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Chapter 29

Relationship Between Gut Microbiota,

Energy Metabolism, and Obesity
G.J. Bakker* and M. Nieuwdorp**,†,‡
*Department of Vascular Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; **Department of Vascular Medicine,
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; †Department of Internal Medicine, VUmc Diabetes Center, Free University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; ‡Wallenberg Laboratory, University of Gothenberg, Gothenberg, Sweden


The prevalence of overweight [body mass index (BMI) ≥ FROM THE DIET
25 kg/m2] and obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) has been steadily Humans and their gut microbes have evolved to live in a
increasing over the past decades. In 2014, more than 1.9 symbiotic relationship. While our intestines provide a warm,
billion adults worldwide were overweight, of whom over anaerobic environment with a steady flow of nutrients, the
600 million were obese. Although overweight and obesity trillions of microbes living in our gut play a significant role
are most prevalent in high-income countries, the rate of in digestion and absorption of nutrients. These bacteria help
increase has been highest in low- and middle-income coun- us to metabolize otherwise indigestible food components
tries, causing experts to term obesity a global epidemic. including fibers into energy-rich substrates, such as short-
As obesity is a major risk factor for a plethora of non- chain fatty acids (SCFAs) of which butyrate, propionate,
communicable diseases, including coronary heart disease, and acetate are the most abundant, and that can be utilized
hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, by the host. Moreover, the gut microbiota promotes absorp-
the World Health Organization (WHO) has aimed to halt tion of monosaccharides (Fig. 29.1).
the rise of obesity, focusing especially on childhood obesity. The role of extraction of energy from the food was shown
Underlying the development of obesity are genetic fac- by early experiments using germ-free mice. These animals
tors and environmental factors, including an increased in- are born and raised in a sterile environment, and thus have
take of high-fat diets and a sedentary lifestyle. Recently, no gut microbiota. Transplanting the gut microbiota from
there has been increased interest for the role of the gut mi- conventionally raised mice into germ-free recipients result-
crobiota in the development of obesity and its associated ed in an increase in body fat and insulin resistance without
complications. an increase in food consumption [1].
The intestinal microbiota is a complex organ, consisting Thus, it was concluded that the gut microbiota helps to
of 1014 bacteria distributed across the entire gut, with the extract energy from food and may be involved in the devel-
density lowest in the acidic environment of the proximal in- opment of obesity. These first experiments led to the gut
testine [approximately 104 colony forming units (CFU)/mL] microbiota as a whole new field of research. Metagenomic
and highest in the distal intestine (approximately 1012 CFU/ and biochemical analyses in large cohorts have now estab-
mL). It has several important functions, including diges- lished a correlation between the obese phenotype and the
tion of otherwise indigestible food substrates, production of composition of the gut microbiota in humans. Specifically,
hormones, protection against invasive bacterial strains, and decreases in the Bacteroidetes phylum and increases in the
training of the immune system, and these functions differ Firmicutes and Proteobacteria phyla are associated with
based on intestinal segment. In this chapter we will focus on obesity [2]. Moreover, bacterial composition contributes to
the mechanisms by which the gut microbiota may influence variations in lipid metabolism [3].
energy metabolism. Further research into this area may Further research focuses on interventions aimed at ma-
contribute to the development of novel therapeutic targets nipulating the gut microbiota. For example, both mice fed
aimed at preventing obesity and its consequences. a high-fed diet and genetically obese ob/ob mice that were
The Microbiota in Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology
Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 255
256 PART | D Basic Physiologic Effects of Microbiota

