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DE JESUS, Ralph Alfonse

PEREZ, Phoebe Kaye

SORIANO, Janea Mae
TAMAYO, Mickaela Sophia
TRIBUNAL, Kyla Patricia
1NUR - 1


1. Is Buddhism a religion? Qualify your answer.

2. Cite 3 differences between Buddhism and Brahmanism (Hinduism)

a. Notion of the soul
i. In Brahmanism, they believe in reincarnation which is the passing of a
permanent soul from life to another life. Which is in contrast to that of
Buddhism wherein they believe that the life that we lead is the outcome of
our karma from our previous existence which is rebirth and not
reincarnation. Rebirth is defined as a brand new beginning compared to
that of reincarnation which is only being born for the second time around
but in a new body.
b. Caste System
i. In Brahmanism, they had the concept of a caste system. The caste
system is used to divide the Hindus in four categories: Brahmins,
Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. The caste system divides the Hindus
according to their social class and type of job. On the other hand,
Buddhism has the concept of “Sangha” or the community. The Sangha is
one of The Three Jewels in Buddhism and it refers to the monastic order
or the monks and nuns that practice and preserve the teachings of
c. Scriptures and Traditions
i. In Brahmanism, it requires its believers to practice the rituals as said in
the scriptures. Some of these scriptures are the Vedas and Upshindas.
On the other hand, Buddhism evolved from the teachings and
philosophies of the life of Buddha which mainly focuses on spiritual
development towards the insight of what is true in reality. Some of
Buddha’s teachings are The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path.

3. What is Buddhism’s definition of happiness?

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