POI -Viociingromscrangn “feretedSpech cence a le Questions. « Reportin: crocs reer prone, ime Curtin ° + Understanding recorded + Reporting verbs messages + Making offers and suggestions + Giving directions + Words easily confused + Compound nouns: + Idioms + Aiport language + Icioms + Passive Voice + Emphasising an action using the + Verbs + prepostions + Verbs with two objects Passive Voice + Verbs beginning with over + Clauses of result, Se eee oor purpose ‘Word building: nouns ending in CONC®SSION. Purpese — | Erasing views and preferences ness ity + Making polite requests + Phrasal verbs + Expressions with take DSC atiita Poles gerne) + Expressions wth ‘nature! + Full Bare Infinitive + Expressing surprise alarm and joy + Collective terms for animals + -ing form + Expressing enticism, possiblity, + Phrasal verbs with up and down + Exclamatory sentences certainty and absence of necessity + Prepositional phrases at) ‘+ Modal verbs *have+ in the past + Word building: adjectives past particile + Expressing opinion ending in -ous.-af. ve, able, ing. ful + Words related to the ‘environment + Words easily confused, + Word building: negative words + Causative Form + Referring to hypothetical situations beginning with ais. mis. ending + Conditional Sentences in the past. Insless ‘Type 3 + Asking for and giving advice + Words easily confused + Wish [if only + Expressing wshes and regret + Expressions related lo ‘about something in the past ‘appearance and fashion + Suggesting and recornmending + Phrasal verbs + Lexical set colours + Words/Phrases related to arts and crafts Let'sRead 4 On the Great Alkali Plain p.124 Culture Pages p.128 Exam Practice p.140 Grammar Reference p.157 Listening Transcripts p.172 Songs p.132 Video Worksheets p.148 Irregular Verbs p.169 Word List p.186 Beyond language p.136 Project Skills p.156 Writing Reference p.170 GQEPCONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS Reading -—_ Listening = Speaking -Amegazine zc about amsis foedbe ahenture An internet Seo My trp to Morocco + Aradio interview vith two avalanche suriNors: + Recorded ‘messages related to travel + A one-sided telephone conversation toa ‘member of aitine staff + People talking in cifferent stations + A radio programme reviewing TV programmes + Acommercial ‘advertising an upcoming TV programme = Describing events based on ‘visual and verbal prompts + Comparing means of transport and discussing advantages and disadvantages + Speculating and making 4 decision: Matching people with activities + Discussing TV habits and preferences 2ist century competencies/ Waiting val Ines + An account ofa true event Developing skills: + Using ‘strong’ adjectives oma + Aninformalfettevemat cased on FY @® prompts Developing skills: + Spirit of adventure + Expanding on prompts + Respecting other cultures, + A semi formal etterfemail asking for and giving information Developing skills: : + Using indirect questions ea eh Pay + Aim review Developing sls: + Dediston + Using poste end negatne nator bung saecnes magazine ance amazing anmals! e292 Keep it GREEN! + Amagazine article: Don’t believe everything you see, +A magazine + Aradio programme abouta country in Southreast Asia + A radio quiz about the environment + People talking in different stuations + Five monologues about clothes and appearance + A conversation between two friends at a gallery + People talking in different situations + Speculating and ‘making 3 decision: (Choosing the best places for a schoo! tip + Comparing two photographs: Urban and rural fe + Role piay: Asking for and giving advice + Discussing different forms of art + Discussing pictures: Three different kinds of artists + An article describing a place Developing skills: + Using afferent ways t attract -. 4 the reader's attention on & s ars + Alletter (to the eeito expressing an opinion + Respecting nature Developing skis: + Protecting the + Using @ mind map for ‘ervronment branstorming + Alter giving advice Developing skills: + Using appropriate expressions to give advice and make suggestions eaAae a = + Areport Developing skills: + Using paragraph headings + Presenting information in an Impersonal, formal way (Passive Voice) + Helping others + Appreciating art 21st century competencies = & intercuttural awareness | @ critical thinking $2 cooperation © sccataty EY autonomous tearning| $8 communication ; personal and social & icriteracy =F Fesponsioiity | J Let's chat Te Gtiverenes Talking about various aspects of communication pee erentcanritoarneente care ‘make a phone call_ means of communication postcard text message video calling webcarn Aims: © tointroduce the topic of the moduleand activate Ss’ background knowledge ® topresent the learning objectives of the module Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the module and the main picture on the page. ‘Ask Ss what they can see and elicit an answer (leenagers chatting with friends on the internet and using video calling). Make sure that all Ss are familar with the idea of chatting on the Net by asking them questions: ‘How can | chat with my friends on the Internet? You need to have a computer with an Intemet connection and then you need to Join a chatroom. How can I join a chatroonr? You need to have an email address and then sign up for an account. What chatrooms do you know of? What chatroam do you use more? + A chatroom is site on the Internet where a number ‘of users can communicate in realtime by typing ‘messages into thelr computers (instant messaging) ‘and smartphones. Nowadays most people chat on Facebook. WhatsApp and other messaging apps. + Ask Ss what the module will be about and elicit answers, + Draw Ss’ attention to the four pictures showing different means of communication and the phrases in the box ‘and check understanding, + Nowadays many mobile phones can work as videophones using their internal cameras and are able to make video phonecals (video caling) to other Users in the same country or interriationally. Moreover, Intemet users can use Skype, a software application, Which allows them to make video calls on the Internet. + The Initials SAS stand for Short Message Service. that 's sending text messages to and from mobile phones. + The initials MMS stand for Muttimeata Messaging Service, that is sending videos and pictures to and from mobile phones, + is a video camera which feeds its images in real time to a computer. + Ask Ss the questions in the Discuss section and inttiate 2 short discussion, KEY Suggested answers + How do you usually communicate with your friends?’ ‘use different means of communication to get In touch with my friends. t depends on what is convenient at the time. If 'm at home, | often use the landline telephone to call them or | make a video call which is better because | can see the person I'm talking to. | also send emails or chat on the Net with my friends. fm out, | use my mobile phone But because calls are kind of expensive, | usually send text messages, ‘Which of the means of communication do you prefer using? Why? I prefer using my mobile phone. That is because | always have it with me, which means | can call anyone anywhere or send SMS or MMS. Its convenient, easy to use and lightweight. This makes Itan ideal means of communication. A computer equipped with a webcam Is also a great way to communicate with friends because instant messaging Is quick and cheap and you can see who you are talking to, Unfortunately, you dant always have ‘access to this kind of equipment. I dor't particularly lke to use the landline telephone as for me it's old- tashioned. As for letters and postcards, nobody sends them to their friends any more. We send text ‘messages or emails, which is a quicker and more modern way of communicating. Draw Ss’ attention to the Go through the module and find. section. Ask 5s to find where these topics are discussed, KEY +a boy's webpage: p.13, + an advertisement from the past: p.14 + two emails: p. 18 + what teenagers think about SN sites: p. & +2 conversation between a teenager and his dad: p.T Read out the objectives in the In this module you will. section Expiain any unknown words. Draw Ss'altention to the value of the module, and discuss the importance of it KEY Suggested answer Its really important to have true friends in your ite A true friend Is not only someone you enjoy spending time with but also someone you can trust, True friends will support you when you are going through hard times and will advise you when you have a problem. Friends are there for you whenever you need them, For these reasons, tis not enough to have good friends: but you should be a good friend to others too, you usually communicate with your friends? * the pictures below. Which of the means of tion do you prefer using? Why? Use the nthe box. mails + instant messaging / chatting phone call + have access to the Internet + send text messages/SMS ‘mobile phone letter Inthismodule you wi y's webpage talk about various aspects of communication ‘advertisement from the past ® lear to cistinguish between permanent and temporary situations eral ® eam to make comparisons what teenagers think about SN ® eam to express lkes/aisikes s ® learn to write a personal webpage conversation between a ® leam to refer to past habits and events ® learn to write an informal letter/emal based on prompts ® learn to express enthusiasm, accept or refuse an invitation and give news ra 5 » + Don't panic if you've got unknown vocabulary. You don’t have to know the meaning of every single word to understand the text. + Decide which words are important for understanding the text and try to guess what they mean. Read A.Discuss + What do you know about social networking (SN) sites? + Are you a member of an SN site? \) ¢ What do you use it for? t * pica na tops A.D, Whats each poss pinion about . SN tes? tpostive negating boli _— C. Rayyan, 15 d PINION: I'm not a big SN site user to be honest. | can't — RYOURO: a eee | Cae e f Socccarevetrne cert wore tron wat Ss a t @s Someone buying atte superarte oF yer Fara the bozn vag noone hat i Coleen? ut a ust ter vers Were puting on ‘a school play at the end of the year, and using an SN site makes ita lot easier. We'e organising the tickets these A. Alicia, 16 Gays. Ierealy helps We've got our awn page to advertise I spend a lot of my free time on SN sites. ‘the school play, and when it's over welll upload photos and ‘They great for keeping in touch with ry videos ofthe highlights ‘mates and finding old friends, oo. The other ‘day, found a schoo! friend trom primary |S op school | was So pleased to hear her news. D. Emma, 14 SN sites are also useful for heping people out. | saw on Ima member of an SN site but Im thinking a friends page that one of his frends needed a criving ‘about deactivating it. For one thing, its taking instructor. My uncle Is a driving instructor and he's on Up too much of my time. I play virtual games, the same SN site | introduced them and they were both chat with loads of people and | have hundreds happy. My parents complain that paying online games with of friends. The more time | spend on SN sites, friends is a waste of time, but | totally disagree. You see, fm the less time | have for my real life. think the really into trivia games, but also word games and chess. final straw is my mum. She is a member of the same SN which I find amusing and educational. So, | can't see any site as me and | made the mistake of making her one of my drawback there. friends, She hasr't lost touch with her old school mates and she really enjoys being online, But now she tends to follow ESQ my every move. its 50 embarrassing! | cartt do anything B. Adrian, 16 fs ‘without her knowing. I dont think SN sites are for me.I really don't z like having too much information about ae myself out there on the web. | mean, anyone E ‘could find my email and start sending me spam or viruses. There’ also cyberbullying which can be very nasty. A friend of mine had to stop using an SN site last month because someone was ‘constantly saying horrible things about her. Also, someone Could pretend to be you and commit crimes, Imagine that! ST my ed FUNCTIONS Distinguishing between permanent and temporary situations Present Simple vs Present Progressive, Cece ‘advertise amusing be into sth commit a crime complain constantly disagree drawback educational embarrassing highlight (n) Imagine introduce keep in touch lose touch with member rrasty negative play (a) pleased positive pretend primary school seem social networking take uptime tend to thefinal straw the other day upload (W) useless user virtual virus website (site) Read GE A. Aim: to prepare Ssfor the reading activity + Ask 5s to read through the questions and initiate a short discussion. Background note ‘A sodial networking site is a website where individuals can set up an online profile, including personal information, and add links to other profes. Social networking sites aliow Users to communicate with friends or other users and share with them ideas, activities, events and interests Facebook. Instagram and Snapchat are among the most popular SN sites worldwide. Facebook i a great tool for keeping in touch with friends through private or public messages. Additionally, users can join common interest User groups. Instagram and Snapchat both allow you to share pictures and videos with others and to make comments, Snapchat pictures and videos only last for a few seconds after the person who receives them. has seen them, but Instagram posts last longer. Young people tend to prefer these two sites for communicating with each other peu Point out to Ss that we say a social networking site Whereas we say an SN site because the abbreviation SN '5 pronounced letter by letter and the first letter has @ vowel sound (/es/) KEY Suggested ansivers = They are an online service and they help people: ‘communicate with their friends. (see background note above) i + Yes. am because itis very useful and amusing. / No, Im not because It is dangerous, + Lluse it to keep in touch with people | know, to chat with them, to play online games, to contact old friencs and to meet people who share the same Interests as me. B.Aims: ®1o present vocabulary, structuresand functions in the context of four shorttexts about SN sites ®togivess practice in reading for gist ‘+ Draw §s' attention to the main picture on the page and ask them to tell you what they can see (a gir holding and Using @ laptop surrounded by photographs of various people. Draw $s’ attention to the main tile and relate it to the content of the picture (eg. the girl and the people in the ‘photographs are members of an SN site). ‘Ask Ss to tell you what the texts will be about (four ‘people expressing their opinions about SN sites) Draw Se’ attention to the TIP and explain it ‘Ask 5 to read through the text and underiine any Unknown words at the same time. ‘Asks the question in the rubric. Check the answers with the class. KEY Allcia: positive ‘Alicia focuses on all the benefits of being a member of 4 social networking site. She feels that itis @ good way to entertain and educate oneself, create and maintain friendships and help other people out. ‘Adrian: negative Andirian mentions drawbacks such as the sending of viruses to a person's email, cyberbullying and identity theft. Rayyan: positive and negative Rayyan has mixed feelings about SN sites. He can see thelr usefulness when organising events but cannot see why people use them to keep other people Informed about the irrelevant details of thelr Ives. Emma: negative Emma mentions some positive aspects such as the fact thet she has a lot of friends and chats to a lot of people but she seems to have had enough of being 2 member of an SN site. She