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My Own Philosophy In Teaching

Some of us are more knowledgeable in all things,but they don't know how to practice it into real
life situation. In other way some people are not expose to learning but they have their skills to do

Knowledge is useless without application . John Dewey believe that people can learn through
experience or so called learning by doing but doing things without knowledge is is
obvious that in doing things it is essential to have knowledge.How we create something without
knowing how to do it.

My own philosophy in teaching are the combination of knowledge and wisdom.ln additional
instructions with application. If we have that expertise without knowing how to handle in terms of
troubles. Our duty are unfruitful . I believe wisdom is the right thing to do in terms of is
how solution no matter how hard it is to fixed l will always find .l believe intelligent is just like a
program of the computer it is about how person understand a certain things but not just as deep as

The two are both essential in teaching ,for me because knowledge address queries and the wisdom
address problem.This is my perception in teaching . knowledge for competent and wisdom for
strategies in teaching .l assume that knowledge and wisdom is interrelated that are very important
in teaching.These two are very effective for in teaching.

l believe that knowledge begin from knowledge which

Submitted by : Alson S. Sacay

Submitted to: Joel E. Felicilda,Lpt,Ed.D

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