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“You are Invited”

Join us
December 10, 2019
Mark Angelo A. Esteban

Maa Road Davao City

Dear Mr./Mrs.

I am writing this letter to you on behalf of to join because, We

provide toys, books, electronic equipment, clothing and food to children in need
throughout the year. Our aim is to help the children with some of the necessities of
life, so they can focus on their education and improve their lives. We hold an annual
fair at the parking lot of Name of Place to raise funds for our work.

We are requesting you to purchase one or more tickets to the fair to help us raise
funds. Tickets are 120 pesos each for adults and 100 pesos each for children
between six and 15 years. Children under six years may enter for free. The fair has
rides, games and food stalls, and has been a great success every year since its
beginning in 2002.

This year, we have distributed food and clothing to 465 children and purchased 12
computers for high school aged children to help with their studies. Through our
efforts over the past 10 years, 42 of the children we supported have graduated from
high school and entered college. Your business is a pillar of the local community,

which is why we are asking you to join these efforts.

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