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Av tar Sing h Vs Surjit Kau r

Affid avit

I , Avtar Sing h ag ed ab o ut 32 years s /o Pal Singh R/o villag e

Ak b arp ur, Tehs il and Dis tric t Ro p ar, do hereb y so lem n l y

affi rm and d ec lare as und er :-

1. That the d ep o nent is the res id ent of ab o ve sai d

ad d res s.

2. That the m arriag e o f the d ep onent with the res p o nd en t

was s olem nized on 25- 11- 2001 at Gurud wara Tib b i

Sahib , Ro p ar b y way o f Sikh Rites ac co rd ing to Anan d

Karaj C erem o ny in the p res enc e o f co mm o n relativ es

and friend s .

3. That after the m arriag e of the d epo nent and

res p o nd ent co -hab ited with eac h o ther as hus b and an d

wife at villag e Akb arp ur, Tehs il and Dis tric t Ro p ar an d

two fem ale child ren nam ely J as wind er kaur ag e 8 years

and Am anp reet kaur ag e 5 years was b o rn o ut o f th ei r

wed lo c k and no w bo th the d aug hters are res id ing wi th

the res p o nd ent at Mum b ai.

4. That fro m the very b eginning of the m arriag e th e

res p o nd ent was no t hap p y with the status of th e

d ep o nent and the res p o nd ent o ften us e to say that th e

d ep o nent is no t o f her liking and no t o f up to h er

s tatus.
5. That jus t after one mo nth o f the m arriag e when s om e

friend s of the d ep o nent c am e to his ho us e to

c o ng ratulate the newly wed d ed co up le and wh en

d ep o nent as ked to the res p o nd ent to p rep are tea fro m

them , then the res po nd ent s tarted abus ing th e

d ep o nent in fro nt of his friend s and ins ulated th e

d ep o nent in the p res enc e o f his friend s .

6. That even after this the res p ond ent d id no t chang e h er

attitud e and us ed to leave the ho us e o f the d ep o nen t

witho ut info rm ing the d epo nent and his fam ily and us ed

to go to her p arents hous e and when the d ep o nent and

his p arents us ed to ab us e the d ep o nent and his p aren ts

and m is b ehave with the d epo nent and his parents .

7. That after the m arriag e the res p o nd ent quarreling wi th

the d epo nent on the p etty m atters and res po nd en t

s tarted to g ive threats to the d epo nent that shall wi l l

no t live with the d ep o nent and us e to leave the ho us e

o f d ep o nent witho ut any intim atio n.

8. That after few mo nths fro m the m arriag e th e

res p o nd ent started to fo rc e the d ep o nent to live

s ep arately fro m his p arents and every tim e d ep o nen t

m ake s om e excus e and sho ws his inab ility and th e

res p o nd ent did no t turn fro m this illeg al d em and an d

always fo rc ed the d ep o nent to live s ep arately fro m h is

p arents and when the d ep o nent s ho wed his inab ility to

d o so then the res p o nd ent left her m atrim o nial ho us e

o n 02 July 2007, witho ut any reas o nab le caus e an d

witho ut info rm ing the d epo nent and his p arents an d

to o k all the o rnam ents and d o wry articles in th e

ab s enc e o f the d ep o nent and his p arents .

9. That after this the d epo nent co ntac ted the res p o nd en t

and req ues ted her to jo in the c om p any b ut s he refus ed

to c om e b ac k. Then the d ep o nent and his p aren ts

c o nveyed p anc hyat in J uly 2007 to b ring her b ac k to

her matrim o nial ho us e b ut the res p o nd ent refus ed to

c om e to her matrim o nial ho us e witho ut any reas o nab l e

c aus e. Thereaf ter ag ain in the mo nth o f Oc to b er 2007

the d epo nent and his p arents c onveyed p anc hyat an d

req ues ted the res p o nd ent to co m e to her matrim o n i al

ho us e and also req ues ted her m o ther to s ent th e

res p o nd ent no r her mo ther ag reed to s ent th e

res p o nd ent to her m atrim o nial ho us e with the d ep o nen t

and thereaf ter in the mo nth of Marc h 2008, in

Sep tem b er 2008, in January 2009, in J uly 2009, i n

N o vem b er 2009, and finally in Feb ruary 2010 s everal

Panc hyat were c onveyed to b ring her b ac k.

