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FOR 2019


亥 Ji Hai


As 2019, the Year of the Earth Pig is ushered in, a sense of optimism and lightheartedness fills the
upcoming 12 months. Since it is governed by a Yin Earth, people generally find this year a relatively
slow-paced one with opportunities to rejuvenate and replenish. It is also a good time to reflect and
make plans for the future.

Every year brings different energies, which in turn influences people’s lives in a certain way based on
their BaZi charts. It is important to remember that these influences are temporary and they change
every year. Therefore, the challenging situation you are in today will not remain forever as well. The key
to thrive in any year is understanding there is a time for everything. By doing the right thing at the right
time, you will have luck on your side no matter what year it is.

The Pig Year marks the end of a complete rotation cycle of the 12 animal signs in Chinese astrology.
This signals a well-deserved break for people to review the previous years, tie up loose ends and get
themselves ready for the upcoming new cycle. The Pig Year is also an ideal time to foster positive
relationships and strengthen bonds as the general atmosphere is festive and relaxed, perfect for the
beginning of new friendships and romantic relationships.

The energies of the Year of the Earth Pig affect everyone differently. By knowing your Day Master,
you can learn how this year’s energies will influence you in specific sectors of your life. Gaining this
knowledge gives you the advantage to plan ahead of things, navigate through the year smoothly and
make the most out of this year!

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Copyright © 2018-2019 by Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.
甲 Jia
乙 Yi

JIA (甲) & YI (乙)

Comparable to a tall, deep-rooted, sturdy tree, Jia 甲 Wood Day Masters are strong,
resilient and dependable. Because of these traits, they are natural born leaders in business
and community. Meanwhile, like pretty flowering plants and rambling ivy, Yi 乙 Wood Day
Masters are often well-mannered and soft-spoken as they are tactful and diplomatic.

Ji 己 and Hai 亥 are the Wealth and Resource structures to the Wood Day Masters. This
implies opportunities for Jia and Yi individuals to advance in both personal and professional
lives, as they are likely to be given more responsibilities this year. With advancement in life,
chances of finding new and better ways to improve current situation will also open up for

For Yi Wood Day Masters, they also have the blessing of the Heavenly Wealth this
year, indicating the possibility of a windfall, so they should be on the lookout for such
opportunities coming up! However, both the Wood Day Masters should also beware of
health issues cropping up this year as the Year of Earth Pig indicates increased risk of falling
sick for them.

While this indicates a busy year especially in terms of career for the Wood Day Masters,
to make the most out of these opportunities this year present, they are advised to always
based their plans on a comprehensive research before taking the plunge. By doing their
research, they can understand what the market or the business needs and will be able to
implement an effective plan.


While wealth opportunities are abundant, don’t forget to take care of your wellbeing for
health is your most valuable asset after all. Get prepared for a busy year with a strong
body and mind by adapting healthy lifestyle and diet. Go for regular health screening to
ensure you are in your top form to achieve even more this year!

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Copyright © 2018-2019 by Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.
丙 Bing
丁 Ding

BING (丙) & DING (丁)

Like the blazing sun that radiates warmth, Bing 丙 Fire Day Masters are vivacious, generous and
passionate. They are persistent and relentless; nothing will be able to keep them down. On the other
hand, Ding 丁 Fire Day Masters are akin to a candle flame that illuminates others in the dark. They are
gentle, meticulous and great motivators.

Ji 己 and Hai 亥 are the Output and Influence structures for both Fire Day Masters. This indicates
increased recognition for their talents and capabilities, as they are given the platform to showcase
their creativity and proficiencies. Their dedication to their work is likely to be acknowledged by their
superiors, which could improve their chances of getting a pay rise.

The Year of the Earth Pig also brings the Nobleman star to the Fire Day Masters, so they would be able
to find ready assistance should they need it. For Bing Fire Day Masters however, the year branch Hai
contains their Seven Killings, so they may still find challenges abound this year, but do not fret as they
would find helper soon to solve these problems.

To make full use of the attention they are garnering this year, the Fire Day Masters should take note not
to let their carelessness affect their chances of advancing in career and personal life. This is because the
risk of a minor mistake escalating into a serious matter is heightened for them. The key is to be more
organised in anything they do, so that they can avoid making careless mistakes.


As the Year of the Earth Pig ushers in your Nobleman star, you should take advantage of this by
asking for help when you need it. If you are given a task you are not familiar with, ask questions and
you will find answers. If you find yourself unable to solve certain problems, raise the concern instead
of working on it alone because help is always available.

