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The Reflection about "The Republic"by: Plato

In the book called "The Republic"it discussed or it defined justice between what is the truth. It
also justify the problem of poetry. In this book Plato conclude that poetry is just an imitation,
and it is threatening. One of the belief in the passage is "Here are three beds; one is nature,
which is made by God; another which is made by the carpenter; and the third, by the painter".
This passage shows that imitators are everywhere. Imitators is a person who copies the
behavior or actions of another person.

Plato is one of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosophers. He was
the students of socrates. His writings explored justice , beauty and equality, and also contained
discussions in aesthetics, political philosophy, theology, cosmology, epistemology and the
philosophy of language.

Plato was not the only one to write socratics dialogues, and quite another to hold that plato was
only following the rules of some genre of writings in his own work..

For an instance it was stated there that "Nothing is beautiful without struggle". In the world of
struggles we might think we were in the depthof some curse. We cannot get through the light
where we want to be. But we should always put into one's mind that there is no such as
rainbow without rain. And we can just appreciate the beauty of life when we gone through
struggles and found the obscure reason behind every pain.

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