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Describing a Place
Poison by Dahl

The main place of the story was in Harry's room, Timber’s

friend. To begin with the Harry’s house is bungalow type. A bungalow is
a type of building, originally developed in the Bengal region in South
Asia, usually on one level and with a gallery on the front. Furthermore,
the Harry’s house has a balcony, kitchen, hall and the main place the
Harry’s bedroom. In parts of the narrative, Timber was in the kitchen
where he took a knife, Timber and doctor Ganderbai were in the hall
talking about the event. Moreover, Harry's room has a window where
they could see the doctor, also Harry's room has a bed where the story
was developed between Harry and the snake. Dark room like Harry's
room is always a good place for a thriller.

Jaime Lobo 128060

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