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|1 |​ ​Author – title Articel…………………………………

JMMR (Jurnal Medicoeticolegal dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit), 7 (x): x-xx, Date
Website:​ ​
DOI:​ 10.18196/jmmr.6101.

The title of the article should be concise, interesting and describe 

the content of the article. (huruf Book Antiqua, Bold, font 14) 
Author ​(Aparajita, font 11)*
*K ​ uthor: ​author​
​ orespondensi​ A
institute, city, country


Keywords: written in English with a single space. Abstract includes a

Aparajita; description of the purpose of the research, method, analytical
Aparajita; tools, and results. The abstract should be written briefly, concise
Aparajita; and in one paragraph (200 words maximum). Abstract should
Aparajita; include the keywords that contain ideas or basic concepts that
Aparajita; represent the fields of the study. Keywords maximum are 6
Kata kunci:
Aparajita; Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia spasi
Aparajita; tnggal (satu). Abstrak memuat uraian mengenai tujuan
Aparajita; penelitian, metode yang digunakan, dan hasil penelitian. Abstrak
Aparajita; ditulis secara ringkas, padat dan ditulis dalam satu alinea
Aparajita; (maksimal 200 kata). Abstrak diberi kata kunci yang berisi
ide-ide atau konsep dasar yang mewakili bidang yang diteliti.
Kata kunci maksimal 6 kata.
© 2017 JMMR. All rights reserved

Article history: ​received 5 Feb 2017; revised 15 Sept 2017; accepted 25 Okt 2017

This section describes the background, objectives, contribution, results and
implications of the research. For the results and implications are recommended
(not mandatory).

This section contains at least the design of the study,
subject/object/sample, the operational definition and measurement of
variables, techniques/instruments of data collection, data analysis and
hypothesis testing.


|2 ​| ​Author – title Articel…………………………………

This section contains characteristics data of the subject / object / samples /

respondents research, data analysis, and hypothesis testing instruments (if
any), the answers of the research questions, findings and findings

Table 2. ………………………………………………….
Status Sedan Kuran Jumla
Kepeg. g g h
PNS 4 2 6
Honorer 5 25 7 37
Total 9 27 7 43

Tabel 3. ………………………………………
Pendidikan Jumla Persenta
h se
S2 0 0.0%
SPK 0 0.0%
S1 12 27.9%
DIII 31 72.1%
Total 43 100.0%

Presenting a summary of findings, implications, limitations and research
suggestions sequentially.

This section is written if desirable. Loading gratitude and appreciation to
those who significantly contribute in the completion of the study.

Loaded data or instrument which support the research.

Contains the sources referred in the study


Tables title are numbered and written at the top of the table with a bold font
and centered, accompanied by the source (if any).

Citations and JMMR bibliography writing style according to the vancover.
Highly recommended to write a bibliography using softwere citation. Each
article should contain bibliography (only the source citation) which arranged
|3 ​| ​Author – title Articel…………………………………

alphabetically according to the author's last name or the name of the

institution. Example:

Bray, J., and Sturman, C. (2001). Bluetooth: Connect without wires. Upper
Saddle River. NJ: Prentice Hall.

Journal Article
Tseng, Y. C., Kuo, S. P., Lee, H. W. and Huang C. F. (2004). Location
tracking in a wireless sensor network by mobile agents and its data fusion
strategies. The Computer Journal, 47 (4), 448–460.

Proceeding Paper
Fang, Q., Zhao, F., and Guibas, L. (2003). Lightweight sensing and
communication protocols for target enumeration and aggregation. In M. Gerla,
A. Ephremides, & M. Srivastava (Eds.), MobiHoc ’03 fourth ACM symposium on
mobile ad hoc networking and computing (pp. 165–176). New York, NY: ACM

Article from Website

Alexander, J., and Tate, M. A. (2001). Evaluating web resources. Retrieved
from Widener

Abbott, K., and Seymour, J. (1997).Trapping the papaya fruit fly in north
Queensland. Paper presented at the Australian Entomological Society
Conference, Melbourne.
Fitriany, dan Sari, D. (2008). Studi atas pelaksanaan PBL dan Hubungannya
dengan Prestasi Mahasiswa. Paper dipresentasikan pada acara Simposium
Nasional Manajemen XI, Pontianak.

Utama, S. (1996). The Association between Institutional Ownership and
Trading Volume Reaction to Annual Earnings Announcements. Ph.D
dissertation, Texas A&M University.

Working Paper
Chan, K., Chan, L., Jegadeesh, N., and Lakonishok, J. (2004). Earnings
quality and stock returns. Working Paper, University of Illinois at

Title and Subtitle Writing Rules

Section Title
Sub Title
Sub of sub titles
|4 |​ ​Author – title Articel…………………………………

Footnotes are only used to provide clarification / additional analysis, which
when combined into a script would disrupt the continuity of the manuscript.
Thus footnotes not be used for reference. Footnotes should be numbered
printed superscript. The text of footnote typed with 10 font aligned justify.

Policy of Reproduction
Articles have been published in JMMR be copyrighted of Master Program of
Hospital Management UMY. For educational purposes, the contents of JMMR
can be copied or reproduced as long as mentioning the source of the article.
Written requests must be submitted to the Editor to obtain permission to
reproduce the contents of JMMR for any other purpose other than educational
purposes. The contents of article is not the responsibility of the JMMR because
JMMR only valid as publisher.
|5 |​ ​Author – title Articel…………………………………

Form tambahan metadata (harap diisi terlebih dahulu sebelum

pengiriman naskah)
Additional metadata form (please fill this form before submitting the

Disiplin ilmu / sub disiplin ilmu

dari naskah yang dikirim

Academic Discipline /

Tipe / metode penelitian /

pendekatan penelitian /
paradigma yang digunakan

Type / Method / approach /
Nama Instansi Penulis (dalam [Example: Ministry of Communications and
bahasa Inggris) Information Technology RI]
* Bila lebih dari satu instansi
gunakan numbering sesuai
dengan urutan penulisnya

Author’s Institution (in
* If there were more than one
institution, please use
numbering in accordance with
the order of authors

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