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I. complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verb:

1. I wish she (tell) me about her party before. I already have plans.

2. Danny wishes he (finish) work earlier every day.

3. My children wish that I (buy) them more presents every Christmas.

4. I wish I (get) paid twice a month instead of once a month.

5. Henry wishes he (go) to Harvard because he would have a better job by now.

6. I wish I (have) my free time back.

7. I wish I had (find) one of those jobs.

8. Are you serious? I wish I (can) get paid extra for working on

II. I wish things were different! Make sentences using 'wish' + past simple about the
things I don't like.


I don't have a car. I wish that I had a car.

1) I can't play the piano. _________________________________

2) I'm at work. _________________________________

3) It's winter. _________________________________

4) I'm ill. _________________________________

5) I don't have new shoes. _________________________________

6) I can't afford to go on holiday._________________________________

7)I can't drive. _________________________________

8) My laptop is broken. _________________________________

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