complains of having very litle time for her real life and not having enough privacy. Her negative opinion is clear in that she plans to deactivate the SN site of which she is a member. Ask Ss some comprehension questions: A.Alicia What coes Alicia think of SN sites? That they are great for ‘keeping in touch with her mates and finding od trends. What does her uncie do? He is a driving instructor. Are they members of the samme SN site? Yes, they are What do her parents think of onine games? That they are a waste of time What kind of online games does she like? She tikes Trivia games, word games ana chess. What does she think of online games? She finds them ‘amusing and educational B.Adrian Does Adrian lke having personal information on the web? ‘No, he doesnt. What may heppen to him if someone finds his email? They ‘may start sending him spam or viruses. What does he say about cyberbullying? That it can be very reasty Why dia friend of his have to stop using an SN ste? Because someone was constantly saying horrible things about ner Rayan What are Rayan and his ciassmates putting on atthe end of the year? A school py. What are they organising these deys? The tickets. What are they using the own webpage for? To advertise the schoo! pay. What wall they upload when the schoo! play's over? Photos and videos of the highlights. (continued on the next page) Tea aoe D.Emma Does Emma have many online fiends? Yes, she does. What does she usually do when she is online? She plays virtual games and chats with losds of people. Does she think thatthe time she spends on SN sites affects her reat life in a negative way? Yes. she does. Does her mum enjoy being online? Yes, she does. Has her mum fost touch with her old schoo! mates? No, she hasnt. + Trivia games are based on questions about sports, history films and television programmes. + Virtual games depict a world very similar to the real ‘world, with real world rules and real-time actions and ‘communication. Players create a character to travel between ouildings. towns and even worlds to carry out business or leisure activities. Communication is usually textual, with real-time voice communication also possible. + Spam Is the use of electronic messaging systems to Send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. The ‘most widely recognised form of spam is email spam, Aim: to give Ss practice in guessing the meaning of unknown words + Draw Ss attention to the highlighted words in the texts. + Explain to Ss that they should decuce the meaning of the words from the context and chaase their correct meaning. + Have Ss do the activity + Check the answers with the class. KEY 1.3,2.6.3.b,4.3,5.a.6.2 D. Aim: to give Ss practice in identifying specific information in the texts + Ask Ss to read through the questions 17 + low Ss some time to do the activity. + Check the answers with the class. Ask Ss to provide Justification for thelr ansiers, KEY 1.D,2.4,3.C.4.B,5.C, 6.0.7. + Explain any unknown words and choose $s to read the texts aloud. E. Aim: togive Ss the opportunity to elaborate on the topicof the reading activity + Ask Ss the questions and inate a short discussion. Open Grammar Aims: © to revise and present some new usesof the Present Simpleand the Present Progressive ® tonave Ss differentiatebetween the two tenses and use them in context topresent tative verbs + Ask Sst reac through the exarrples. + Draw Ss attention to the verbs in bold and ask them what the difference between the Present Simple and the Present Progressive'i. + Refer Sst the Grarnmar Reference (p.157) + Point out thatthe Present Progressive is also used with always when describing an annoying habit. Give Ss another example Uy teacherfother is avays complaining about ‘row untidy my desk is). + Ask Sto come up wit ther own examples. + Refer Ss tothe four texts inthe reading activity and ask them to find examples ofthe two tenses (eg, Text | send... My parents complain./ Text 8: dont think 1 ont tke./ Text CI dont want. We're putting on.. We're organisng...trealyhelos/ Text Oi thinking... play. -she really enioys.) + Have Ss do the atv in the grammar section. + Check the answers with the las. KEY 1. does.leave, want, amy’m meeting staying, arefre washing, always washes 3. do not/don't understand, am/m working, never help 4.are.crying, think, iss sleeping tt re ? = With which writer do you share the sarne opinion? f stop werking f + Have you had a similar experience? Present Simple vs Present Progressive + Tanya enjoys using SN sites and uses them every dy ‘She's playing an online game at the moment. + {don't understand why Emma Is alvays chatting on the Net with Linda. They see each other five times a week. Tomorrow theyre spending the whole dy together © Complete with the Present Simple or te Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. NOTE. Stative verbs (see, ke, want, seer, understand, need, believe, imagine, know, Cost, etc.) are not usually used in the Present Progressive. 1. A: Why are you in such a hurry? What me the train to Brighton (leave)? B:AtQpm. Butt (want) to be at the tran station at six oclock because | __ meet) my friend Sally 2. A: Whose sultcase is this? B: it’s Timothy. He (stay) with us for a few days. ‘A: Really? Where Is he now? B: He's outside with Larry. They (wash) the car. Larry____ always wash the car on Sundays, 3. A: Hey, Mary. Can you explain this texttome? I (hot understand) it B:Notnow, Kevin! wor. ‘A: Oh Mary. You (never / help) met 4. A: Why thekids erp? B: Because they canttfind their cat. They ______(thinld someone took tt A: Their cat is outside. It ___leep) next to the garage oni Nlocabulary A. Match the verbs with the nouns to make phrases. 4. tum on / shut down a.abattery /a mobile 2. download / upload b.the ON-OFF button / ENTER 3.charge «. software /an entivrus program 4 install 4a document / image. etc to’an emai) 5 press a computer / laptop 6.attach {Information (eg. music videos) B. Read the sentences and complete with the verbs in the box. a oe ne 1. If you want to move thet paragraph further down, fst you must select it. Then cut it and thatthe end of your decument, 2_____upand down the website, find the information youneed and___—_itout so that we. can all read it 3. AcOh nol Ive just something I need No problem: just press undo 4. To open this file, double. on the icon. 5. The program | was using 2 few minutes ago so | restarted my computer. Luckily | didnt lose any files because | had them, Read the sentences below and match the phrasesin bold with the definitions -g. si nate C) 1. Hello, is James there? He rang me earlier but | was busy so Im ¢s 2 yaleetnicywanmoster mae mana ror ste C) au ecieeteras Sey Bie reamed een) ie ort nga oe nus unas soa noes 1G) 5. thay atat of couse and ny tokep Intouch witaar tm, C) elise cat tees wera pants es aes GC) 2. Gama acallnhereveryouten ton. 0K7 C) 2. stop communicating b. send a short letter, email or note ‘c. speak to someone for a short me 4. phone someone because he/she phoned you fe. phone someone continue to communicate 9. get an answer a0 be \ Etech Making comparisons Using computer-related language Using language related to communication Sie Comparisons eens wus program attach battery button lsh back charge cick crash delete document couble download drop sbaline fle givesbacall ravea word with sb icon Image install paste press print receive reply (n) restart save scroll select shut down software tum on undo Vocabulary A. Aim: to introduce collocations related to computers, = Ask Ss to read through the verbs (6) and the nouns GA + Tel Ss to rely on their background knowledge on computers and do the activity. + Check the answers with the class. béd Aim: to gives practice in using computer-related verbsin context + Ask $s to read through the verbs in the box. + Tell Ss to rely on their background knowledge on ‘computers and