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J.J. ABRAMS Star Wars: Episode 8 Rough treatment 04/05/2014 ACT 1 Rey walks up the Jedi steps. Seeing Luke standing at the cliff, she approaches him. Hovering boulders gently descend to the ground as she hands him his father’s lightsaber. Luke takes it & eyes it longingly; like seeing a dead relative again. They regard each other. Luke, “Thank you, Rey. Well you’re finally here...where you belong.” Rey sputters, “You're Luke? Luke Skywalker. Jedi Master?” Luke quips, “I used to be” Rey is taken aback, “That’s the same thing ...Han, said when | met him.” She starts to tear up. Luke, “Han...| know” he moves closer to her - his eyes begin to well up. “There’s nothing | could have done. From this island, | can only influence ‘so much. Han...Han was beyond my reach.” Rey looks up at him, curious. Rey’s eyes ask a thousand questions, “Influence?” Luke smiles “Why do you think | came to the Island? Rey's eyes widen — inquisitive. Just then a woman's voice is heard calling far off in the distance...“Luke...Luke?” Luke gives Rey a wink. A beautiful, middle-aged woman walks toward them. Two children trail behind her; a seven-year old girl & eight year old boy. Rey turns around - awestruck. She quickly swivels back toward Luke. Luke smiles. “Now you know why | stayed here. I've been a little busy.” Rey smiles. Luke hands the lightsaber back to her. “Here ya go, | made a pay ‘one a long time ago. You're probably gonna need it.” She takes it Luke's wife Audra approaches. She gives Rey a smile. Rey is speechless. Audra & Rey regard each other. Luke, “Audra, this is the girl | was telling you about. The one | brought to the planet. Her name is Rey.” Audra replies “Hello Rey, so very nice to meet you. This our boy Tyas & his sister Khey.” Rey smiles at the two, cute kids. Audra, “Are you staying for dinner?” Rey looks at Luke, dumbfounded. He nods, yes. J.J. ABRAMS Off his look, Rey responds, “Yes, thank you.” As they walk back to Luke’s hut, Rey sputters, “Luke, your sister General Leia sent me here to find you. You're needed back to lead the resistance at once. I'm here with R2D2 & Chewbacca in the —’ He cuts her off Luke “Millennium Falcon? Yes, | saw. You landed on the far side of the island.” Rey, “Yes, we haven't much time.” Luke, “Yes...we do, actually. We have ninety sunsets...ninety sunsets here to prepare for imminent attack. I've communed with Leia. She knows. The resistance is safe...for now.” She looks at him, unsure. He ignites his lightsaber and slowly slinks towards her. “Rey, on Jakku ..your escape. Did you ever ask yourself how an untrained pilot like you could suddenly fly the Falcon & outmaneuver those Tie Fighters? Then, somehow rendezvous with Han & Chewie shortly after?” Rey looks at him — puzzled. She ignites her saber. He charges her. They joust as they talk Luke, “You know how to pilot the Falcon, because | know how to pilot the Falcon. You beat Kylo on Starkiller because | was with you...aiding your untrained mind. It’s an old trick Jedi masters used to help their padawans. You're inexperienced. You're lucky to be alive, but soon you'll be ready. Soon you won't need my assist. Don’t worry, when the time is right, you'll be able to beat Kylo on your own.” She quickly retorts, “But | felt the force flowing through me. Like a giant gust of emotion & power, pushing me beyond --" Luke “Yes, but | was the conduit...we cheated. You may not be as lucky the next time.” He swivels his green lightsaber. “Now attack me. | want everything you've got,” he says with a smile. Rey, playing along, charges him. Luke swivels & easily bests her. She trips & falls onto the grass. While laying on the ground she says, “Snoke, the First Order's supreme leader, he...” Luke sheathes his saber & offers her a hand, “I know of Snoke. We have. history. He’s safe on his planet, Saccrum, just like | am on mine. His planet bleeds dark force energy, just like mine gushes the light - two planets from a bygone era, still in opposition. Both of them are cloaked from