10. That thereaf ter in the m o nth o f Ap ril 2010 th e

p arents o f the d ep o nent and o ther relatives along wi th

res p ec tab le als o went to the res p o nd ent and h er

m o ther and tried to p ers uad e them to s end th e

res p o nd ent with the d ep o nent b ut thy flatly refus ed

witho ut any suffic ient reas o n.

11. That the d ep o nent is still read y and is willing to

keep the res p o nd ent and will m aintain her well as hi s

leg ally wed d ed wi fe.

12. That the res p o nd ent left the c om p any of th e

d ep o nent witho ut any reas o nab le c aus e.

13. That the d ep o nent is in need o f c om p any o f th e

res p o nd ent.

14. That the p etitio n has no t b een file in c o llus i o n

with the res po nd ent.

15. That there is no g round why the relief so ug ht c an

no t b e g ranted .

16. That there is no litig atio n in b etween the p arti es

is p end ing in any co urt o f law.

17. That the res p o nd ent is leg ally wed d ed wife o f th e

d ep o nent and the d epo nent is hung ry o f her co m p any.

18. That the d ep o nent will keep her with dig nity an d

well p ro vid e all nec es s ities o f life.

19. That the m o ther o f res p o nd ent is g reed y wo m en

and she want to the res p o nd ent with s om e where el s e

in c o nnivanc e with the res p o nd ent.

Dep o nen t

Verific atio n :-

Verified that the co ntents o f the abo ve s aid

affid avit are true and co rrec t to the b es t o f m y kno wled g e

an d b elief and no thing has b een c onc ealed therein.

Verified and s igned at Ro p ar.

On ________ ____ ____ _

…. Dep o nen t

Av tar Sing h Vs Surjit Kau r

Affid avit

I , Karnail Sing h ag ed ab o ut 50 years S/ o Raja Ram R/ o

h o us e No . 1917/ A, near N ang al C ho wk, Kurali Ro ad , Ro p ar,

T eh s il and Dis tric t Ro p ar, d o hereb y s o lem nly affirm an d

d ec l are as und er : -

1. That the d ep o nent is the res id ent o f ab o ve said ad d ress

and the d ep o nent is the hus b and o f the res p o nd en t’s

s is ter.

2. That the m arriag e o f the p etitio ner with the res p ond en t

was s olem nized on 25- 11- 2001 at Gurud wara Tib b i

Sahib , Ro p ar b y way o f Sikh Rites ac co rd ing to Anan d

Karaj C erem o ny in the p res enc e o f co mm o n relativ es

and friend s .

3. That after the m arriag e of the p etitio ner an d

res p o nd ent co -hab ited with eac h o ther as hus b and an d

wife at villag e Akb arp ur, Tehs il and Dis tric t Ro p ar an d

two fem ale child ren nam ely J as wind er kaur ag e 8 years

and Am anp reet kaur ag e 5 years was b o rn o ut o f th ei r

wed lo c k and no w bo th the d aug hters are res id ing wi th

the res p o nd ent at Mum b ai.

4. That fro m the very b eginning of the m arriag e th e

res p o nd ent was no t hap p y with the status of th e

p etitio ner and the res p o nd ent o ften us e to say that th e

p etitio ner is no t o f her liking and no t o f up to h er

s tatus.

5. That the res p o nd ent ab us ing the p etitio ner in fro nt o f

the d epo nent and refus ed to p rep are tea fo r th e

d ep o nent and the friend s o f the p etitio ner when th e

p etitio ner as ked to the res po nd ent.