do the activity. + Check the answers with the class. + lf necessary, help Ss deduce the meaning of any unknown verbs by relating them to the content of the respective sentences. KEY 1. paste, 2. Scroll print 3. deleted, 4, click S. crashed, saved ‘= 3i to present phrases related to communication = #565510 read through the sentences anc draw their -==c00n to the phrases in bold = 2% out that these are phrases related to ssamunication. "= Sk S510 read through the definitions 2-9. = =e $s do the activity, “= Geck the answers with the class, = $ £6. Ta10»1 ante The inttia's (Cr stand for information and Communication Technologies (Le. Computer Studies) ‘A. Aim:to revise, present and give Ss practice in making ‘comparisons + Ask Ss to read the first two examples. + Dravr Ss'attention to the words in boid and ask them to say what they know about the formation of the ‘Comparative and Superiative and when they are used. + Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference (p, 157) + Ask Ss to come up with their own examples, + Draw Ss'attention to the third example and ask them to ‘say what they know about the formation of (not) as..2s and when itis used. Write the following sentence on the boarcs Uploading a Video on the web is easier than | thought Help $s realise that both sentences have the same meening + Ask Ss to came up with their own examples. + Draw Ss’ attention to the fourth example and write the following sentence on the board: ts faster to send an email than @ letter Ask them to tell you the ifference between the two sentences and elicit answers + Help Ss realse that we can emphasise the meaning of adjectivesiadverbs by adding a lot, abit, even, far, ‘much, rather in the comparative degree. + Ask Ss to come up with their own examples. + Draw Ss’ attention to the last two examples. + Draw Ss’ attention to the wards in bold and ask them to ‘Ques when these forms ate used, Point out to them that these are two other ways of using the Comparative form. + Explain to Ss that we can use the structures the + comparative...the + comparative. and comparative + comparative as forms of successive comparison, + Point out to Ss that in the sentence The more I use the Computer, the worse my headache gels, the second part depends on the frst, while the comparison iim starting to think that exams are getting harder and harder. indicates a continual change. + Ask Ss to come up with their own examples, + Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference (pp. 157158), + Refer Ss to the four texts in the reading activity and ask them to undertine all the phrases containing comparisons of adjectives and adverts (Text C:.using an SN site makes ita lot easter / Text D: The more time | spend on SN sites, the less time I have for real fe). + Ask Ss to read through the text in the grammar section, Explain any unknown words, + Have Ss do the activity. + Check the answers with the class. KEY (D easier, (2) popular, (3) most commonicommonest. () cheaper. cheaper, (5) more popular, (6) more, (7) less Listen (for transcript see page 172) A. Aim: to prepare $s forthe listening activity + Ask Ss to look at the two pictures and guess what is happening + Elicit answers. + Ask Ss to read through the questions and initiate a short discussion KEY Suggested answers + Ise my computer nearly every day. | use it to ct ‘with my friends, keep up to date with things that interest me, surf the Net. piay games and look for Information for school projects, + I don't think so. | might know a lot more about so Networking sites but they are welkinformed and know how to use a computer quite well B. Aim: togiveSs practice in listening for gist + Ask Ss to read through the questions + Play the CD and have Ss do the activity + Check the answers with the class. KEY + He can't remember how to send a photo to Wayne's uncle Fred + No, they dont, €.Aim: to give $s practice n listening for specific information + Ask Ss to read through the sentences 8 and make sure they haven't got any unknown words. + Play the CD twice, + Check the answers with the class, f necessary play the CD again in order to clay any questions Ss may have. KEY LEZT3LAT STF, FBT ‘Optional post-istening activity ‘Ask Ssif they have ever found thermselves in a similar stuation, what the problem was, if they managed to solve itn the end, etc. and initiate a shart discussion, Grammar Comparisons + ei rsnantis oleae ~ Mermorn fase econ oo use ban ts + tc 1Cr isthe most torent toa spe + Instat dpe ete oe oetighenderad 5 Upleaainga wdeo on te web et sfeutastougne. harder + Ita lot faster to send an ema than a letter. ‘Complete with the correct form of the wordsin brackets. 9 ‘Young people have many ways to communicate with each other. Nowadays, its much () (easy) to chat and keep in touch with friends than in the past. Of course, young people hardly ever send letters. And even emails arer't a5(2)__(oputar) as the message services provided by social networking sites. However, the (3) (Common) way for young people to communicate is by text messaging which Is becoming (4) and (Cheap), Over the last few years , smartphones have become (5) (bopulan) because people can use them to instantly send videos and pictures to their fiends or even share them on social media. ll this communication has its disadvantages, though, The o_ (much) young people use these ways to communicate with their friends, the ( ____ ite) time they spend seeing them faceto-face. Listen § ADscss + How ten do you usea computer? What do you tsetor -Do you kro more about computers han your parts? 3 Listen toa phone conversation between Wayne and his dad and answer the questions. + What is Wayne's dad's problem? + Do they solve the problem in the ena? Listen again and write T for True or F for False. 1. Wayne Is doing his homework at Paul's house. 2. Wayne doesrit want his dad to send the photo to his uncle. 3. Waynes dad is in front of the computer but it isnit tured on, 44, Wayne's dad has copied the photo from the camera to the computer. 5. Wayne's dad needs to scroll down the page to see the ‘attach’ button, 6. Wayne's dad forgot to write a subject for his email 7. Uncle Fred replied to Wayne's dads email very quickly. 8. Wayne's dad sent the email to the wrong address. 00 OO 0O000 wt Nocabulary Read the sentences. Which of the phrases in bold have a positive and which a negative meaning? Use these phrases tomake ‘your ovm sentences. 11 Lusvally buy my sister books because she is crazy about reading, 2. David is keen on sports and tries to go to a football match every week 3. My parents are tired of listening to me complain abaut doing the housework. 4. Julle is fond of cooking, That’ all she does in her free time. 5. I'ma big fan of jazz music. so Im definitely getting tickets to the concert. 6. Emma is fed up with her old computer and she wants to get a new one 7 Ryan Is sick of walking to school every day. He wants to learn how to crive. 