detection, only accessible with permission. | had a plan. A very long con...but, | lost. The only way to penetrate Snoke’s defenses was to train tut lntey to weak & eeepc tooott tne darkside Ihave 2 ‘Spy, but too v & de to side. | have a feeling you won't be.” Rey stares at him — bemused. ‘Luke ignites his lightsaber, “Shall we?” He smirks, then charges her again J.J. ABRAMS General Hux stands on the observation deck of a gigantic Star Destroyer — The Siege. Peering out into space, Supreme Leader Snoke's holographic face appears behind him. He informs him Kylo Ren’s convalescence on Mustafar is nearly over. Their #1 priority is still to find Luke Skywalker’s hidden planet, by any means necessary. Hux explains his compu-droids are working on it deducing it's secret location. Inside Darth Vader's castle on Mustafar, a semi-conscious Kylo Ren floats in Vader's old Bacta Tank. While submerged, tiny medi-droids swim around his face like tadpoles. Mostly all of the necrotic flesh on the right side of his face has been replaced by bio-metallic skin. One medi-droid swim’s a new eyeball up to Kylo’s face. As the droid pushes & sutures it into his hollow eye socket, Kylo screams in pain. Red air bubbles shoot from his rebreather mask. Snoke’s hologram appears before Kylo — he scolds him. Kylo’s slightly detached eye cries blood. The tank tilts, and bloody Bacta begins to drain out. His limp body is expelled onto the floor. Back on Ahch-to, Rey, Chewie & R2D2 eat dinner with Luke's family. Audra tells Rey how she & Luke met. Rey enjoys the first family time she’s ever had. She laughs with his kids & one of them sits on her lap. She tells Luke she understands why he'd want to leave the war behind & enjoy the simple life. She’s worried what could happen if Kylo finds the planet Luke. toying with a flute says, "There's nothing | can do to keep Kylo from finding the Island. It was foreseen long ago.” Rey “We must stop him. He'll try to destroy —" Luke cuts her off, “Rey, there's something you don't understand. Once he finds this planet, he can never leave. This planet is a trap, & this Island, the bait. When he comes, we'll be ready for him.” Rey “Then I'll kill him. I'll do what has to be done.” Luke “We can't kill will be pointless. Once he dies, the force will just create another dark side user...maybe even stronger. We have to trap him here on the island ...& keep him here.” Rey is perplexed, “How?” Luke “I’ve got another plan. In the meantime, we train.” Rey nods. Rey “So what is this place? What's this planet called?” Luke “It doesn't really have a name, & there's a reason for that. It's a planet very rich with force energy. After Order 66, this is where the ‘surviving Jedi came for safe haven. Many Jedi lived & died here undetected & in peace, away from the tyranny of the Empire - it's where the force began, & probably where it's all going to end.” J.J. ABRAMS Back to Hux on the The Siege, their sensors pick up a gigantic piece of space junk. It's an old, bombed out piece of Correlian freighter. Hux tells them to ignore it, but as it floats closer, the tech’s pick up multiple heat signatures. Suddenly, Poe, Finn, & a squadron of X-Wings shoot out from it's charred and bombed out hull. Hux dispatches Tie Fighters to combat this sneak attack. Big dogfight. During the assault, Poe launches a disguised BB-8 into one of The Siege’s exhaust ports. BB-8 enters the ship & starts snooping around. Now that they've planted the BB-8 onboard, General Leia commands Poe's fleet to retreat. Just as Hux calls for reinforcements, the X-Wings blast into hyperspace & out of range. BB-8 rolls through the ship, locating a huge room where compu-droids are reverse-engineering hyperspace signatures in that sector. They're looking for Ahch-to. BB-8 sends Leia a coded message informing them of this. Poe tells them they've got to warn Luke & Rey on the island, but Leia orders BB-8 to upload fake coordinates to the Siege’s navicomputer, which will buy them more time. He does this & the First Order blasts off into an unknown