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University Corporation God´s Minute

VII- Semester
Names and surnames: Camilo Andrés Pachon García
NRC No. 753

1. Definition of state?
A nation state is a state in which the great majority shares the same culture and are conscious
of it. The nation state is an ideal in which cultural boundaries match up with political ones.
According to one definition, "a nation state is a sovereign state of which most of its subjects
are united also by factors which defined a nation such as language or common descent." It is
a more precise concept than "country", since a country does not need to have a predominant
ethnic group.
2. list the elements of the colombian states?
Corresponds to the group of individuals who are subject to authority State fundamental. In
Colombia, in accordance with the Political Constitution (Article 96), are Colombian
- Those born in the country (natives of Colombia), even those who are children of
foreigners and some of his parents were living in Colombia.
- The children of a Colombian father or mother who were born abroad and then decided
to live in territory
It is the physical or material element where the population is based and constitutes the scope
spatial, or geographical, within which the power of the State is exercised In accordance with
the Constitution Politics (article 101), in addition to the continental territory, the San Andres
archipelago, Providencia,and Santa Catalina, Malpelo Island and other islands, islets, cays,
hills and banks, are also part of Colombia the following elements.
Sovereignty expresses the absence of all subordination, internal and external, on the State to
exercise its power over a territory and for the benefit of a population determined.
According to article 3 of the Colombian Constitution: “Sovereignty resides exclusively in the
people, from which the Public Power emanates. ” Thus, in Colombia sovereignty is exercised,
by the people, in a manner direct (possibility of being elected or presenting initiatives before
the State) or through their representatives (possibility of choice), by virtue of which, the
people delegate to the State the power to command over their territory and interact with other
Nation and nation: in Colombia, the term nation has two meanings: one sociological, to make
reference to the population as an element of the State, considering the nation (with lower
case) as the community of language, religion, aspirations and race; and another, political and
legal, in which the Nation (capitalized) is a legal entity (subject of rights and obligations) that
represents the central levelof the State (headed by the President of the Republic as the main
authority of the Executive Branch of the Public Power).
• COUNTRY: this term is usually used as a synonym for State, however, strictly speaking,
when speaking The country refers to the territory, that is, it is related to the geographical
phenomenon where the State exercises its power.
• HOMELAND: (from the Latin homeland, family or clan): the term homeland is used to
designate the home or adoptive land to which an individual feels bound by links of various
kinds, such as emotional, cultural or historical9
• REPUBLIC: (from Latin: Res publica, the public thing): refers to the form assumed by the
State in certain historical period (for example becoming a federal State or as a State Basic
elements about the Colombian State. The Republic is characterized by being a form of
government that is governed by law and that recognizes the sovereignty of the people (for
example in countries where the population cannot choose their rulers would be before a
Monarchy or a Dictatorship, but not before a Republic).
five: list three control agencies of the colombian stete?

- National Statistics Department (DANE).

- Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation "Francisco José
de Caldas" (COLCIENCIAS)
- Culture Ministry

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