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Nama : Puspa Ramersa

Nim : 181810053

Kelas : Psikologi B


A Journal Journal of psychological intervention
Year 2014
Author Firsty Ajeng Wulandari
Indria Laksmi Gamayanti

Reviewer Puspa ramersa

The Date 19 january 2020

Abstract This research aims in identified the effectiveness of mindfulness based

cognitive therapy as an alternative to promoted the self-concept on
adolescent with burn injury and post-traumatic stress disorder after Merapi
eruption of 2010. The number of the research subject was one adolescent
aged 17 years old suffered from combustio grade II – III, with the distribution
of the burn injury was 38 % resulted in physical disability, and PTSD after
Merapi eruption of 2010. The data collection was conducted using
observation, interview and scale. This research was single case experimental
design research with the research design n=1 and the measurement design
AB–Follow up. The analysis of the collected data involved the measurement
using two methods, namely: (1) Visual inspection technique which
represented the graphic based on the result score of PTSD and self-concept
scales on the stages of baseline, intervention, and follow up which was then
analyzed; (2) Qualitative analysis method usedin-depth interview and
observation during the stages of assessment, baseline, intervention, and
follow up. The results of this study indicated that there was an increase in
self-concept was seen in the form of the internal dimensions of identity as the
person and valuer, and external dimensions of self-concept in the form of
physical, personal, social, moral, ethical, family, academic. There was also a
significant decrease in PTSD based on the DSM IV. Keywords: Mindfulness
Based Cognitive Therapy, Self Concept, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Discussion This study aims to determine the effect of Mindfulness Based Cognitive
Therapy on improving self-concept to be more positive and decrease PTSD
scores in adolescents who suffer burns due to Merapi eruption 2010. The
results obtained in this study from qualitative results and graphs show that
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy is able improving adolescent self-
concepts to be more positive and reducing PTSD symptoms in adolescents
who suffer burns due to the Merapi eruption in 2010. This decrease can be
seen from the decline in PTSD scores in the measurement session before the
intervention, during the intervention and the follow-up phase. The same thing
is done in self-concept measurement. Improved self-concept becomes more
positive results can also be seen from the increase in self-concept scores on
each measurement made before the intervention, during the intervention and
in the follow-up phase. In this study, because the sample is too small, only 1
subject, the researcher will discuss the results of the study with a graphical
visual inspection and qualitative analysis. Where visual inspection graph
analysis is an analysis that interprets the results through graphic data
accurately and meaningfully by looking at changes in behavior that occur.
Whereas qualitative analysis is obtained by evaluating the condition of the
subject, seeing progress during the process of commitment through the
method of interview and observation. Both methods of analysis are
considered to be able to measure the effectiveness of mindfulness based
cognitive therapy in existing samples. The skills taught during therapy are
efforts that focus on changing the subject's attention to the negative thoughts
of the subject including the focus on the feelings and sensations that
accompany the body and how the subject is able to cope (Spiegler & David,
2010). As revealed by Beckerman and Corbett (2010) with the Mindfulness
Based Cognitive Therapy program, subjects are taught to focus their attention
on the current state without being disturbed by strong emotions and negative
thoughts, breaking away from things that judge, returning awareness to the
current state gradually to overcome his distracted mind. Practice the skills of
recognizing and releasing the symptoms of the mind that lead to stressful
states through breathing techniques and bodily sensations. After following
the therapy process for 12 face-to-face meetings. The subject expressed
feeling helped in various ways, especially in terms of behaving and behaving in
their daily lives. The subject becomes focused on his current situation and is
no longer too focused on his past experiences which often causes him to
worry and worry in his daily interactions. Some things that are often practiced
by the subject are trying to enjoy their experiences while in a new
environment and meeting people with individuals to manage the pressures
faced in relation to their daily experiences and activities (Follete & Vijay,
Conclusion From the journal that I reviewed, the formation of a negative self-concept in
adolescents resulting from the trauma of the eruption of mount merapi, is
expected to be able to be re-formed into a positive self-concept with
mindfulness based cognitive therapy. this proven research has the advantage
of dealing with stress, recurrence of depression, anxiety disorders, eating
disorders and addiction is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. the results of
this journal mindfulness that he did was to change the self-concept from
negative due to trauma burns from the eruption of Mount Merapi into a
positive self-concept.

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