sector. Leia tells Poe not to worry, she knows exactly where she's sending them. Meanwhile, Snoke is convalescing on his home planet, Saccrum. He incubates in what seems like a gelatinous womb, nestled inside a computerized half-dome. He stirs & crawls out of the womb’s fleshy orifice like a baby being birthed. Quickly, his attendants dress his feeble body and inject him with life-preserving medicines. Snoke’s 2’ apprentice, the female, Dathan Naut, of Melodie origin, approaches him. She looks like Morticia Addams with heavy rosacea. He sic’s his guard's on her & she fights them feverously with her vibra-sai’s. After this brief skirmish, he applauds. She bows to Snoke, who smiles. He tells her she’s ready to advance to the next level of training. She is to travel to Mustafar & keep a watchful eye on Kylo Ren. She jumps into her sleek, maple leaf looking spacecraft, The Prell, & blasts off. Back on Ahch-to, Rey & Luke walk up the grassy hill towards a rocky mountain peak. Luke, “Lemme show you something...” They reach the summit and spy a golden temple: the first Jedi temple - The Bell. Rey enters — mouth agape. On the walls of The Bell are ancient Jedi hieroglyphs & pictograms, depicting age-old Sith/Jedi battles. Luke walks toward a large hourglass — he flips it over... J.J. ABRAMS Luke, “As | said, we have ninety sunsets ‘till imminent attack. When the last grain of sand falls to the bottom, if we're not on that beach, it'll be too late.” Rey asks how he has this knowledge of the future? He tells her, ‘This Island was home to an ancient sect of force-sensitive archivists, The Kn’id.” Etched into the walls, he shows her archives depicting Jedi/Sith battles. They go back as far as a thousand generations; all chronicled in hieroglyph form. Rey studies them. Following the timeline, she’s shocked to see, on the very end, a drawing of HER handing Luke's lightsaber back to him on the cliff! Rey, “You knew?” Luke chuckles, “...because they knew.” A few inches away she sees a picture of the great battle - three Jedi face seven knights in black. She realizes this is the impending battle Luke ‘speaks of. Rey traces the people with her fingers... Rey, “I see you, me...but who is the third combatant at our side?” Luke, “We're not the only force sensitives on the island.” Off Rey's look, Luke responds, “She's on her way.” Rey looks around the temple to see many artifacts strewn around the floors & walls - different weapons, armor, headdresses, and a couple jet packs. She runs straight towards one, “A jetpack!” Rey exclaims. “| used one of these before, on Jakku. Who's was it?” Luke, “As I said, this was a safe haven. Many warriors left their armaments here for safe ing.” He asks her to kneel on an ornately decorated cushion in the center of the ‘unfazed. He talks her through this a platinum throne, inside a great armor. Her eyes glow red. An blows out. The palace is Ue ree neretne. a J.J. ABRAMS Back on Mustafar, Kylo looks in to a cracked mirror - he sees his reflection & is horrified. Half his face is sutured in mecha-tissue. His left eye is a cataract of blue film - he’s become a monster. He smashes his fist into the mirror & screams in anger. As he sluggishly stands upright, he spies his mask & outfit hanging in the corner. His communicator chirps, “Master Kylo, Dathan Naut approaches.” Dathan Naut’s ship cascades through the Mustafar hanger bay. Kylo and his Knights of Ren wait for her. Dathan Naut tells Kylo, Snoke has sent her to spy on him. Kylo gives her new orders; she is to accompany him to Jakku, to seek out the last known owner of the Millennium Falcon - Unkar Plutt. She bows, “Yes master.” Poe, Finn & the X-Wing squadron meet at the rendezvous point. Leia explains to Poe she directed Hux's ship towards the outer rim of the unknown regions. Poe checks the star charts & sees nothing in that sector but a dying black hole. Leia says, “Precisely.” She explains, the only way to beat The First Order is to lure Hux and his flagship star destroyer, The Siege, into the black holes’ event horizon...