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Balanced scorecard Template

KRA (key Target KPI (key performance Result

result indicator)
Financial 10% reduction in Reduce expenses
operating expenses ($5,785,714) in the next
for store. financial year.

Customer 1) Reduce 5% of non- Reduce non-conforming

satisfaction conforming products products (5%) in the next
to only 2% in the next financial year.
financial year.

2) Reduce by 30%
reduction in number Reduce the number of
of telephone telephone complaints per
complaints per week. week.

3) Conduct service
Customer surveys twice
surveys of online users
twice a year to
increase customer
Internal Use performance Formal performance
business management evaluation discussions are
process documents to record held twice a year.
formal performance
evaluations, including
monitoring individual
performance and
recording key events.

Professional 1) Two weeks of Provide all employees

development professional training with training once a year.
for all employees.

2) Provide Provide all employees

opportunities to all with the opportunity to
employees at least communicate their career
once a year. development goals.

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