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Fighting Obesity: Is it getting worse

In 2016, Britain's medical journal The Lancet published a landmark survey of obesity-related
research, spanning a period of more than 40 years, and covering over 180 countries around the
world. The study has shown that obesity rates have been steadily increasing each year in virtually
all countries under survey. 60% of the US population is estimated to be either overweight or obese,
China experienced a 16-fold increase in the percentage of adult obesity between 1975 and 2016
(from about 0.5% to 8%), and even developing countries such as Angola and Somalia, which face
serious malnutrition problems, are reporting a rise in the number of obese adults. According to the
WHO, obesity affects almost 30% of all people worldwide, incurring costs of more than $2 trillion
annually. It is considered as a leading preventable cause of death worldwide.
As a result of these figures, the term 'obesity epidemic' is increasingly gaining traction in public
discourse. As obesity gains greater visibility as a pervasive social issue, efforts are being made to
offset its further growth. At the forefront of these attempts are endeavors to provide the public with
relevant information about the causes, risks and prevention measures for obesity. Hopefully, this
article will in some small part contribute to the effort of raising awareness about obesity.

Defining Obesity
Obesity is generally measured through the use of the body mass index or BMI. It is a measurement
that which you get by dividing a person's weight with the square of their height. A BMI between 19-
25 kg/m2 represents normal weight, over 25 kg/m2 indicates being overweight, and 30 kg/m2 is
taken as the threshold for obesity. On its own, BMI is insufficient for establishing that an individual
has all health-related issues which are associated with obesity. The measurements which provide
BMI are often self-reported, which makes personal bias an issue. Genetic differences limit the
applicability of a universal BMI standard as well, with individuals of Asian descent having a higher
proportion of body fat for example. For this reasons, additional means of establishing obesity have
been proposed, including waist circumference (WC). It is measured through intra-abdominal and
subcutaneous fat measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Waist-to-height-ratio (WHtR) is
another commonly used measure for establishing obesity.

Risks Associated With Obesity

Obesity has been consistently linked with increased likelihood of type 2 diabetes, hypertension,
obstructive sleep apnea, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, obesity-related cancers and even
depression. It is further correlated with premature death and decreases in life-expectancy across all
ages and genders. Obese individuals report decreases in general quality of life as a result of their
condition, and the socio-economic costs of diagnosing and treating obesity can potentially be
enormous. Expenditures for treating obesity in the US surpassed $200 billion dollars per year in
2008, which is a fifth of all medical spending.
Causes of Obesity
Obesity is generally attributed to a combination of excessive food intake, lack of physical activity,
and pre-existing genetic disorders. Causes at the level of society include increased accessibility to
food, reliance on motorized transportation, and cultural attitudes towards food consumption. Mental
disturbances can also play a role in the developing obesity. The risk of being obese is higher for
persons suffering form psychiatric disorders than for others. Nevertheless, diet is the most
significant factor for the development of obesity. Fast-food meals rich in industrially trans-fats are
becoming a dietary staple for more and more people, a trend which is correlated with rising number
of obese individuals, including children. An increase in overall portion sizes has contributed to this
trend as well. Ingesting artificially sweetened soft beverages has also been positively linked with
obesity, most notable those which contained high fructose corn syrup.

Tackling Obesity
Common strategies for treating obesity as a rule involve changing dietary habits and increases in
physical activity. Reducing the intake of calorie-dense foods, as well as those rich in sugar and
trans-fats, combined with overall smaller meal sizes, has been proven to reduce the risks of obesity-
related conditions. Physical activity on its own seems to have little impact on fighting obesity, but in
conjunction with proper dieting, it produces better results over a longer period of time. A change in
eating habits is essential for initial weight-loss, but physical exercise has proven to indispensable
for maintaining weight, and reducing the likelihood of relapse. Engaging in more physically-
involved means of transportation, such as using bicycles for commuting instead of motorized
vehicles, as well as exercising regularly makes managing weight easier, in addition to other health

In recent decades, obesity has become one of the most pressing health-related issues world-wide.
Even though there are well-known measures to prevent it, predictions are showing that obesity is
scheduled to increase further over time. If our societies rest on the well-being of their members,
engaging in and promoting a healthier lifestyle is a top priority for governments, corporations, and
the public. Raising awareness about the causes, effects and treatments of obesity is one step towards
that goal.

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