& push it in. Everyone gulps. Poe remarks, “BB-8 is on that ship, but it’s a great plan. Who's idea was it?” Leia replies, “BB-8’s" Poe's eyes pop. They set a course to follow The Siege on its current trajectory. On Jakku, Dathan Naut & two Knights of Ren wait in Unkar Plut’s line. As they creep towards the front, they see Unkar behind the gate of his infamous barter station. They ask for the Millennium Falcon’s tracking device. He rudely barks back at them, “I have no such thing, Get away from me you amphibious urchin.” He slams the gate in front of them, Dathan Naut smiles. her vibra-sai’s, she surgically cuts a massive chunk out of the barter s wall. The wall crumbles to the ground with a thunderous |As the various traders & town folk scurry, Unkar Plutt falls out. She asks again. This time, he complies. JJ, ABRAMS They train with staff's inside. Audra & the kids watch them from a distance. Rey & Luke race on the beach. At the finish line, Luke tells Rey to continue beyond the rocks by herself. He wants her to meet a friend of his, alone. As she climbs over the rocks she jumps down to a shady cove. There she sees a large sea monster feeding it’s young. It lunges for her — she screams. Luke screams from behind the rocks, but it's too late. The monster has Rey in it’s greasy tentacles. Right as the monster is about to drag her under the waves, it freezes. Like a glistening goddess, Ahsoka Tano stands before her. She's using the force to calm the beast. Chewie then jumps from behind the rocks & unloads his bowcaster into the creature’s head. The tentacles unwrap from around Rey & it slithers back into the ocean. Ahsoka explains there are many beasts on this island. She must be mindful of mothers protecting their young, for this cove is their feeding ground. Luke joins them. Ahsoka explains this is where she’s been living for many years, free from the pressures of the galaxy. The Bell hourglass slowly drains sand...pebble by pebble. ACT2 The Siege streaks through the galaxy at lightspeed. Hux's navigators explain they will be passing the Maw & entering uncharted space. They have no idea where these coordinates will take them. Hux, hungry for victory, ignores their warnings & barrels forward. Leia’s ship chases them As soon as The Siege stops, Hux sees the Black Hole. He immediately orders the engines to be reversed, to avoid being caught up in the singularities gravitational pull. Leia’s flagship arrives & unloads a merciless barrage of torpedoes at them. Poe, Finn & the X-Wing squadron dog fight with the protective armada of Tie Fighters. Inside The Siege, a female protocol droid, Cfi-Xi, spies the Resistance armada out a window. She Jumps in a one-man escape pod & rockets towards Leia’s ship. The droid’s pod magnetically clamps onto the Resistance ships hull. Cfi-Xi blasts in through an escape hatch. She runs towards a crowd of rebel soldiers saying she's defecting. They take her away in shackles. Just as it looks like Hux is winning, BB-8, inside The Siege, hacks its pulse tiusters, pushing the giant Star Destroyer into the event horizon of the J.J. ABRAMS Captain Phasma & a battalion of Stormtroopers escape into hyperspace but Hux isn't so lucky. He dies as The Siege is sucked into the Black Hole & crushed. General Leia is brought to Cfi-Xi’s cell. Cfi-Xi tells her she must dispatch a strike team to Supreme Leader Snoke’s world of Sacruum. There, Snoke has a priceless artifact he’s using as a secret weapon. Leia is dubious, but C3-PO knows Cfi-Xi was a protocol droid abducted by The First Order many years ago, so Leia believes her. Cfi-Xi explains the artifact must be located & destroyed to ensure the safety of the New Republic. Cfi-Xi gives Leia the secret coordinates to Saccrum. She goes on to say, anyone visiting the planet must be given a special injection. Cfi-Xi pulls a vile of blood from her chassy & gives it to General Leia. Leia asks what it is, & Cfi-Xi replies, “Artificially engineered Sith blood.” The Resistance thinks BB-8 was destroyed along with The Siege, but he’s actually