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Is a polytheistic religion with over 330 million gods and goddesses and one supreme and impersonal god
known as Brahman. It is the oldest and most complex of all world religion.

1. Brahmins: priest, academics

2. Kshatriyas: soldiers, king warrior class

3. Vaishyas: merchants, farmers, laborers, crafts people

4. Sudras: commoner, peasants, servants

5. Hajirans: the untouchables

Sacred Scriptures- sacred text of Hindu

There are two:

1. Shruti - means "that which is heard" (primary source of Hindu Faith, under it is Samhitas, Brahmanas,
Upanishads and Sutras

2. Smriti - means "that which has been released"

Vedas- sacrificial hymns compiled from the earlier oral tradition, composed of Rig-veda(poems), Sama-
veda(mantrs and tunes), Yajur-veda(rites) and Athrava-veda.

Veda means "knowledge" or "sacred love"

Fundamental Teachings of Hindu Doctrines

1. Samsara- the cycle of rebirth

2. Karma- the universal law of casuality

Trimurti- trinity(Brahma: creator, Vishnu: preserver, Shiva: destroyer)

Some known gods and goddesses

Central of Hindu is Brahman, ultimate reality one anundivided

1. Vishnu- preserving, restoring, protecting humanity

2. Krishna- color of infinity and pays flute

3. Lakshmi- goddess of fortune

4. Shiva- god of death, destruction, disease

5. Kali- wears a garland of human skull, tearing of flesh of sacrificed victims and drinking blood, although
Kali is wild and violent, Kali is subjected of intense devotion

6. Durga- goddess of anger

7. Parvati- goddess of love, fertility, devotion, most modest and conservative

8. Ganesha- remover of obstacle and god of war

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