Butyrate is the primary energy substrate for colonic epi-

thelium. Moreover, it has a trophic effect on the mucosa and
stimulates intestinal mucus production, leading to improved
gut barrier function. Apart from these direct effects on the
colon, it has several beneficial metabolic effects, including
increased insulin sensitivity and reduced adipose tissue in-
flammation. Differences in butyrate production are thought
to play a role in metabolic regulation. For example, lower
fecal concentrations of the butyrate-producing Roseburia
and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii was highly discriminant
of prevalent type 2 diabetes [6,7]. Moreover, the improve-
ment in insulin sensitivity seen in metabolic syndrome pa-
tients after lean donor FMT was coupled with increases in
butyrate-producing Roseburia and Eubacterium hallii [5].
The beneficial properties of butyrate have led to several
studies involving oral administration of either sodiumbutyr-
ate or probiotics containing bacteria that are known to pro-
FIGURE 29.1  The main ways in which the gut microbiota influences duce butyrate, with promising results in animal studies [8].
Trials in humans are still ongoing at this moment.
The other SCFAs also have several effects on metabo-
treated with antibiotics for 4 weeks were partially protected lism. For example, propionate and acetate are important
against the development of metabolic diseases [4]. substrates for gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis, respec-
Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) in mice showed that tively. Propionate improves insulin sensitivity and inhibits
obesity can be transmitted, indicating a causal relationship hepatic gluconeogenesis from lactate [9].
between the gut microbiota and development of obesity. FMT The SCFAs also control colonic gene expression by in-
studies may also be used as a way of finding new correlations. hibiting histone deacetylases (HDAC). Moreover, SCFAs
For example, in a randomized controlled trial, allogenic FMT bind to the G-protein coupled receptors GPR41 and GPR43
from lean donors increased insulin sensitivity in metabolic (also known as FFAR3 and FFAR 2, respectively), which
syndrome patients in comparison to autologous FMT [5]. results in increased expression of peptide YY (PYY), an en-
The allogenic group had several species-level differences teroendocrine hormone that inhibits gut motility, increases
in gut microbiota composition, providing novel correlations intestinal transit time, and decreases appetite [10]. Binding
between microbiota composition and insulin sensitivity. If to these G-protein coupled receptors also induces GLP-1
specific strains can be correlated to clinical parameters, this secretion, another enteroendocrine hormone that improves
could result in novel therapeutic targets. Thus, beneficial bac- insulin sensitivity and decreases appetite. Interestingly,
teria may be given to patients as a dietary supplement (i.e., supplementation with prebiotics blunted the overexpression
probiotics). On the other hand, targeting specific harmful of GPR43 in high-fat fed mice, resulting in lower fat mass
bacteria, for example, by using vaccination could be an excit- [11]. Thus, the production of SCFAs by the gut microbiota
ing new strategy to treat or even prevent metabolic disease. is an important source of energy from the diet as well as an
important mediator in gut motility, appetite, and the regula-
REGULATION OF FAT STORAGE tion of fat storage.
Apart from direct energy harvesting from the diet, the gut CONTRIBUTES TO OBESITY AND
microbiota is involved in energy expenditure via a number ASSOCIATED DISORDERS THROUGH
of different mechanisms, most importantly via the produc-
tion of SCFAs. Complex carbohydrates or fibers, such as
cellulose, resistant starch, and inulin, cannot be degraded by Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), a condi-
human enzymes. Instead, they are metabolized by intestinal tion strongly associated with obesity, are characterized by
bacteria into absorbable SCFAs, mainly butyrate (±15%), chronic low-grade systemic inflammation. Especially vis-
propionate (±25%), and acetate (±60%) in a process called ceral adipose tissue inflammation is strongly associated
fermentation. These SCFA not only serve as energy sub- with insulin resistance. Although the triggering factor for
strates for microbes and host tissues, but also serve as signal- the inflammatory response is still unknown, it is now gen-
ing molecules to have a profound effect on host metabolism. erally accepted that translocation of intestinal bacteria into
Relationship Between Gut Microbiota, Energy Metabolism, and Obesity Chapter | 29 257

