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It was a clear morning, my stomach started rumbling. As the old

saying goes “The early bird gets the worm.” I started preening
my feathers.
I suddenly woke up one morning and found I had become a
bird. I tried to reassure myself that this was just a peculiar
dream, but it was of no use. The first thing that I realized was I
was no longer in my purple and turquoise painted room but in a
dark, humid though mysteriously cozy hollow in a tree.
As I described it in the dream, my stomach started rumbling
and my thoughts deviated towards the different worms I could
feast on. It seemed as if I had acquired an in-depth knowledge
about bird food.
Though I seemed to be scared and nervous at the beginning of
this new experience, I soon got the hang of it. I decided that I
would try to live one day as a bird and enjoy the luxuries of
staying away from gadgets and the facilities of our home.
I started my bird lessons by trying to fly like a normal bird. The
next fact that I realized about birds was that flying was not an
easy adaptation to learn. I fell off the branches of trees more
than a dozen times, but I was not a quitter. I gave it my 100%
and finally the most unimaginable thing happened. I lifted my
wings high in the sky and I soared through the clouds like a
graceful, elegant and carefree bird, the gentle breeze touched
my face and it felt like Paradise. That was an extraordinary
I stopped after some time and my stomach rumbled again. The
thought of eating worms left me disgusted but I had to do it. I
saw a worm. I decided to take a shot. I darted towards the
worm and gulped it in one go. Oddly, my stomach stopped
I thought of meeting other birds and flew a little further.
Unusually, I found none. This raised suspicion and I flew back to
my tree astonished to see that the tree was cut down. I did not
know what to do when I saw a man carrying a cage and
ordering few men to bring the fresh wood. I decide to follow
him. The man left the cage and went out to inspect the wood. I
examined the cage when I saw a bird trapped inside it. I saw
the gloomy face of the bird and with a lot of difficulty I opened
the cage.
The bird thanked me a lot and explained the difficulties of birds
as the men cut down the trees and trap the birds. I felt
dejected. Suddenly I fainted.
I woke up when someone poured water on my face. I realized
that I was no longer a bird anymore. I loved the day but I was
sad to hear about the cruelty done to birds. I wished that
everyone would be treated equally.

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