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Casino Boat Busted in Pollution Probe

This morning, the casino boat “Coral Queen”, along with its owner, Dusty Muleman,
were busted for good for polluting the waters of the Muleman Marina. According to the Coast
Guard, which sent a helicopter to investigate, a swath of fuchsia-colored water appeared in the
marina, conspicuously spreading from the Coral Queen’s sewage holding tank. This comes after
Paine Underwood was arrested for sinking the boat (it has since been restored) and claimed
that Muleman had illegally been dumping sewage into the water. As of now, however, it is
unknown what caused the water to turn this shade of pink.

Many people, including members of the Underwood family, speculate that Muleman
dumped the Coral Queen’s sewage in the water to get out of paying the money to transfer it
into an onshore tank and have it taken away. This idea of Muleman’s motive comes with the
fact that he makes about $10,000 every night the Coral Queen is open. However, some of the
people who knew what was going on worried about the public safety at the time. Shelly, the
bartender onboard, stated that she “saw the awful sludge firsthand that came from Dusty’s
careless dumping of sewage.” She added, “I truly worried about the health of the community,
and wished for this kind of evidence to come up that would bust Muleman for good.” Even
Noah Underwood, the son of the man that tried to sink the Coral Queen, recognized that he
“never thought someone would be so cruel and careless towards public health, just to gain
more wealth than he needs.” Contrary to these statements, however, Muleman denies that he
ever purposefully dumped sewage to gain money, telling the Island Examiner that these
comments were only to slander his name.

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