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“Educational System”

Education is the light of the life. Education proves to one of the most
important factors for the development of human civilization. Education
enhances human status and leads everyone to good manners. It invites positive
and constructive change in life . Everyone wants to be well educated. Life can be
successful by the help of appropriate education. Educated person can onl y judge
what is correct and what is wrong? And takes the appropriate and right decision
but uneducated pers on fails to do so. It is the most important aspect of any
nation’s survival today. Education builds the nations; it determines the future of
a nation. ISLAM also tells us about Education and its importance. So why a
country needs strong education policies and implementations ? Because to make
their citizens to be able to read and write." Free Education for all" system must
be applied which gives fruitful results. The countries with the effective
impressive need oriented, saleable and effective system of educ ation comes out
to be the leaders of the world, both sociall y and economicall y. It is onl y
education which can turn a burden of population into productive human

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