blood and visceral adipose tissue is an important underlying Conversely, in the duodenum a plethora of metabolic ac-
mechanism in the development of obesity and T2DM. tivities are regulated. Moreover, the absorption of food par-
Translocation of intestinal bacteria encompasses a broad ticles in the small intestine may present an opportunity for
spectrum of mechanisms. Thus, whole bacteria or their me- pathogens to cross the intestinal wall.
tabolites may cross the intestinal barrier and enter the blood Dietary intake is an important determinant of gut micro-
stream. For example, bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a biota composition. After consuming a diet high in fat and
component of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, is a low in fibers, large shifts in gut microbiota composition can
strong inducer of the innate immune system cascade that be seen within 24 h [15]. While excessive fat intake is a
drives an inflammatory response; LPS binding protein can clear risk factor for a variety of inflammatory diseases, in-
be readily measured in plasma as marker of translocation cluding obesity and T2DM, the exact mechanisms linking
and has been associated with development of metabolic diet-induced changes in gut microbiota composition to in-
syndrome and type 2 diabetes [12]. creased bacterial translocation and inflammation are largely
Another way of measuring translocation of inflammation- unknown. However, ingestion of a high-fat meal leads to
inducing bacteria is direct measurement of LPS. Indeed, sev- a systemic inflammatory response. Considering that LPS
eral studies showed plasma LPS, also called endotoxin, to be has a high affinity for chylomicrons, derived from dietary
associated with insulin resistance. Moreover, chronic infusion fatty acids and transported through the intestinal wall, it is
with LPS causes inflammation and insulin resistance in mice hypothesized that bacterial translocation can be induced by
[13]. Interestingly, both LPS and bacterial DNA have been uptake of dietary lipids. This hypothesis is supported by in
shown in visceral adipose tissue of obese mice [14], suggest- vivo and in vitro studies that showed that chylomicron for-
ing that bacterial translocation might occur in specific organs mation promotes intestinal LPS absorption and that plasma
where (dead) bacteria drive a local inflammatory response. LPS levels correlate to postprandial triglycerides changes.
The ability of the gut wall to prevent bacterial transloca- In conclusion, bacterial translocation could represent
tion is termed gut barrier function. Increased intestinal per- a very interesting direction for future therapies, especially
meability resulting from a decrease in gut barrier function if specific bacterial strains are found to be more prone to
can be measured in a variety of ways. For example, patholog- translocation. For example, targeted vaccination against
ic examination of intestinal mucosa may reveal a decrease in those strains, replenishing gut microbiota balance by pro- or
tight junction proteins. Moreover, an Ussing chamber may prebiotics, or targeting molecular pathways may be devel-
be used to quantify the passage of ions, nutrients, or drugs oped in the coming years. However, at this point the cau-
across intestinal epithelium. However, routinely sampling sality of specific intestinal microbial strains in obesity and
multiple mucosal biopsies may be too invasive to be used on T2DM is not yet proven.
large scale in mechanistic clinical trials. Another functional
way of testing intestinal permeability in vivo is oral inges- THE ANGPTL4 AND AMPK PATHWAYS
tion of oligosaccharides of different sized, such as mannitol ARE INVOLVED IN FAT STORAGE
and saccharose followed by determination of urinary excre-
tion. The ratio of urinary excretion of these saccharides re-
flects permeability of the intestinal wall. Unfortunately, the Angiopoietin-like factor IV (ANGPTL4), previously known
clinical significance and reproducibility of measuring intes- as fasting-induced adipose factor, is a circulating enzyme
tinal permeability with these small molecules is currently produced by the intestine, liver, and adipose tissue that inhib-
unknown. Although mono- or disaccharides may readily its lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. Colonizing germ-free
pass the mucosa under some circumstances, it is unknown mice with a gut microbiota of conventionally raised mice
to what extend this also applies to bacteria or LPS. Alterna- (also known as “conventionalization”) does not only lead to
tively, direct measurement of bacterial DNA may be used an increase in fat mass, but also results in a decrease in in-
to measure bacterial translocation. Importantly, bacterial testinal expression of ANGPTL4, resulting in increased LPL
DNA isolated from blood or visceral adipose tissue can be activity in adipose tissue. Thus, inhibition of ANGPTL4 has
sequenced to determine which specific bacterial strains are been proposed as another mechanism by which the gut mi-
involved in translocation. Although not yet widely adopted, crobiota may stimulate accumulation of adipose tissue.
this approach may lead to novel therapeutic targets for obe- The ANGPTL4 hypothesis has been supported by sev-
sity and T2DM including vaccination and phage therapy. eral experiments. For example, Lactobacillus paracasei in-
Although bacterial translocation is a well established duced an upregulation of ANGPTL4 in colonic epithelial
and often described concept, interestingly it is largely un- cells, while oral inoculation of germ-free mice with this
known where translocated bacteria cross the intestinal wall. bacterium resulted in increased circulating levels of ANG-
One possibility is the colon, where the concentration of PTL4. Moreover, germ-free ANGPTL4-knockout was able
bacteria is up to 100 times higher than in the small intes- to contain the same amount of total body fat as convention-
tine. However, the colon is relatively metabolically inactive. alized mice [1].
258 PART | D Basic Physiologic Effects of Microbiota

Another pathway that has been proposed to play a role Moreover, with more and more research investigating
in fat storage involves phosphorylated AMP-activated pro- the role of intestinal microbes in the onset of disease, future
tein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme that stimulates fatty acid treatments could be directed at specific bacterial strains.
oxidation. Germ-free mice that are resistant to diet-induced Thus, further exploring the exciting avenues that were in-
obesity have increased skeletal muscle and hepatic AMPK. vestigated in the past years could help fight the growing
Moreover, they have increased expression of the downstream population of obese patients.
targets of AMPK that are involved in fatty acid oxidation.
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