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Time allowed: 3 hours Part II Maximum Marks: 75

Note: Attempt FIVE questions. Question no.1 is compulsory. Attempt TWO questions from Section-A
and TWO from Section-B

I. Explain with reference to context three of the following:

(a) His works are not the eccentricities of a solitary genius; they are the creed of England. It is not a
dogmatic or a narrow creed; it is full of thought and question so that no one who reads him with
intelligence can escape from the torment of thought.

(b) He translated the faith of Carl Marx into acts by devising the practical methods by which the
Marxian theories could be applied in his own time.

(c) What benefits the Revolution had given them were forgotten and the present evils grew
increasingly burdensome. With victory turned into defeat after the loss of the Russian Campaign it
was the human material that had changed.

(d) Lying in that streaming brown fragrant liquid, old Heythorp heaved a stertorous sigh. By losing his
temper with that ill-conditioned cur he had cooked his goose. It was done to a turn; and he was a
ruined man.

(e) Bit by bit I weeded out the men until at last I had only the ones the tried and the trusty men.
They were a poor lot and they did not dare to look back at me when I looked at them. But they were
able to work and that is all I wanted them to do and I saw that they did it.

(f) Tea is not a native product but it has become our native drink procured by our English energy at
seafaring and Trading to cheer us with the sober courage that fits us best.


II. Napoleon succeeded so long as he won battles. Discuss the central comic idea of the play.

III. What are Lord Cantelop’s prejudices as a politician? Discuss.

IV. Give a detailed account of “Purpose of Education” by A C Brock

V. The Ghost Ship tells us a supernatural story with wit and Humour, without the least suggestion of
fear and horror.’ Discuss.

Section B

VI. The writer describes the Duke of Wellington as a man of strong nerves and simple habits. Discuss.

Vii. Write a detailed account for THE Great Exhibition by Sir Hugh Walpole.

VIII. Shakespeare is English to the Core. Discussed with reference to Sir Walter Raleigh’s.

IX. write a criticall appreciation of the essay, A Piece Of Chalk” by G K Chesterton.

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