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Copyright © 2018-2019 by Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.
己 Ji

WU (戊) & JI (己)

Wu 戊 Earth Day Masters are like mountains; they are stable, trustworthy and dependable. They are also
empathetic and will never hesitate to offer help when needed. Ji 己 Earth Day Masters are resourceful
and highly adaptable, like the fertile soil of the gardens that nurtures and grows all plants. They are the
most tolerant people who are willing to take a lot of hardship.

As Ji 己 and Hai 亥 are the Companion and Wealth structures for both Earth Day Masters, this year may
present opportunities for them to expand their social network and gain advantages from friends in the
right places to improve their financial standing. It’s best to keep an open attitude as collaborations and
teamwork will help them to reach greater heights this year.

The Wu Earth Day Masters are likely to enjoy an improved wealth luck as the year branch Hai contains
your Indirect Wealth star which indicates opportunities to leverage your investment portfolio. For Ji
Earth Day Masters who are single and looking, the year may open up opportunities to meet someone
right for you as the year branch Hai contains the Direct Wealth star and the Direct Officer star, which
represent wife star and husband star accordingly.

While the Earth Day Masters may find themselves making many new friends this year, it is however
important to choose their company wisely. Some people may approach them with the intention to take
advantage of their generosity. They should also be mindful not to let some people’s negativity affect
their perspectives and decisions.


Social events and relationship matters will be the highlight for you in this Year of the Earth Pig. Make
use of these newfound friendship and networks to explore investment opportunities; or if you are
single, this is also a great time to find a significant other. The key is to go out and mingle, so that you
are able to meet new people and build new relationships!

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Copyright © 2018-2019 by Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.
辛 Xin

GENG (庚) & XIN (辛)

Tough, decisive and competitive, Geng 庚 Metal Day Masters thrive in challenging environments, like
an axe being forged in flames. They are also highly-principled and fiercely loyal. Often displaying great
showmanship, Xin 辛 Metal Day Masters are sophisticated people driven by the need for recognition, as
they are akin to delicate jewelry. They also make great negotiators.

Ji 己 and Hai 亥 are the Resource and Output structures to the Metal Day Masters. This denotes
opportunities for Geng and Xin individuals to learn new skills and knowledge this year. They may find
changes at work or in the market that calls for a need to update and renew what they know and have
mastered. The self-improvements they make this year will bring well-deserved recognition.

With the new skills and knowledge gained this year, the Metal Day Masters will find themselves with
greater values to offer. When opportunities arise, they will be ready to seize them and open new doors
to better careers and platforms, where they can put their expertise into good use, with possibility of a
higher income and enhanced status.

The Geng Metal Day Masters especially will find themselves coming up with a lot of great ideas this year
as the year branch Hai also brings in their Intelligence Star. However, both the Metal Day Masters may
tend to procrastinate this year due to emotional problems, which could hold them back in pursuit of
greater achievements.


Although you may tend to procrastinate, in order to thrive in 2019, the Metal Day Masters are
required to step up and present your ideas, knowledge and skills as the Year of the Earth Pig ushers
in your Output stars. Learn to be aware of your emotions and how they affect you, so that you can
rise beyond emotions and showcase your true values.

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Copyright © 2018-2019 by Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.
壬 Xin
癸 Gui

REN (壬) & GUI (癸)

Represented by the gushing waters of the ocean and great rivers, Ren 壬 Water Day Masters are
dynamic, adaptive and are fast thinkers and quick learners. They are known for their single-mindedness
and intense ambitiousness. Gui 癸 Water Day Masters are relatively calmer as they are represented by
soft dewdrops and rain. They are also highly imaginative and intuitive.

Ji 己 and Hai 亥 are the Influence and Companion structures for both Water Day Masters. This signifies
obstacles and challenges abound for them this year. These are likely to be a result of mistakes and bad
decisions they make in the past. This year offers a chance for them to rectify their past mistakes and
make major improvements in their lives.

With major changes expected this year, the Water Day Masters may become restless and anxious.
When in doubt, they should not be shy to ask for help and guidance from others, and be open to their
advice and suggestions. Friends and family may offer valuable insights and support when the Water Day
Masters feel bogged down by the setbacks in life.

The Gui Water Day Masters are especially affected emotionally as the year stem Yin Earth represents
their Seven Killings while the year branch Hai contains their Rob Wealth and Hurting Officer stars.
They may find communication matters problematic this year. Both the Water Day Masters would need
to beware of petty people this year as well as the year branch Hai clashes with their Nobleman star,
denoting difficult people in their surroundings.


The Year of the Earth Pig represents the Influence structure for the Water Day Masters, so there is
the need to be organised and establish systems if you have not been. As petty people may come
into your life this year, be careful in dealing with anyone at work and in personal life. Steer clear of
gossips and do not let your emotions be affected by these tittle-tattles.

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Copyright © 2018-2019 by Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.
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Copyright © 2018 - 2019 by Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.

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