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(Edrel Mark P. Gaisen)

MATERIALS: 3-5 Chairs (Mono-Block chair) cones


Mountain jumping is a kind of drills that target your lower extremities.

This drill Is a combination of mountain climbing, jumping(high & low) and walking.

Do this 3-5 times a week and you will see the improvement and changes on your body.

In doing this drill don’t forget to have a warm up to avoid body pain and injuries.

Warm up:

Jumping jack (50)

Jog in place (20cts)

Inhale exhale (5 times)

Procedure: This drill is composed of 4 different drills

which include, walking, mountain climbing, jumping, and side shuffle.

1. Prepare your materials. 5ft

2. Line the chair straight same us the cone 3. 7.

opposing with the chair.

3. Do ten counts of mountain climbing.

4. Jump over to the chair.

5. Side shuffle towards the cone. 10FT

6. In jumping to the cone you need to 4. 6.

increase your speed.

7. After doing all of that relax and walk slowly.

In doing this drills there’s a lot of benefits that we can get specially in our lower

1. It helps to improve our lower extremities.

2. Improve our bones and muscles to become stronger.

3. Improve our balance skills.

4. Improve our jumping skills.

5. Improve our health in order for us to become a better person.

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