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6th & 9th Grade Graduation 2018/2019


Time Duration Activity

08.00-8.20 20’ Preparation
08.20-08.30 10’ Parents are entering and sitting in the Auditorium
08.30-08.35 5’ Mrs. Gina, Ms. Mathilda, and students enter to the Joe Auditorium with
“Gaudeamus Igitur” song (by Violin/Instrumental Orshestra) and sit
08.35-08.40 5’ Opening speech from Mrs. Gina as the representative of management of Sekolah
HighScope Indonesia Alfa Indah
08.40-08.45 5’ Speech from Ms. Mathilda as Elementary School Principal
08.45-08.55 10’ Speech from graduates. Grade 6 by: _______ Grade 9 by: ______
Transition Video
11.15-11.30 15’ Performance from grade 6 students from Alfa Indah
(performance by:…………………………….)
Transition Video
15’ Performance from grade 9 students from Alfa Indah
(performance by:…………………………….)
Transition Video
2’ Mrs. Gina and Ms. Mathilda and Mr. Widi go to the stage to give the diploma.
35’ Elementary students line up to receive the diploma on stage.
(MC will call students’ name one by one)
15’ Students’ appreciation to representative of Parents on stage.
Followed by appreciation to other parents, (songs by:………)
Parents of (grade 6)  (Mr. & Mrs.xxxxxxxxxx)
Parents of (grade 9)  (Mr. & Mrs.xxxxxxxxxx)
20’ Students’ appreciation to representative of HSI Alfa Indah teachers on stage.
Followed by appreciation to other teachers, and HSI Alfa Indah staffs. (songs
Position Name Student’s Respresentation
Teachers Ms. Maryna
Management Ms. Benty
GA Pak Larno
AAO Ms. Dian
P&C Ms. Ami
ACS Mr. Tono
Kitchen Bu Susi
Driver Pak Hasyim
Security Pak Agung
CS Mbak Ulfa
Class History

15’ Performance grade 6 and 9

5’ Students sing “Gaudeamus Igitur” on stage

15’ Students, teachers, principal and management take pictures on the stage:
 Students, Teachers, Principal and Management.
 Students, All Teachers, Principal, Management, All staff, and Pak Dar.
 Students leave the room.
 Photo Studio Session

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