stowed away on Captain Phasma’s escape craft. Phasma finds BB-8 hiding in the hanger bay. Using an evil, red & black BB unit, they hack his memory banks & deduce the real location of Ahch-to. They throw a malfunctioning BB-8 into a scrap heap along with many outdated battle droids. Before he fizzles out, he sends Poe a distress signal. Poe picks up BB-8's distress call. Poe, Finn, & the remaining X-Wing's, equipped with light speed jackets, chase after Captain Phasmna’s ship. General Leia drafts five Resistance-friendly bounty hunters. She orders them to travel to Sacruum & retrieve the artifact. After receiving their respective blood injections, they jet off to Saccrum. Leia takes the fleet back to a new resistance base to hide, while the others race to Ahch-to in search of Rey & Luke. Back on Ahch-to, Luke’s kids awake Rey. Luke tells her they want to sing a song they wrote especially for her. Everybody trek’s to The Bell. Luke named his kids band, The Max Rebo's. Luke plays his flute. Rey reveals to Audra after being here two months, she doesn’t want to leave either. This is the family she’s always wanted. Audra hugs her. Rey cries. Luke's kids sing to Rey... Lunotey ne eae think Summer’ Almost Gone, by JJ. ABRAMS Rey keeps fiddling with the antiquated jetpack she found. Ahsoka finds one as well & tinkers with it. Rey, Chewie, Ahsoka & Luke + family visit a misty, Jedi graveyard. They hold a tiny memorial for Han Solo. Luke tells Rey about one of the nearby graves — a mysterious, ancient Sith Witch who turned to the light - her name was Talstan Lyt. Rey sees Talstan’s palm print on her dirty headstone. Rey stares at it — inquisitive. She kneels down to touch it. Audra asks Rey if she’s ever had a birthday. Rey says she hasn't, so she & Luke’s family throw her a small party. Audra gives her an amazing present — a new combat outfit. Audra refashioned Luke's old, black, Return of The Jedi outfit to fit Rey. It looks awesome & Rey loves it. Meanwhile on Saccrum, a lone First Order scout ship arrives. The beleaguered stormtroopers tell the tale of General Leia’s Black Hole assault, & how they were defeated. An irate Supreme Leader Snoke attempts to locate Kylo Ren, but his homing beacon has gone dead. ACT3 Back on Ahch-to, Rey & Ahsoka walk through the rocky catacombs behind the first Jedi temple. Ahsoka tell her the story of Darth Vader and her time fighting in the rebel alliance. Suddenly, sirens blare throughout The Bell Rey looks at the hourglass & sees there is still a small amount of sand left Luke runs in to say he senses intruders in orbit - Kylo Ren has found the planet! They run to their pre-determined attack positions. Rey, Luke & Ahsoka quickly put on their battle armor. Chewie & R2 streak down the Coes An in the Millennium Falcon, hoping to fight off the first wave Kylo Ren shoots out of the sky in his advanced Tie Executor. Dathan Naut sits behind him. They're flanked on either side by two Tie-Fighters; flown by the Knights of Ren. The Millennium Falcon attacks Kylo straight on — it's a dogfight over the island of Ahch-to. The two Tie Fighters break off & head towards the beach, J.J. ABRAMS Chewie blasts Kylo’s wings off, & his Tie Executor crash-lands into the surf. As he & Dathan Naut emerge from the smoldering waves, Rey & Ahsoka stand before them - lightsabers blazing! The four combatants duel on the shore of Ahch-to. Kylo fights Rey all the way up to the edge of a cliff. She jumps off the precipice & into the open door of a hovering Millennium Falcon. She runs ‘round the falcon’s circular hallway as Chewie spins the craft 180 degrees. She blasts out the other side with her jetpack on! As Kylo sprints towards The Bell, Rey spirals towards him. Descending, she force pushes a pile of rocks onto him, which he tries to deflect mid-gallop. On the far side of the beach, three Knights of Ren jump out of their Tie Fighter. Luke, waiting for them with his green lightsaber ablaze, charges He takes them all on - cutting & slicing with his saber, & using force push & force lightning to