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Current Marketing Mix


Bata offers a number of product lines to the prospective consumers in the existing market. Bata

has truly international team whose diversity of ideas to develop new style footwear, shocks,

sneaker, etc. Bata has introduce huge product line of men footwear – shows, sandal, sneakers,

shocks, women footwear, kid’s footwear and many other types of footwear line the company is

operating in the market. About half line of product the company imports and sells under the

franchising. Bata also sell ten international brands footwear at their retail shop.

Premium collection

Bata has been delivering hand crafted quality footwear over100 years to maintain and build on

heritage of creating high quality, comfortable and stylish shoes.


 For many a product is simply the tangible, physical entity that they may be buying or

selling. You buy a new car and that's the product - simple! Or maybe not. When you buy a

car, is the product more complex than you first thought? The Three Levels of a Product.

 The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is based upon the biological life cycle. For example, a seed

is planted (introduction); it begins to sprout (growth); it shoots out leaves and puts down

roots as it becomes an adult (maturity); after a long period as an adult the plant begins to

shrink and die out (decline).

 The Customer Life Cycle (CLC) has obvious similarities with the Product Life Cycle

(PLC). However, CLC focuses upon the creation of and delivery of lifetime value to the

customer i.e. looks at the products or services that customers NEED throughout their lives.

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