6. That the res p o nd ent us ed to leave the ho us e o f th e

p etitio ner witho ut info rm ing the p etitio ner and hi s

fam ily and us ed to g o to her p arents ho us e and wh en

the p etitio ner and his p arents us ed to b ring b ac k th e

res p o nd ent then the res p o nd ent and her m o ther ab us ed

the p etitio ner and his p arents and m is b ehave with th e

p etitio ner and his p arents .

7. That after the m arriag e the res p o nd ent quarreling wi th

the p etitio ner o n the p etty matters in fro nt o f th e

d ep o nent and the res po nd ent to ld to the d ep o nen t’s

m any tim es that s he d id no t want to live with th e

p etitio ner.

8. That after the m arriag e the res p o nd ent s tarted to fo rc e

the p etitio ner to live s ep arately fro m his p arents an d

the res p o nd ent and her m o ther fo rc ed numb er o f tim es

to the d ep o nent that the d ep o nent tried to und er stan d

the p etitio ner to live s ep arately fro m his p arents if h e

want to live with the res p o nd ent o therwis e th e

res p o nd ent left the c o mp any o f the res p o nd ent.

9. That thereaf ter the d ep o nent cam e to kno w fro m th e

p etitio ner that the res po nd ent left the ho us e o f th e

p etitio ner o n 02 July 2007, witho ut any reas o nabl e

c aus e and witho ut info rm ing the p etitio ner and his
p arents and to o k all the o rnam ents and d o wry artic l es

in the abs enc e o f the p etitio ner and his p arents .

10. That thereaf ter the d ep o nent alo ng with th e

p etitio ner and his p arents c o nveyed Panc hyat in J u l y

2007 to b ring her b ac k to her m atrim o nial ho us e b u t

the res p o nd ent refus ed to c o m e to her m atrim o n i al

ho us e witho ut any reas o nab le c aus e. Thereaf ter ag ai n

in the m o nth o f Oc to b er 2007 the p etitio ner and h is

p arents c onveyed Panc hyat and req ues ted th e

res p o nd ent to co m e to her m atrim onial ho us e and al s o

req ues ted her m o ther to s ent the res p o nd ent no r h er

m o ther ag reed to s ent the res p o nd ent to h er

m atrim o nial ho us e with the p etitio ner and therea fte r i n

the mo nth of Marc h 2008, in Sep tem b er 2008, in

J anuary 2009, in J uly 2009, in No vem b er 2009, an d

finally in Feb ruary 2010 s everal Panc hyat were

c o nveyed to b ring her b ac k and the d ep o nent alway s

the m em b er o f the abo ve s aid panc hyat.

11. That thereaft er in the m o nth o f Ap ril 2010, th e

d ep o nent alo ng with the parents o f the p etitio ner an d

o ther relatives alo ng with res p ec tab le als o went to th e

res p o nd ent and h er mo ther and tried to p ersuad e th em

to s end the res p o nd ent with the p etitio ner b ut th y

flatly refus ed witho ut any s uffic ient reas o n.

Dep o nen t
Verific atio n :-
Verified that the co ntents o f the abo ve s aid
affid avit are true and co rrec t to the b es t o f m y kno wled g e
an d b elief and no thing has b een c onc ealed therein.
Verified and s igned at Ro p ar.
On ________ ____ ____ _
…. Dep o nen t

Avtar Singh Vs Surjit Kaur


I, Bhupinder Singh aged about 32 years S/o Gurnam Singh R/o village

Akbarpur, Tehsil and District Ropar, do hereby solemnly affirm and

declare as under :-

1. That the deponent is the resident of above said address and a

close friend of petitioner Avtar Singh.

2. That the deponent is family relation with Avtar Singh and having

visiting terms with the petitioner and the deponent used to visit

the house of the petitioner daily in routine.

