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TEST – Module 3 Name ___________________________

I. Напиши реченици употребувајќи: Future Tense with Will, Going To and

Present Continuous.

- Планови за иднината

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

- Нешта што се веќе договорени за иднината

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

- Моментална одлука

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

_____ / 9

II. Заокружи го точниот одговор.

1. She will be really angry if she _______________.

a. find out b. finds out c. will find out

2. If you eat too many chips, you _______________ able to eat the dessert.

a. don’t be b. not be c. will not be

3. If Ivana goes to Britain, she _______________ a lot of English.

a. will learn b. learns c. is learning

4. The teacher will get angry if the pupils _______________ their homework.

a. don’t do b. will not do c. doesn’t do

5. Arsenal won’t win the Cup if they _______________ the next two matches.

a. lost b. lose c. will lose

6. He won’t help us if he _______________ busy.

a. be b. is c. will be

7. Sadie won’t go to school if she _______________ better tomorrow.

a. won’t feel b. isn’t feeling c. doesn’t feel

8. If you shout, everyone _______________ you.

a. will hear b. hear c. heard

9. If my dad sells his car, he _______________ a lot of money.

a. will get b. is getting c. gets

10. His boss will be very annoyed if Tom _______________ the report.

a. won’t finish b. don’t finish c. doesn’t finish

_____ / 10

III. Преведи ги следниве зборови и изрази. .

1. Boots _______________
2. Tracksuit _______________
3. Fitting room _______________
4. Starter _______________
5. Fork _______________
6. Washing machine _______________
7. Dining room _______________
8. Can I try this jacket on, please? ______________________________
9. Чорапи _______________
10. Шорцеви _______________
11. Чинија _______________
12. Лажица _______________
13. Гладен _______________
14. Се плаши од ____________________
15. Слуша музика _______________
16. Колку чини ова? ______________________________
_____ / 16

Total: _____ / 35

1 – 10 = 1 11 – 17 = 2 18 – 23 = 3 24 – 29 = 4 30 – 35 = 5

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