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Questions fot oral Exam

Unit 7
1.- What kind of people do you not like working with?
2.- What famous businesswoman do you know?
3.- What qualities do you need to be a successful business executive?
4.- How do you usually deal with problems in your work?

Unit 8
5.- Describe the brand that you like the most, use at least 4 adjectives.
6.- Compare two brands that you know, using 4 adjectives to do it.
7.- What is your opinion about using social media in advertising? Justify your answer.
8.- What is the advertising campaign that you like the most? Why?

Unit 9
9.- What company do you work for?
10.- What does the company that you work for do exactly?
11.- In your actual job, what does your boss do? What are his/her daily activities?
12.- What kind of company do you think will be successfull in the future? Why?
Unit 10

13.- What kind of technology do you use in your work? What do you not like? Why?
14.- What is the main way of communication in your company? What is your opinion
about it? Why?
15.- How the communication will change in the future inside of the companies?
16.- In your opinion What kind of communication is better, face to face or phone call?

Unit 11
17.- What are the beliefs and values of your organization?
18.- If a company has working environment problems, What advices can you give it to
solve them?
19.- What is your opinion about the following sentences “the cultural differences of the
countries provoke problems of communication and the relationships between the
companies that are involve”? Justify your answer.
20.- I’m going to have a business trip. Give me 3 advices about things I should or shouldn’t

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