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1. Definition of physical fitness.

Physical fitness is one’s ability to execute daily activities with optimal performance, endurance, and
strength with the management of disease, fatigue, and stress and reduced sedentary behavior. It is
generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest.

2. What are the two components of fitness?

 Health-related physical fitness is primarily associated with disease prevention and functional health.
Participating in regular health-related fitness helps you control your weight, prevents diseases and illness,
improves your mood, boosts energy, and promotes better sleep. It is made up of five sections: cardiovascular
endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Lets take a closer look
at the five sections of health-related fitness:
Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of your heart, blood cells, and lungs to work continuously for
extended periods of time. This is how efficiently your body takes in, transports, and uses oxygen while
exercising. Having efficient heart and lungs leads to increased energy throughout the day
Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle can produce in a single effort or how much
you can lift in one attempt. Performing exercises that use your own body weight, free weights, or weights on a
machine are excellent ways to develop muscle strength. Having muscular strength will ensure that you have
the strength needed to lift a heavy object, for example a box full of books.
Muscular endurance is your ability to contract your muscles several times without excessive fatigue.
Another way to think about it is the length of time your muscles can continue to work before tiring. What this
means is once you have picked up that heavy box of books, you can then carry that box for a long period of
time before you need to take a break.
Flexibility is the range of motion that your joints have during movement. Maintaining flexibility can improve
your performance in physical activities in addition to decreasing your risk of injuries by helping your joints move
through their full range of motion, therefore, allowing your muscles to work most effectively. Stretching and
yoga can be done to help improve your flexibility.
Body composition is the ratio of water, bone, muscle, and fat in the body.

 Skill- or performance-related fitness involves skills that will enhance one’s performance in athletic or sports
events. There are six skill-related fitness components: agility, balance, coordination, speed, power, and
reaction time. Skilled athletes typically excel in all six areas.
Agility is the ability to change and control the direction and position of the body while maintaining a
constant, rapid motion. For example, changing directions to hit a tennis ball.
Balance is the ability to control or stabilize the body when a person is standing still or moving. For example,
in-line skating.
Coordination is the ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement. For example,
dribbling a basketball. Using hands and eyes together is called hand-eye coordination.
Speed is the ability to move your body or parts of your body swiftly. Many sports rely on speed to gain
advantage over your opponents. For example, a basketball player making a fast break to perform a layup, a
tennis player moving forward to get to a drop.
Power is the ability to move the body parts swiftly while applying the maximum force of the muscles. Power
is a combination of both speed and muscular strength. For example, fullbacks in football muscling their way
through other players and speeding to advance the ball and volleyball players getting up to the net and lifting
their bodies high into the air.
Reaction Time is the ability to reach or respond quickly to what you hear, see, or feel. For example, an
athlete quickly coming off the blocks early in a swimming or track relay, or stealing a base in baseball.

3. What are the components of health?

 Physical health is the state of being free from illness or injury. It can cover a wide range of areas including
healthy diet, healthy weight, dental health, personal hygiene and sleep. Physical health is vital for overall
well-being and is the most visible of the various dimensions of health.
 Social health is commonly defined as your ability to form meaningful relationships with other people and
interact in healthy, positive ways. The way you connect to the people around you, adapt to
different social situations, and experience a sense of belonging all contribute to your social health.

 Environmental health is the branch of public health concerned with all aspects of the natural and built
environment affecting human health. Environmental health is focused on the natural and built environments
for the benefit of human health.
 Emotional health is a state of positive psychological functioning. It can be thought of as an extension of
mental health; it's the "optimal functioning" end of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make up both
our inner and outer worlds. It includes an overall experience of wellness in what we think, feel, and do
through both the highs and lows of life.
 Spiritual health plays crucial role in maintaining healthy environment around us. It includes respecting values,
morality, dignity, ethical values, and harmonious temperament for all.
 Mental health refers to our cognitive, behavioral, and emotional wellbeing - it is all about how we think, feel,
and behave.

4. What are the essential nutrients?

 Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Your
body uses protein to build and repair tissues. You also use protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other
body chemicals. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
 Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products.
 Fats are substances that help the body use some vitamins and keep the skin healthy; they are also the main way
the body stores energy.
 Vitamin is an essential micronutrient that an organism needs in small quantities for the proper functioning of
its metabolism.
 Minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy. The body uses minerals to perform many different
functions — from building strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses. Some minerals are even used to make
hormones or maintain a normal heartbeat.

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