8. Im interested in taking up a hobby, but | don’t know what. 9. Were all enthusiastic about our trp to Finland. We car't wait. it 10.1 think my mum is bored with her job, She doesn't scem as excited as she used to be. Speak ‘Tallein groups of four, Lookat the pictures and discuss the questions. Use someof the words and phrases in the boxes. ® How would you describe the activities shown? ® Which activity is better for groups and which for Individuals? ® Are any of these activities popular with people your age? © Do you do any of these activities? Why/Why not? © Which activity would you like to take up? dangerous keep fit ‘acities| lonely socialise equipment active relaxing entertaining teamwork thriting outdoor creative expensive Indoor artistic challenging This activity seems to be. | believe / think / suppose / In my opinion. helps you. People my age are interested in / crazy about People my age can't stand. It's an ideal activity for those who like "a lke to take up.. because, + Speak clearly + Don't worry if you make a mistake. Correct, ‘yourself f you can, otherwise just continue speaking, “Ifyou can't remember 2 word, don't stop speaking. Try touse another word. a we essing likes anc dislikes, xing about free-ime activities ‘pressing an opinion xing about oneself een cart from artistic badminton bea fan of redwith challenging crazy about creative earn, staining enthusiastic about facility fed up with, fond of improve interested in keenon lonely ime sick of socialise sporty suppose work thriling tired of unlike Vocabulary ‘Aim: to present and give Ss practice in using phrases expressing likes and dislikes ‘Ask 55 to read through the sentences and focus on the phrases in bold, Explain that they have to decide which phrases have a positive meaning and mean lke and wich have a negative meaning and mean distike. Help Ss deduce the meaning of any unknown phrases by relating them to the content of the respective sentences, Have Ss do the activity, Check the answers with the class. KEY |. crazy about: positive 7 . keen on: positive 8. tired of negative 2 1. fond of positive a big fan of positive fed up with: negative sick of negative interested in: postive enthusiastic about: postive 10. bored with: negative + Ask Ss to come up with thelr own examples using the phrases in the activity. Speak ‘Aim: to give Ss practice in talking about freetime activities + Divide Ss into groups of four. + Ask Ss to look at the four pictures and describe the, activities they show. + Dravy Ss’ attention to the list of questions as well as to the Words and phrases in the boxes, Explain any unknown words. + Dravr Ss’ attention to the TIP and explain it + Get $s to do the activty in groups of four and go round the class helping $s wien necessary, + Choose some groups to act out their conversations in class. KEY Suggested answer How would you describe the activities shown? would describe playing video games (picture a) as ar entertaining and challenging indoor activity Its a great ‘way to spend your time and it can also sometimes help ‘you develop certain skils. Some people, mainly adults, say that it sa lonely activity, because the person Playing video games spends a lot of time alone in front ‘of a screen and often does not socialise with people hisiher age. | think American football (picture b) is @ dangerous sports activity Its very violent and there isa big chance of piayers getting hurt, They wear special ‘equipment such as helmets so as to protect, themselves. American football is an outdoor sport and is played on a field, so special facilities are required. In picture ¢ we can see someone bungee jumping, This activity seems to be challenging because you have to get over your fear af heights to do it and thriling because it must be terrioly exciting to dive off a clff or bridge. | suppose that It can also be described as. dangerous because you are putting your life at risk. Its an ideal activity for those who like beng adventurous, and living on the edge. In picture d we can see some people attending an art class. This artistic activity isa form of seit: expression and is creative 2s it requires the use of one’s imagination. Activities such as this may also be: described as relaxing as they help you escape from your dally routine Which activity is better for groups and which for individuals? American football fs without @ doubt a group activity It requires teamwork as players need to work together to do well. Video games are, on the other hand, for Individuals. They can be played with others but | think that most people choose to piay them on their own Are any of these activities popular with people your: ‘age? People my age are crazy about video games or ‘computer games. This is because most, ifnot al, have ‘access to a television or computer so they soend what litle time they nave playing games. Its convenient, entertaining and even challenging. American football {snot particularly popular where | lve, but other sports lke footoall and basketball are quite popular with People my age. in my opinion they are a must for those: who are active and lke to keep fit. Bungee jumping Is an extreme activity and is not something you can take up on a regular basis. ts also considered expensive, People tend to do It once in a while when they get the ‘chance. People my age can't stand art as they consider itto be something boring. | believe that i's quite interesting if you've got talent. Do you do any of these activities? Why/Why not? I spend a lot of my time playing video games/computer ‘games. This is because when I finish doing my homework itis usually too late for me to do anything se. Playing video gamesicomauter games helps me: relax and break away from my dally routine, and I dont | even need to ledte the comfort of my home. Activities lke bungee jumaing and American football are not for ‘me. Thay are ideal activites for those who lke extreme sports. Which activity would you like to take up? {Td tke to take up art because it wil help bring out the creative side in me. It will help me spend my time: enjoyably and It will also help me meet people who might have the same interests as me. 12 Write | A.Aims: © toprovide Ss with asample personal webpage ‘to gives practice inidentitying specific information * Ask Ss to look at the layout of the text and tell you what. itis @ personal webpage) * Ask Ss to read through the webpage and undertine any unknown words at the same time, * Alternatively, you can have different $s read the webpage aloud. + Ask Ss to read through the questions and answer them, i + Check the answers with the class, KEY 1 Ahmad 2.To post some personal information for others to 3.and, or. bt, because, so B. Aims: tofamiliariseSs with the content of apersonal webpage Wtopreparess for the writing activity. + Ask Ss lo read through the categories. + Have Ss do the activity + Choose some $s to tell you what they have included about themselves in each category, C.Aims:© to elaborate on the content ofa personal ‘webpage © toprepare Ssfor the writing activity. + ASK Ss to read through the questions and check theit understanding, + Initiate @ short discussion. KEY Suggested answers ‘+ my family, my mates, et. ‘my interests because I have a lot of interests / my friends because | have a lot of interesting friends ‘+ my holidays ‘D. Alm:to give Sspractice in writing their own personal webpage * Refer Ss to Ahmad’s webpage as well as to the categories {and the notes made in exercise B, + Draw Ss’ attention to the TIP and explain it. If necessary, ‘5k Ss to give you examples using the linking words, * Allow Ss some time to write the paragraphs of their personal webpage, + Choose some Ss to read out their personal webpages. * Alternatively. you can turn this activity into project work and have Ss wnte their personal webpage on a piece of white cardboard. adding their personal pictures for each category. i i i | wats Write Apersonal webpage A. Read the webpage and answer the questions. imerand) my mates) Ive got loads of fiends but my best mate is Arun. I find nothing more entertaining than hanging out with him We spend almost ll our fre time together, and when we're not together, we're always chatting on the phone or ‘online, or even playing online games. Arjun is very sporty and he's crazy about badminton. He plays in the schoo! badminton team. I'm not a big sports fan, but we do other things together. ke watching music videos end learning the dance moves. Arun sa great dancer. cat say that Im a5 good as he is but Imm improving. Apart fom music: | lave Wetcainy films end even going to see plays. Tintiniligiefeeominyen acto: youlsee AL the moment lin working FertipebisJocelpizzaplacebecaise nat to ean money for acting Casces Another thngl/n fond of orgs drawing Unlike my fends, Im Gultedood st tendo ceatnve 1. Who created this webpage? 