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10 Ways For

Win – Win
10 Tips to enable you to arrive at win-win
“Never forget the power of silence, that massively
disconcerting pause which goes on and on and
may last induce an opponent to babble and
backtrack.” nervously.” – Lance Morrow
1. Silence

 Silence can be a great tool on the

negotiation table.

 If what your counterpart has said is

unreasonable, or if you’ve made an
offer and you’re waiting for a
response, just relax, sit back and wait.
 People usually start talking automatically
to negate the silence and give away their

 When you find yourself negotiating with a

person who understands the technique as
well as you, restate your offer instead of
being silent. But don’t make suggestions;
just repeat your terms. This forces the
other person to respond, and more often
than not, they respond with a concession.
2. Speak from authority

 This method involves

stating something from
a position of authority.
Such statements
generally carry weight.

 For example, 'From

my experience
employees with a
disability have a
lower absenteeism
3. Statistical sample argument

 People find facts

and statistics
credible. Make use
of it where ever and
whenever possible.
 For example, '80%
of employers who
responded to our
service delivery
survey rated us
No. 1 in the area’.
4. Funnel Probe Method

 This powerful
negotiation tool involves
framing a series of
questions, the answers
to which lead the
counterpart to the
conclusion that you

 It requires a great deal

of planning to frame the
appropriate questions
into the debate. Plan on
when and where they
would be used.
Let us never negotiate
out of fear. But let us
never fear to negotiate.”
– John F. Kennedy
5. The Trial Probe

 This technique is used to assess your

negotiating counterpart’s position without
giving away your plans.

 For example, you may ask your

counterpart, “How about considering
our services on a temporary basis?”
or “Would you consider trying our
other option?”
 Essentially, these types of questions force
the counterpart to give information about
their plans without you committing on any

 When you’re on the receiving end of a

trial probe method, you may feel
compelled to answer it. Resist this
temptation and counter with another
6. Offer With Hidden Conditions

 This method is the opposite of the

trial probe method. Instead of
tempting you to make the first offer,
your counterpart will open the
process with a great offer.

 Once you agree, they start

revealing the conditions to enjoy
the offer.

 To avoid falling victim to this tactic,

ask your counterpart about
additional costs before agreeing to
any deal.
7. Limited Authority

 In this method the counterpart tells

you that he or she must get approval
for deals with a higher authority that
you are not aware of. Very rarely do
these higher authority exists.
 In such situations, there are two
 Ask to deal directly with this so-called
higher authority
 Test the limits of your counterpart. If
you do not back down and keep
persisting, you may get what you
8. The Written Word

 Written terms are often

perceived to be non-

 For example, when was

the last time you
negotiated a lease, or a
loan, or even a service
contract that was typed up
in advance in an official-
looking document?
 The best way to counter this
tactic is simply to question
everything, whether it appears
in writing or not.
9. The Flinch
 The flinch is a dramatic
negative reaction to
someone’s offer. This
tactic suggests that you
know your limits.

 For example, you might

act stunned or shocked
when your counterpart
gives their terms.
10. Walk-away
 Have a strategy to ‘walk away’ from a deal.

 Be clear on when to walk.

 To muster the confidence to walk-away from the

negotiation table, have enough prospects in hand.
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