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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter How I plan to resolve these problems

when researching and

 WATERSHED I’ll have to make sure to avoid everything that

(PRE/POST RULES) includes content of violence, sexual themes,
graphic or distressing imagery and swearing. E.g.
offensive language should be avoided until the
end and not broadcasted at all. If any of these
would be included in my script, I’ll have to re-write
it as many times as necessary until I come up with
something that is suitable. When it comes to the
use of language, I’ll have to make sure no one will
get offended while listening to my radio drama.

 GENRE When it comes to the genre of my radio drama, I

will do primary and secondary research to explore
more the elements that I’ll be using during the
whole process e.g. narrative, Foley sounds,
background music etc. I’ll be doing the secondary
research on the codes and conventions of the
horror genre, so that I’ll have a better
understanding of it. And when it comes to starting
writing I’ll be more knowledgeable, so the script be
much interesting and complex. If there will be
moments when I’m confused or something else
happened, I’ll have my research to back me up on
my future decision and solve any problem that
would occur in this part of my work.

 CHARACTER TYPES I’m planning to research character theory and write

about each character’s goal and the motivation
behind them. Give information about their
background, show their reactions, attitude, so that
they will be well developed and show to the
audience what kind of factors had an impact on
their personality. This way my target audience will be
able to understand them and the reasons behind
their decision and maybe relate to them as well. All of
this will help me develop their personality further,
making them realistic and much complex compared
to how they initially were in the beginning.

 BBC GUIDELINE – To make sure I follow the rules properly I’ll have to
RADIO 4 EXTRA go through the guideline and taking note of what
I’m allowed to do and what I should avoid doing
while producing my radio drama. I’ll have to take
in consideration the language used when writing
the script, while being guided by the regulations
making sure that I understand the pros and the
cons of the guideline. Checking if the audience is
suited for the kind of radio drama, I want to make is
a must and respecting their requirements when it
comes to the length of my radio drama.

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter How I plan to resolve these problems
when researching and

 AUDIO QUALITY The audio quality might be a major problem later

on when I’ll start recording. The mic could be too
far away or too close to the actors and because of
that their voices could be too quiet or too loud. To
avoid this problem to occur, I’ll make sure that my
actors are speaking clear enough so there won’t
be any inconvenience and the audience will
understand them. I’ll also make sure they’re staying
at a proper distance from the microphone.

 BACKGROUND MUSIC I don’t think I will struggle when it comes to

background music as much as I thought,
considering that there is plenty of music that I
could find. I might have a hard time looking for
something that will fit the atmosphere I will want to
create, but to avoid this to happen I should search
for background music earlier on so when it comes
to editing, I won’t struggle as much.

 SCRIPT WRITING When it comes to writing the script, I’ll have to

make sure it won’t be longer than 10 pages,
because if I cross this line the radio drama will
probably look like is dragged too much. A page is
equivalent to one minute, so if the radio drama is
longer than 10 minutes the audience might get
bored easily is something interesting isn’t
happening. I’ll have to write the Foley Sounds at
the same time as I write the dialogue, but if at
some point I want to change something I’ll have to
go through it again and make sure everything ends
up the way I want. And since I’ll go over it many
times it will also help me to identify the spelling
mistakes and grammar errors. By doing this the
actors won’t struggle while reading the script.

 AUDITIONING The main problem that might occur is to find the

CHARACTERS right people to audition. Since I thought about
using a variety of people from different nationalities
as well (not only British people) to make the plot
more interesting. I might have to take numerous
auditions until I find the right voices for the
characters I’ve imagined. I should have backup
actors just in case one of the main ones won’t be
available, so that I’ll avoid delaying the recording

 TIME TO EXPERIMENT I haven’t thought about the kind of Foley sounds

/RE-RECORD I’d like to use in my production, so having time to
experiment would give me a better insight how my
radio drama is going to sound overall. I’ll have to
make a list of Foley sounds after experimenting, to
take note of the sounds that would work well and
the ones that aren’t fit with what I would like to
achieve. I’ll also have my teacher feedback that
would guide me and help me improve further. So,
for example, if they consider a Foley sound doesn’t
sounds as good as it should, I will need to re-record
it until it will fit with the rest of the Foley sounds
when creating a soundscape.

 ACTORS The main thing that I should do when it comes to

my actors, is too check on them constantly to
make sure that they’re still available to record on
the set dates. If there is an inconvenient occurring, I
might have to change the schedule so that they’ll
be able to make it or ask the backup actors to
take over the role. But since the actors I want to
use are serious, I don’t think I’ll have any issues.

 FOLEY SOUNDS The main priority is to make the Foley sounds sound
as clear as possible, so when I start recording them
is recommended to be in a quiet place to avoid
being disturbed by people or things that could
cause loud noises e.g. cars. Since I want to
experience more, and this time the genre of my
radio drama will be horror, the range of sounds I will
have will be much different compared to the time I
did my radio drama on the fantasy genre. I’ll be
recording the Foley sounds either in college or
some other place in my spare time.

Mid project check-up (After research)

End project review

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