2. Why dic he create i? 3. What words does the writer use to link his ideas? B.Lookat the categories below. Choose afew and write C.Discuss the categories on theleft. Answer the questions. pacers MOU wnat Je cutscenes) * Which category do you think is the easfest to write about? Cacia + Which categories do you think would be best for a webpage atiout you? Why? * Can you think of any other categories that you would momatee lke to write about? . Write 23 paragraphs for your own personal webpage. Ea Ce When you want to write information to include in your personal webpage, + group the information in categories so that it’s easier to ‘understand. “link your ideas. Use - and to join similar ideas, = but to join two opposite ideas. 50 to express resull/ ‘consequence. = bacause to show reason. ‘or to show alternative. mydistikes ff eee — Eger) EC nse pono Dg BH 1 Read the test que Which oomencebest Simmarses the tet? Choose theoe a There are alot more moble phones nthe word tay than nthe past The mebie phone sone ofthe mest import ese «. Moble phones have changed a lot since the first one was inverted 4. People are nding new ways to usemobie phones ful invention? Why? + Do you think the mobile phone is usef + How much have mobile phones changed in the last five years? \ The evolution ofthe emobile phone. \ a BA . =P The NEW Motoroia Dynarac 8000x The ultimate gadget for the ‘modern person) *Talk up to 60. Because of their size and shape, these early mobiles became known minutes) \ San ‘bricks. They seem lke dinosaurs compared to * Only 10 hours to , mega tocau The: here) ‘Weak signals and may became smaller and offered more features, * Store up to 0 cat Phone number [7 '973 Martin Cooper invented a portable mobile phone It was the [DITATAC and in 1963, It was avaiable in shops. DynaTAC phones were a Hh the early 2000s, 36 mobile Internet was introduced which made it possible for People fuse a new generation of smartphones These ovices have large touchscreens and act as Internet Browsers, treeka Players and game consoles alin one, They have also made video faling and mobile TV a realty. Wit the introduction of 46 mobile infemet the speed with which phones can both download ari upload Gommation to the Internet is far greater than ever before OF cource Companies are always Coming Up with new ideas and exciting were ut that cain, uced, ed in Etec cussing past habits and events: king about mobile hones 3 Peer "ity act available bend browser me up with company crew data development ture(n) flexible include introduction invent vention media player only time will tell table professional provide reality ringtone inal smartphone store) such as touchscreen variety weak wide wrist Read (ITH A. Aim:to prepare $s for the reading activity + Ask S¢ to read through the questions and initiate a short Suggested answers + Yes, | do. Its easy to carry around and use, and is very useful, especially in an emeraency. Nowadays, the mobile phone has many applications which make ‘tone of the most practicel and multifunctional devices to have been invented. + Mobile phones have changed quite a lot over the ‘years. | think that apart trom gradually becorning, smaller in size they have also become more advanced in the technology they use, For this reason many mobiles nowadays have touch screens, GPS, Internet access and other functions, which make them very practical to use. There are lots of models avalable at different prices so nearly everyone has one. B.Aims: ® to present vocabulary, functions and structuresin the context of a text about mobilephones ‘to give Ss practicein reading for gist + Draw Ss’ attention to the title of the text as well as to the pictures accompanying it + Ask Ss to tell you what the text is about (mobile phones). + Ask Ss to look at the layout of the text and tell you where It may be found (in a magazine). + Ask $s to look closer at the advertisement accompanying, the text + Ask Ss some questions: When was this advertisement published? In 1983. What was it about? it was about 6 new Motorofa mobile phone. What was it called? It was called DynaTAc 8000x. What were the characteristics of DynaTAC 8000x? You could talk up to 60 minutes, it needed only 10 hours to ‘charge and you could store up to 30 phone numbers on it How much did it cost? $3995, What do you think of this mobile phone? Draw Ss’ attention to the mobile phone the man in the picture Is holding, Point out to thern that this is the DynaTAC 8000x mobile phone. Refer Ss to the tlle of the text and especially to the word. brick. Help them relate it to the size of the DynaTAC. 8000x mobile phone. ‘Ask Ss to tell you if they know what a smartohone is (@ ‘mobile phone of the latest technology) and refer them to the pictures on page 15. ‘Ask Ss to read through the text and tell them to underline any unknown words at the same time. + ASK Ss to read through the four summary sentences and check their understanding. Have $s do the activity ‘Check the answers with the class, Ask them to provide justifications for their answers, KEY Senitence ¢. best summarises the text which is about the history of the evolution of the mobile phone. Emphass is placed on how mobile phones have changed. Reference is mace to changes in size, shape and the way they work. Ask Ss some comprehension questions: When was 2 portable mobile phone invented? In 1973, Who invented it? Martin Cooper. How much did the DynaTAC weigh? About a kilo. How could you charge a DynaTAC phone? With a heavy shoulder pack which had batteries ini. What was one of the problems of the first generation of ‘mobile phone systems? They had weak signals. What happened to mobile phones as technology improvea? They became smaller and offered more features. What improved with the introduction of 2G mobile systems? Reception over wider areas. How many text messages are sent every year? Over 2 trilion. What changed tne world of journalism? Camera phones. When did 3G technology appear? In the early 2000s. What do 3G mobile phones act as? They act as Internet browsers, media players and game consoles. What have 3G mobile phones made a reality? Video calling and mobile TV. What are mobile phone companies coming up with? Now ideas and exciting concept’ mobiles. B14») S , | ; . ‘ — C.Aim: togive Ss practice n guessing the meaning of ‘unknown words + Refer Ss to the text and draw ther attention to the highlighted words/phrases in it + Ask Ss to try to guess what they mean, + Ask Ss to read through the meanings ¥7 and do the activity + Check the answers with the class. KEY 1.come up with 2.weak S.crews, 6:store 3.flexible 7.device 4.deta D.Aim: to give Ss practice in identifying specific information in the text + Ask Ss to read through the statements 17 and check their Understanding. + Allow Ss some time to do the activity. *+ Check the answers with the class. Ask Ss to provide lustfication for their answers. + Boolain any unknown words and choose Ss to read the text aloud. E. Aim: to give Ss the opportunity to elaborate on the topicof the reading activity + Ask Ss the questions and initiate a short discussion, KEY Suggested answers + IFwe did have mobile phones, think we would find ways to tive without them, as people did in the past. Now that they are in our lives, they have become very important to us and we can't imagine ‘our lives without them. One way that our lies would be aitferent if we didn't have them is that we would ‘not be able to get in touch with each other as easily. This would not be convenient and it would require us ‘to be more organised and make our arrangements well in advance. Furthermare, news would not travel as fast as it travels now so we would not be as well Informed about the things happening around us. +The really advanced mode's can already do so mucin that Im not