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Dagupan, Pangasinan
Institute of Graduate Studies

DATE: March 9, 2019

COURSE TITLE: Management of Technology in Education


ID NUMBER: 18-4933-759
COURSE: DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY- Educational Leadership and
PROFESSOR: Dr. Eugenia B. Ramos



Formats for Alternative Assessment

Alternative Assessment Examples

Authentic Assessment vs. Traditional Assessment

40 Alternative Assessments involve in learning

 Formats for Alternative Assessment

In alternative assessment applications, students are responsible for actually

creating a response to an assignment or examination. With traditional assessments that

are largely multiple choice based, students select a response from a list. This can include

true or false responses, matching or any other form where the student's thought process

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revolves around eliminating options or attempting to find the best possible selection

based on the criteria provided.

There are several types of alternative assessments including essay responses,

oral presentations, and portfolios of compiled work, short answer questions and

demonstrations of a concept/strategy. Alternative assessments can be used at given

intervals for grading or they can be used as a final assessment at critical intervals such as

final examinations or for the overall promotion to the next grade.

 Alternative Assessment Benefits

Often because of class size or as a method for saving timing in grading, traditional

testing has been utilized. Alternative assessment gives the student the opportunity to

demonstrate the depth and scope of what they have learned rather than being limited to

just a few responses on a traditional test or exam. The compression of an entire semester

of work into a single hour of testing that can account for a major portion of a grade can

often be a misrepresentation of the efforts of students.

A portfolio of work is an example of alternative assessments where a student has

selected or developed the work they think best depicts their study skills and

understanding of concepts. It is also an overall great teacher resource for showing what

lesson plans were effective and which were not. In the same way that traditional

assessments can show the flaws of poorly understood concepts when viewed at a holistic

classroom level, the same can be true with alternative assessments.

 Effectively Implementing Alternative Assessments

The teacher resources available to assist with the deployment of alternative

assessments in the classroom setting should include more than simply testing options.

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The study skills required to ensure sufficient supporting information prior to an actual

alternative assessment event are critical to the success of students. Worksheets can help

a student with the overall development of their responses, but overall, lesson plans should

ensure ample time to help students become familiar with the alternative assessment


There are teacher worksheets available to assist with improving the study skills of

students who are learning the alternative assessment methods. Just as many students feel

they have an inherent inability to successfully complete multiple choice or traditional

testing, there will be students who find the alternative method difficult. By continuing to

foster a sense of ownership and student accountability for their contributions to their own

assessment, many of these students will become more effective with their overall


 Alternative Assessment Ideas for Learning

When people think of assessment, pencils and bubble sheets may be the first

things that come to mind. Assessment does not always have to involve paper and

pencil, but can instead be a project, an observation, or a task that shows a student

has learned the material.

In the end, all we really want to know is that the skill was mastered, right?

Why not make it fun and engaging for students as well?

Many teachers shy away from alternative assessments because they take extra

time and effort to create and to grade. On the other hand, once the assessment

guidelines and grading rubric are created, it can be filed away and used year after


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The project card and rubric can be run on card stock (one on each side of the

page), laminated, and hole punched with other alternative assessment ideas.

Here are 40 alternative assessment ideas to get you started!

1. Bookmark

Create a bookmark to match the theme of the last book read.

2. Time Capsule

Put together a group of 5 things from the story of the week.

3. Stuffed Animal

Students can make a stuffed animal that matches the theme of the story read.

4. Business Card

Summarize the story by designing a business card (this will be harder than it


5. Radio Show

Create a radio program that is set in the same time as the book.

6. Recipe

Make a recipe (or just the instructions) for something that a character in the story

might make.

7. Paper Doll

More geared towards the younger set, this activity involves creating paper dolls

and costume changes for the characters in the story.

8. Wanted Poster

Make a wanted poster for the antagonist in the book.

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9. Eulogy

Write a eulogy for a word that is overused in the student’s own writing samples.

10. Infomercial

Students will tape a segment that uses persuasion.

11. Bumper Sticker

Design a bumper sticker with a catchy slogan for each of the writing genres.

12. PowerPoint

Pairs can create a slideshow about their writing process from start to finish.

13. Newscast

Students can form teams to create a news program about writing conventions

(run-on sentences, spacing, punctuation, etc.)

14. Comic Strip

Draw a comic strip that shows examples of figurative language.

15. Brochure

Create a brochure that explains the steps involved when writing for different


16. Survey

Create a survey of students’ favorite writing styles or writing pet peeves. Make a

graph that explains the results.

17. Acrostic Poem

Using one math term, such as geometry or algebra, make an acrostic poem.

18. Internet Resource List

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Students will find a list of websites that explain the current math concepts


19. Readers’ Theater

Perform a readers’ theater that is all about the current topic.

20. Crossword Puzzle

Use the vocabulary from the assessed chapter to create a crossword puzzle,

including the design and matching clues.

 Authentic Assessment and Traditional Assessment

Authentic assessment does not need to replace more traditional forms of

assessment. Instead, the two types of assessment should be combined to best meet

the assessment needs of both the student and the teacher. Students will be more

likely to display their knowledge according to their learning style when given

multiple assessment opportunities. When traditional assessment and authentic

assessment are combined, a student can prove what information they have

learned, and then transfer their knowledge further through performance. When

someone studies to become a doctor they do not only pass written exams proving

their knowledge of the human body and medicine, but they must also perform

what they know. In this situation, the doctor has a knowledge base of the body

and medicine, and then has applied their knowledge to real-life situations. If they

were not able to perform both, they would not become doctors. Why shouldn't we

be looking at our students learning and assessment in the same way?

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The following are the major differences between authentic assessment and

traditional assessment:

Traditional Assessment

 Responses are selected (choices provided)

 Students recognize or recall prior information

 Usually only one right answer to a problem

 Act as drills - students repeat answers to questions for memorization

 Answers to questions provided without always providing the reason behind

their answer

 Knowledge is only proved through pen and paper tests and assignments.

Authentic Assessment

 Performance-based - students perform a task to display knowledge

 Knowledge is acquired and then demonstrated through performance (real-

world opportunities)

 Multiple solutions to problems - not only about knowing the right answer, but

how you got to the right answer

 Allows for teachers to understand a student's thought process

 Student-centered - students are able to display their personal strengths

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 How does authentic assessment best meet the needs of


The goal of education in the United States is to provide students with the

opportunity to make it in the real-world. What is better than providing them with

real-world performance based activities? When a student is given an authentic

learning opportunity, he or she is learning something that not only relates to their

lives, but that they will be able to use in the real-world after the course is over. It

is not enough to just ask students to recite or recall the information they have been

provided, but they should be able to perform a task to display their knowledge.

Performing a task will not only show that they understand the information, but are

able to apply it to a real-life situation.


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