finish them off. This is the bad ass Luke Skywaker we've all been waiting for! They were once his they're dead meat. Luke chases the last knight down the beach until he jumps over the rocks & disturbs the sea creature's cove. The leviathan lunges from the surf & drags the struggling knight under. As Ahsoka & Dathan Naut duel on the beach, Kylo sprints closer to The Bell. He runs up the hill towards it. Just as Rey sets her sights on Kylo, she is barraged with a scattershot of laser fire, which emanates from the second Tie Fighter. She blasts up into the air & deflects the lasers with her lightsaber. Expertly piloting her jetpack, she cascades around a cliff & shoots behind the ship, as she dodges rear laser fire. She then lands on top of the Tie Fighter & slices it’s wings off. It begins to spiral out of control. She's thrown off, only to fall on top of the Millennium Falcon. Saved again by Chewiel She regains her footing, literally surfing the Millennium Falcon, & directs Chewie to drop her next to The Bell. Chewie roars as he spies Kylo Ren speeding towards its golden steps - he flies toward it. Rey tries to blast off with her jetpack, but it was damaged in the fall. As soon as Chewie reaches The Bell, she ditches the jetpack & jumps off, speeding after Kylo, who quickly runs inside. He locates the meditation chamber & grabs the ancient Jedi holocron. Rey force-pushes it out of his hands while chasing after him. They ignite their sabers & engage in a brutal duel. Back on the beach, Ahsoka finally beats Dathan Naut — knocking her unconscious & hanging her upside down with a rope. JJ. ABRAMS Meanwhile in orbit, Captain Phasma’s ship finally reaches Ahch-to. She aims her ventral canon toward Luke's island. Just as they are about to decimate it, Poe, Finn & they're squadron of X-Wings come out of hyperspace. They bombard her ship with proton torpedoes & laser fire - crippling it. BB-8 drops out of an exhaust shaft, & is picked up by Poe. He & Finn immediately fly down to Ahch-to. Back to The Bell - Rey & Kylo fight like two cats in a bag. Kylo disarms Rey, who, lying in the center of the meditation chamber, cradles the Jedi holocron for dear life - it begins to glow & steam. Just as Kylo raises his dreaded crossguard lightsaber to deliver Rey’s deathblow, he’s suddenly frozen. Luke’s young son, Tyas appears from the shadows, holding Kylo in stasis with The Force. Luke’s daughter Khey jumps up & punches a red button on the wall — locking both Rey & Kylo under an impenetrable force field. They got him! Luke & Ahsoka arrive. Kylo taunts Luke, “! can still kill her you know. Are you really going to keep me trapped here forever with her corpse?” As Kylo struggles to beak free & go in for the kill, Rey grabs the holocron with both hands. It smokes & flashes with a feverous intensity. Kylo, slowly fighting the force stasis, brings his saber down closer to her exposed neck. Suddenly, Rey flickers in & out of existence like before, but then ...she disappears! Kylo is dumbfounded. Luke smiles, “You always were gullible, Kylo. No wonder Snoke so easily turned you. Now you're our prisoner, for eternity.” Poe & Finn finally make there way to the meditation chamber. Luke tells them they've beaten Kylo, but Rey is gone. Back on Snoke’s planet of Saccrum, Leia’s strike team arrives. They get into a firefight with Snoke's royal guards and most of them are killed. One bounty hunter, Kilmit Erg, does make it to the lower levels of what seems to be a laboratory. He enters a frozen chamber & sees something displayed in a glass case. He takes a holographic picture of it & sends it to General Leia. Just as the transmission goes through, Erg’s neck is broken. As his limp body falls to the floor, we see Snoke standing behind him, his crippled hand extended. Admiral Akbar receives the image & runs it towards Generals Leia’s quarters. She looks at it— mouth agape, and says, “It's a severed hand. My brother's severed hand. The question is, what are they using it for?”

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