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I wake up with no memory of where I am.

The forest floor is covered in a fine dew, and there is

no sound of birds or any kind of wildlife movement.

Who am I? What am I? I sit up. I woke up with this eternal cold around me and no idea where I

came from or who I was. I sit here, in the moonlight contemplating on what I should do. Should

I move from where I am? If I do that and someone is looking for me, then I’ve missed them.

Though on the other hand that could be a good thing if there are people out there who wish to

do me harm. What is this on my head? I look into the water to see a helmet fused to my skull. Is

it part of my skull? As old and worn as it looks, it may have come from my previous life. As I

look at it, it reminds me of a warrior’s helmet. Was I once a fierce warrior? What were my

duties? Was I an assassin? Bodyguard? Whatever I was, I worked in the moonlight because I

have no complexion. I am as pale as the moon itself. I imagine I was pretty good at my job

though because I do not have any scratches or scars on my face; but I do have this hole. This, I

know, is not normal. I touch the hole. It’s cold. Empty. Strange though, it mimics my emotions. I

feel no fear, nor sadness. I feel empty. You would imagine that after waking up in the middle of

this strange forest, I would be afraid, but I am not. I have this strange calmness over me, as if I

belong here. Why would I belong here though? What was my mission if I had one to start with?

Was it to guard this forest? Was my mission to find someone and do away with them? I raise

my voice. What was it!

I hear a twig snap, and immediately I tense up. When I woke up, there were no sounds of

animal life, but now, now I have this feeling of being watched. No, not watched… stalked. I can

feel my stalkers eyes on me, trying to pierce my mind. Trying to figure out what I am thinking
now that I’ve become silent. Where is he though? Though I can feel his eyes on me, I cannot feel

where he is looking from. Is he behind me? If so, is he in the branches? Or behind the trunk? I

have deduced through that he is not a friend, but I have yet to determine if he is in fact a foe. He

hasn’t made a threatening move toward me but he has not made himself known to me as of


*thump thump*

That sound, what is that.

*thump thump*

It sounds like a heartbeat but it isn’t constant. It almost fades away with the wind but I hear it

come from within me. Is it my own heart? I check it against my own pulse and no, it doesn’t line

up with my own. In fact I cannot find my pulse. Does that mean I am dead? That would be

impossible. Wouldn’t it? I mean, can I really have an inner dialog while being dead as well? Now

is not the time for these questions, now is the time to identify who (or what) is watching me,

and what their intentions are.

*thump thump*

I ignore it. It sounds familiar. Almost like a heartbeat, but if it isn’t mine, who’s then is it? Could

it be my pursuer? That would be strange. But me not having my own heartbeat is just as

strange, no?

*thump thump*

Hello! My voice echoes into the trees. I receive no response. No cracking of the leaves, no

snapping of branches; nothing.

*thump thump*
Who are you!

*thump thump*

This frustrates me greatly. I study the trees. Where could he be? I stand up and study the

ground around me. Even though I can assume that I was unconscious for sometime because I

have no recollection on who I am, or my past before waking here in the forest, there is no

imprint of where I had laid. This adds to the puzzle pieces to which are my life. I look around the

forest floor for anything dense enough that I can throw, yet small enough that I can conceal.

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