really sure what more they will be able to. co in the future, They say that in the future forgetting | your mobile phone at home will be the same as, leaving your purse, keys, radio and phone at home. | suppose that this shows how important our mobile phones will be in the future. Grammar Aim: to present and give Ss practice in using the Past Simpleand the verbs used to and be/get used to Past Simple ‘+ Ask Ss to read through the examples of the Past Simple in the grammar box and check their previous knowledge of the tense, ‘+ Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference (p, 158), + ASK Ss to find exampies of the Past Simple n the text (eg, Invented, was, weighed, complained, became, etc), Mas TB + Ask $s to come up with their own sentences practising the tense. Used to + ASK Ss to read through the examples of used fo in the ‘grammar box and check their previous knowledge of its use, + Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference (p. 158) + ASK Ss to find examples of used fo in the text (.people used to buy them ke crazy). *+ Ask Ss to come up with thelr own sentences practising the structure used to. be/get used to + ASK Ss to read through the example sentence and draw their attention to the structures in bold + Ask $s to tell You the aifference in the way the structures Used to and be/get used to are formed (the former is followed by a base form white tne latter are followed by an -ing form) + Point out to Ss that the structure be/get usedt to can also 'be followed by an object personal pronoun or a noun (eg Tm not used to it /! cant get used to this kind of weather) *+ Ask Ss to tell You when we use the structure be used ‘tb and help them deduce that we use it fo talk about 2 present habit as opposed to used to which we use fo talk about a past habit + Ask Ss to find examples ofthe structure be used to in the text (.compared to the devices we are used to seeing today) + Ask Ss to tell You when we use the structure ger used to ‘and help them deduce that we use t to talk about the process of something becoming a habit of us. + Ask Ss to come up with their own examples practising the two structures. + Have Ss do the activty *+ Check the answers with the class. oma + Draw Ss attention to the project, and tell them that they are going to make a timeline showing the evolution of the mobile phone, Reter 5s to the Project Skls section, and expiain the ‘steps they have to follow to complete the project. I Ss {are not familar with the layout of a timeline, you ean {draw one on the board or use the Internet to find some sample timelines, Have Ss search the Internet to find the information they ‘need. You can recommend some safe websites for Ss to| use. Encourage them to find pictures and interesting facts as| well Have Ss do the project in class or assign it a5 homework, Have Ss present their projects to the class. Grammar Past Simple ‘A: Were did you go yesterday? 'B:| went to the shopping centre. | wanted to buy a new ‘mobile phone but I didnt find a good one. Usedto When mobie phones were invented, they didn't use to be small They used to be big and heavy ‘= Lookat the highlighted words/phrasesin the text and ‘Sy guess what they mean. Then match them with the befget used to Ssaings17/ below, | know you aren't used to using the menu on your new ‘Phone yet, but youl soon get used to using it. Its very easy. 2 rk of suggest. = n= stong | en © 2 225y to bend eres Choosea,bore. & coups of people with special skills working 11. Eddie and Mike be good friends, but they don't together talk to each other any more, ete a.use to bused to ‘c-were used to 1 = ssdoet 2. Why hang up on me last night? ee 8: Because | couldnt hear you. The signal was very =: Sead the text againand write T for True, Ffor False or weak. SaltorNot Mentioned. | ayou b. did you did you use to © DynsTAC phones werent very popular when ‘rey first appeared in shops. 3. A: How can you study while listening to such loud music? Bel t ausedto — bbeusedto —_c. mused to People complained about the heavy shoulder packs. 2 The fist mobile was nicknamed ‘dinosaur. You couldnt send SMS messages before the cat 4. A: almost crashed my new car again today. | cantt get used tt = Videos from mobile phones of the Indian Ocean ‘ arthquake weren't allowed to be used on news care a programmes. a.drving be todrving se. todrive & Smartphones became possible because of 3G network technology. 5. A: Did you remember to call Grandma yesterday? No hhave time to speak to anyone yesterday ‘A: But It was her birthday! a. didnt b. wasnt used to ¢. didnt use to 7 Solar-powered mobile phones will be avalable athe next ten years. BO2OTOTO2O OTTO { = Discuss. 6. A few years ago, Larry Work for a computer = What would ife be like without mobile phones? caper tian fenestetin banks ~ What would you like mobile phones to be able to do. wthe future? ausedto — b.didrit . was used to aI ‘my grandparents twice a week when | was young, = a.vist b.usetowsit —¢.visted Make a timeline presenting the evolution of the ‘mobile phone. Use information from the text and do some research on the Intemet to find important Noveday= eaeoes nee ates and pictures showing how mobile phones messages to thelr friends instead of calling them. have changed over the years. Present your timeline ae et eed eed care used so the class, 16 Nocabulary A-Read. What do the verbs in bold mean? Match them with the definitions a-h. 11. My sister and | are always arguing about who will do the washing-un. a. talk about something in order to come to a decision , shout Did Sam mention wher ing? 2. Did Sam mention where he was going? . say that you are not pleased with something 3. Mr Smith explained the rules of the game so ‘everyone could play, «d. make somebody understand something 4. Be quiet Linde yelled at me «tak about other people and thelr vate ves 5. We need to discuss the problem with Mark, Speak about or refer to something without using 6. | spent all morning chatting with Jenny onthe phone. (CQ) many Words 7. Im going to complain tothe menager about the S. tak informal usualy wth arena service. Its horrible, 1h. speak angrily because you disagree COO OO 8. You shouldnt gossip about cther people. It's rude, OO B. Lookat the nouns below. Which verbs do they derive from? ES = «og Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. Danny, try to use your ‘a bit more when writing stories, IMAGINE 2. Did you see the on er face when we told her he news? Ste was shocked! EXPRESS 3. Aterthe wih hls parents, Ted stayed in his room al eveing. ARGUE 4 Icanttcome othe concert but hanks fo the nvr 5. Ths dress she fsnion designer’ test crear 6. ve noted reat _in Your work since you starter! studying more Improve 7. The teachers nad a bout what todo fortis year's school ly. iscuss Listen Q A.Discuss + What is body language? + How does body language help us when communicating? * Can you think of any examples of body language whicn show people's emotions? 8. Listen toaradio programme with body language expert, Dr Susan Maddison, and complete the sentences below, 1. Understanding body language can be useful for worried 2. Confident people usually stand 3. Apart from meaning something negative, slumped body posture can mean that someone Is 4. Someone with thelr hands could be worries or bored. 5. Teenagers dort look adults in the eye when they havent developed selfcontidence or when they. 6. People look up and to the 7. Experts say that we should look for before we decide what the body is saying When they are lying or more signals Ge Comearing and contrasting es gument body language cable convenient decision desktop computer discuss explain explanation expression ; imagination improvement invitation ) memory mention powerful repair ‘eup room yell Wocabulary 2. Bim: togive $s practice in distinguishing between, words which can eastly be confused to read through the sentences #-8 and draw their ention to the verbs in bold, SSS to read through the definitions a-h and check understanding, 12 Ss do the activity, the answers with the class. LO21364d5.a607.C8.e + Have Ss produce their own sentences using the verbs. 