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Bacon expresses a very interesting thought when he writes that the great men are “the first to find

their own griefs, though they be the last to find their own faults”. He is sure that it is very difficult
for those people who have money and power to find their own faults. They do not see their faults.
It seems to them that they have no faults while they have a lot of them. Only other people can
show them their faults. That is why the great men are interested in learning other people’s
opinion. When Bacon says that the great people are the first to find their griefs, he means that
they love themselves so much that cannot stand any trouble or misfortune. They have power and
money and they do not want to have any griefs in their life.

The great philosopher also touches upon the theme of good and evil in his essay. He argues that
“in place, there is a license to do good and evil”. Evil is curse. Only those people who do good will
be able to have rest. Good thoughts are better than good dreams because the men have an
opportunity to bring their good thought to life. Bacon writes that “merit and good works is the end
of man’s motion”. Any men should learn to do good in his life in order to get award from God at
the end of “the motion”. Any man can be “a partaker of God’s theater” but he should deserve it

The author of the essay tries to explain the readers that any man has an opportunity to analyze
not only his own actions but also the actions of other people in order to understand what is good
and what is bad. They should “neglect the examples of those that have carried themselves ill”.
They should follow only good examples. Moreover, the great people should be role models to
other people. They should learn good lessons from their past life and take care of their future.
Bacon writes: “Seek to make thy course regular, that men may know beforehand what to expect”.

xplain these lines from Bacon's essay 'Of Great Place', "Seek to make
thy course regular, that men may know beforehand, what they may
expect; but be not too positive and peremptory; and express thyself well,
when thou digressest from thy rule."
These lines are about having character but not overselling oneself. "Seek to make thy course
regular, that men may know beforehand what they may expect" means that first, you should
have values and ethics that people can depend upon. That way, they can reasonably know,
based on your character, what you are most likely to say and act in any given situation.

Next, he cautions to not be "too positive and peremptory." To be peremptory means to have
such a high opinion of your own opinions and conclusions that you disregard the ideas and
suggestions of other intelligent people. Being too positive sets people up for disappointment,
because it is not realistic. Caution is the watchword here: be realistic and listen to others' ideas
before making decisions.

Finally, he says, "Express thyself well, when though digresseth from thy rule." The "rule" he
refers to here is the standards by which we make our choices. We may occasionally have
reason to violate our own standards, and when we do, its important to explain well the
reasoning behind those choices, so others continue to believe in our character, intelligence, and
worthiness to lead

If anything Bacon could be suggesting that a man who strives to improve his social
status in fact loses his freedom. Though he himself may not be aware of this. By seeking
power man loses his liberty or when he seeks power over others he loses himself. It may
also be possible that Bacon is exploring the theme of identity. When a man seeks an
opinion of himself. He does not rely on his own judgement but rather uses the
judgement of others to define himself. In reality men of great place are strangers to
themselves and do not really know their own identity

The great philosopher also touches upon the theme of good and evil in his essay. He argues that
“in place, there is a license to do good and evil”. Evil is curse. Only those people who do good will
be able to have rest. Good thoughts are better than good dreams because the men have an
opportunity to bring their good thought to life. Bacon writes that “merit and good works is the end
of man’s motion”. Any men should learn to do good in his life in order to get award from God at
the end of “the motion”. Any man can be “a partaker of God’s theater” but he should deserve it.
(Bacon, 2006, p.5)
The author of the essay tries to explain the readers that any man has an opportunity to analyze
not only his own actions but also the actions of other people in order to understand what is good
and what is bad. They should “neglect the examples of those that have carried themselves ill”.
They should follow only good examples. Moreover, the great people should be role models to
other people. They should learn good lessons from their past life and take care of their future.
Bacon writes: “Seek to make thy course regular, that men may know beforehand what to expect”.
(Bacon, 2006, p.6)
The great philosopher also touches upon the theme of law. It is a very important question for him
because the law in the society is a vital thing. He teaches “to preserve the right of thy place, but
stir no questions of jurisdiction”.He also wants everyone to preserve the rights of other places.
Bacon argues that there are four major vices of authority. They are corruption, delays, roughness
and facility. In order to overcome delay, the great people should be punctual. Bacon writes: “give
easy access, keep time appointed”. (Bacon, 2006)
Special attention is paid to corruption. Bacon writes that the great people should be sincere to
avoid corruption. In order to avoid roughness, it is necessary to be kinder. The facility is worse
than bribery. It is necessary to be more careful.
Francis Bacon argues that the great men should respect other people even if they are no so
powerful as they are. He writes: “If you have colleagues, respect them”. (Bacon, 2006, p.8)
The author of the essay wants those people who became great to have a change in their nature.
He wants them to become another men. (Gaukroger, 2001, p.201)
In conclusion, it is necessary to say that such a wise man as Francis Bacon could not only show
the strengths and the weaknesses of the great men of the society but also he could give them
some recommendations concerning their way of life, their behavior and their principles. He was
interested in investigation of the human nature. His natural philosophy was greatly appreciated
because he represented absolutely new philosophical ideas concerning the essence of life.
Francis Bacon’s essay Of Great Place is one of his bold philosophical works.

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