3. That the marriage of the petitioner with the respondent was

solemnized on 25-11-2001 at Gurudwara Tibbi Sahib, Ropar by

way of Sikh Rites according to Anand Karaj Ceremony in the

presence of common relatives and friends.

4. That from the very beginning of the marriage the respondent was

not happy with the status of the petitioner and the respondent

often use to say in front of the deponent that the petitioner is not

of her liking and not of upto her status.

5. That the respondent abusing the petitioner in front of the

deponent and refused to prepare tea for the deponent and the

friends of the petitioner when the petitioner asked to the

6. That the respondent used to leave the house of the petitioner

without informing the petitioner and his family and used to go to

her parents house and when the petitioner and his parents used

to bring back the respondent then the respondent and her mother

abused the petitioner and his parents and misbehave with the

petitioner and his parents.

7. That after the marriage the respondent quarreling with the

petitioner on the petty matters in front of the deponent and the

respondent told to the deponent’s many times that she did not

want to live with the petitioner.

8. That after the marriage the respondent started to force the

petitioner to live separately from his parents and the respondent

forced number of times to the deponent that the deponent tried to

under stand the petitioner to live separately from his parents if he

want to live with the respondent otherwise the respondent left the

company of the respondent.

9. That thereafter the deponent came to know from the petitioner

that the respondent left the house of the petitioner on 02 July

2007, without any reasonable cause and without informing the

petitioner and his parents and took all the ornaments and dowry

articles in the absence of the petitioner and his parents.



Verified that the contents of the above said affidavit

are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and

nothing has been concealed therein.

Verified and signed at Ropar.

On _________________


Avtar Singh Vs Surjit Kaur


I, Mohinder Kaur aged about _____ W/o Prem Singh, Sarpanch of

village Akbarpur, Tehsil and District Ropar, do hereby solemnly affirm

and declare as under :-

1. That the deponent is the Sarpanch of village Akbarpur and the

petitioner Avtar Singh is residing in her village.

2. That the deponent is having family relations with the Avtar

Singh’s family and use to visit the house of the petitioner in daily


3. That the marriage of the petitioner with the respondent was

solemnized on 25-11-2001 at Gurudwara Tibbi Sahib, Ropar by

way of Sikh Rites according to Anand Karaj Ceremony in the

presence of common relatives and friends.

4. That after the marriage the respondent was not happy with the

status of the petitioner and the respondent often use to say in

front of the deponent that the petitioner is not of her liking and

not of upto her status.

5. That the respondent abusing the petitioner in front of the

deponent as well as the other villagers.

6. That the respondent used to leave the house of the petitioner

without informing the petitioner and his family and used to go to

her parents house and when the petitioner and his parents

alongwith the deponent used to bring back the respondent then

the respondent and her mother abused the petitioner and his

parents and misbehave with the petitioner and his parents.

7. That after the marriage the respondent quarreling with the

petitioner on the petty matters in front of the deponent and the

respondent told to the deponent’s many times that she did not

want to live with the petitioner.

8. That after the marriage the respondent started to force the

petitioner to live separately from his parents and the respondent

and her mother forced number of times to the deponent that the

deponent tried to under stand the petitioner to live separately

from his parents if he want to live with the respondent otherwise

the respondent left the company of the respondent.

9. That thereafter the deponent came to know from the petitioner

that the respondent left the house of the petitioner on 02 July

2007, without any reasonable cause and without informing the

petitioner and his parents and took all the ornaments and dowry

articles in the absence of the petitioner and his parents.

10. That thereafter the deponent alongwith the petitioner and

his parents conveyed a number of Panchyats to bring the

respondent back to her matrimonial house but the respondent

every time refused to come to her matrimonial house without any

reasonable cause.

Verification :-
Verified that the contents of the above said affidavit
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and
nothing has been concealed therein.
Verified and signed at Ropar.
On _________________

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