8 Aim: to present and give Ss practice in formingnouns: bby adding sutfixes ion, -ation, ment) to verbs ~ Ask $s to look at the three nouns and try to work out the bs they derive from Ginvent inform, develop). sk Ss to tell you the suffix that was added to each verbs © order to form the noun Gion, -ation -ment). = Draw Ss'attention to the NOTE and explain it + Ask $s to read through the sentences 17. 2w Ss attention to the words in bold capitels at the nd of each sentence and make sure they havent got say unknown words. + Have Ss do the activity + Check the answers with the class. KEY 1 imagination 2.expression 3.2rgument invitation S.creation 6.improvement 7. discussion Listen (YETI (tor transcript see page 172) A. Aim:to prepare §s for the listening activity + Ask Ss to read through the questions and initiate a short discussion KEY Suggested answers + Body language is a form of communication which we use without even thinking about I. It consists of gestures, which are movements with your hands or head, facial expressions, body posture, which is how. you stand or sit. anc eye movements. + Body language plays a very important role in ‘communication because it helgs us get our message ‘across. Often words are not needed to exprass our ‘emotions as our body language almost always gives away what we are feeling, + Examples of body language + Yawning shows that you are bored or tired, = Making eye contact during a conversation shows that you are interested in what the other person Is. saying. Playing with your hands in front of others may shaw: that you are feeling uncomfortable + Touching your face while talking to someone may. indicate that you are lying B. Aim: to giveSs practice in listening for specific information ‘Ask $s to look at the picture of the boy and guess how he must be feeling, Elicit answers. ‘Ask Ss to read through the sentences 17 and check their understanding, Play the CD twice. ‘Check the answers with the class. f necessary, play the CD again in order to clarify any questions Ss may have. KEY 1. parents 2.up straight 4. in their pockets 5. are lying 6.left 7. four 3. Just thinking about something ‘Optional postlistening activity ‘Ask Ss if they use body language when interacting with other people, what kind of body language they usually use. iFthey agree(dsagree with Dr Maddison, how easy/ ifficult its to interoret a person's body language, etc. and initiate a short discussion. TBI6D> a ne itl a7 TB Speak ‘Aims: to give Ss practice in comparing and contrasting + Draw Ss attention to the two pictures. + Draw Ss' attention to the box underneath the pictures to {get an dea of the phrases they can use. + Ask Ss to read through the box on the right which Contains some of the words they can use while comparing ‘and contrasting the two types of computers and make sure they haverit got any unknown words. + Point out to Ss that there are two things they need to discuss (the differences between the two types of computers 2, what they lke/disike about each type of computer. *+ Get $s to do the activity in pairs and go round the class helping them when necessary. + Choose some pairs to act out the dialogue in class. KEY Suggested answers: Look at the pictures below which show two types of computers Tak about te difterences between them, TEE SS ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES small aE a heavy portable convenient net table rt so convener doesn tae up room tees up room c i mot cates AovaNTAGES) leger memory fever cables Disabvanraces smal memory not so powerful ‘ewer diteuttorepar | eer o repair smelr ooard and screen Bigger keyboard ad screen battery neces chong elec powered roe expersve cespor easy t steal cit to ea ‘The biggest advantage ofa laptop is that its small, taht ‘and portable. which means that you can take It with You Wherever you go. Iti, for this reason, more convenient than a desktop computer, which is bigger and heavier | ‘and must be kept at home. Furthermore, a laptop is {to store and doesn* take up a lot of room. The desktop. ‘computer takes up alot of roorn and comes with more cables, which are messy and unattractive to look at. On the other hand, a desktop is more useful than a laptop, because it can have a larger memory, which makes tt ‘more powerful and effective. Apart from this, s easier to repair than a laptop, which means that you can rake good use of it and it asts longer than a laptop. A laptop ‘also comes with a small screen and keyboard, which ‘makes it more dificut to use. A common problem with a laptop isthe fact that its battery needs charging, whic) ‘means that If you forget to charge itt might go fiat Inthe middie of something important. A laptop is an expensive Gevice anid is also easy to steal so if you take it with you, you need to keep an eve out, Then say what you like or dislike about each type of ‘computer. j Inmy opinion, the most important feature of a laptop is its size and the fact that Its portable whereas the ost important feature of a desktop computer s the fact that it can be upgraded and has a larger memory. ‘The biggest cisacvantage of a laptop is that It is dificult to repair while a common problem witha desktop ‘computer is that it takes up a lot of room and has many cables, Listen (tor transcript see page 173) Amo gives practice inlstening fr pectic information + raw Sater tothe TP and expan 1 Age to red trough the questone andthe options and check thee understanding + Pont out to Ss that each question corresponds to a Gferentstuaton inthe form ofa short dologue + aay each dalogue twice and have S ston and do the sav, ‘Check the answers with the class. If necessary, play the CD agen i order to Gary any questions Seay Nave Speak atk in pairs. Look at the pictures below which show two types of computers. Talk about the differences between them. Then == what you like or dislike about each type of computer. Use the words and phrases in the boxes to help you. portable convenient ‘takes up room hheavyflight cheaplexpensive difficult to repair powerful easy to steal small keyooard more/fewer cables smallerlarger memory battery needs charging screen size laptop desktop computer he advantages/disadvantages of having a 1s tons / Desktop computers are more useful because. Imon problem with laptops / desktop computers Is. Listen Q ‘You will hear people talking in five different situations, For questions 15, choose the best answer a,b orc. 1 You overhear two friends talking, Where did the girl see ne video? 2. Someone sent her an email . Through an SN site. <.0nTv, 2. You overhear two friends talking. What's the boys opinion, about skateboarding? a. He hates it . He loves it. ‘c. He doesnt really have an opinion. 3. You overhear two friends talking, Why Is the boy writing con the forum? 2. He wants to find some information. He’ helping somebody out. Hes chatting with some friends. 4. You overhear two parents talking. What is true about their daughter? a. She's more interested in fashion than in gadgets, b. She's fed up with gadgets. €. She’ fond of gadgets. /+ Read the questions and options carefully before you hear each extract. + Listen to the extracts carefully. Dont try to understand ‘every single word or phrase: focus on the whole message, + Choose the option which best answers the question Don't choose an option just because words or phrases included in the extract appear init $m | 5. You overhear a conversation. What is true about the gil? ‘She's bought @ new mobile. b. Shes changed her mobile number. & She's changed her phone company. m4

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