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“NICOLAE BALCESCU” LAND FORCES ACADEMY - THIS EVENT IS ORGANIZED BY “NICOLAE BALCESCU” LAND FORCES ACADEMY IN, COLLABORATION WITH THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. The 15« International Conference The Knowledge-Based Organization APPLIED TECHNICAL SCIENCES AND ADVANCED MILITARY TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 6 26-28 NOVEMBER 2009 '@ “NICOLAE BALCESCU” LAND FORCES ACADEMY PUBLISHING HOUSE SIBIU, 2009 Scientific advisors: Prof.eng. Ghita BARSAN, PhD Prof.eng. Octavian BOGDAN, PhD Prof.eng. Vasile CANDEA, PhD Prof.eng. Tudor CHERECHES, PhD Prof.eng. Stefan DEMETER, PhD Prof.eng. Viorel MELNING, PhD Prof.eng. Vasile NASTASESCU, PhD Prof.eng. Tudor PALADE, PhD Prof.eng. Andrei POGANY, PhD Prof.eng Gheorghe SAMOILESCU, PhD SRI Vasile CARUTASU, PhD SR I Vasile SOMOGI, PhD Paul BECHET, PhD Luminita GIURGIU, PhD Simona MICLAUS, PhD Assoc.profieng. Danut MOSTEANU, PhD Gheorghe RATIU, PhD DipLeng. Jaromtr MARES, PhD Copyright: out of charge, all reproductions are authorized provided that specific references are made. “Nicolae Baleescu” Land Forces Academy Address: 3-5 Revoluiei Street, Sibiu Tel.: 0269/432990, Fax: 0269/215554 E-mail: E-mail: web: my.t0 web: ‘The authors take full responsibility of the content of their articles. ISSN 1843 - 6722 KBO 2009 International Conference SPSS IN STATISTIC STUDIES A CASE STUDY I EDUCATION Mihaela Albici Constantin Brincovennu University, Pi i, Romania Abstract: SPSS customers combine preietive analysis with their business knowledge to get insight ‘ritical customer acquisition and. retention, up-selling and eross-seling, fraud advection andl ‘npliization services for paiems Keywords: statistic, SPSS. In 1968, Norman Hi. Nie, C. Hadlai (Tex) Hull and Dale H. Bent, three differen young people have developed a software system based on the idea of using statistics 10 transform sequence data into information essential for decision making, These three innovators were pioneers inthis field, Visionaries who recognized carly thal the data and their mode of analysis isthe power behind the wise decision, The revolutionary statistical software was called SPSS, its purpose was Statistical Packae for the Social Sciences (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Nic, Hull and Bent SPSS have developed more than the need to quickly analyze large volumes of social science data, obtained through various research methods, Initial work on SPSS was done at Stanford University with the intention to make it available only for local use, not for international distribution, Nic, & social sciences scholar and doctoral ‘candidate at Stanford University designed the wrgct audience and set requirements, Benl, and his doctoral candidate in operational research, analysis and expertise was designed SPSS system file structure, and Hull, ¢s a graduate of an MBA program dealt Because it is a typical product of creation bom of necessity, SPSS immediately caught 27 the American universities and was asked everywhere, It became obvious 10 its creators that they had im hand more than ‘one effective method, efficient data analysis = had a viable product. In addition to their ‘academic work was needed 10 gonsider a Price, distribution and other trade issues, ‘They have ensured that all copies of the ode, the souree was sent 10 a small community, but enthusiastic users and continuously improved SPSS SPSS has become a leader in predictive analytic technologies required by the combination of innovation and commitment to customers. Throughout its history many people have produced predictive analytical software that enabled customers-companics, ‘academic institutions, healthcare providers ‘and government agencies 1o better targeted activities. Introduction to $1 There is no question that business, education, and all fields of science have ‘come to rely heavily on the computer. This dependence has become so great that it is no longer possible to understand social snd health science research without substantial knowledge of statistics and without at least some rudimentary understanding of statistical sofiware, ‘The number and types of saistieal softwere Packages that are available continue to row ‘each year. Tn this book we have chosen to work with SPSS, or the Statistical Package for the Social Sefences, SPSS was chosen because of its Popularity within both academic and business circles, making it the most widely used package of is (ype. SPSS is also a ‘erste package tht allows many different types of analyses, data transformations, and forms of output The SPSS soliware package is cominualy bycing updated and improved, and so with cach major revision comes a new version of that package, In this book, we will describe and use the most recent version of SPSS, called SPSS for Windows 14 Thus, in order to use this text for dat analysis, Your ‘must have access to the SPSS for Windows 140 software package. The capability of SPSS is tuly astounding The package enables you wo abtan statistics ranging from simple descriptive numbers o complex analyses of multivariate matrices You can plot the data in histograms, seatterplis, and other ways. You can aye Ln ae [rare] 28 KBO 2009 Imernational Conference combine files, spit files, and sort files, You can modify existing variables and create new ones. In short, you can do just about anything you'd ever want with a set of data using this software package SPSS is a software package used for conducting statistical analyses, ‘manipulating data, and generating tables and graphs that summarize data Statistical analyses range trom basie descriptive statistics, such as averages and ficquencies, © advanced inferential Statistics, such as regression models, analysis of variance, and factor analysis, SPSS also coniains several tools for ‘manipulating data, including functions tor recoding data and computing new variables, as well as for merging and aggregating datasets, SPSS also has a number of ways to summarize and display data in the form of tables and graphs. A case study Every teacher nceds this soft in onler to assess the resulls of his stadents, ‘The example below shows how in a matter ‘of scconds each of us can obtain various data that might interest us or the students: Freguency Table Cumulative Percent KBO 2009 International Conference Figure 3: The grades of saudems We can achieve graphies of the grades for individual cases: (Chart 2: The grades for individual cases 30 KBO 20089 International Conference sre (Chart 3: The percentages of the stucents thar passed the exams Conclusion In our opinion, the institutions should start using this soft due to its capacity to work fast and bring out results that every teacher should take advantage. It is our duty 10 encourage and truin our colleagues to Team and use this reliable tool and we must promote the benefits of it in conferences and workshops ‘To explore further topes in SPSS, you may ‘wish fo consult the following resources: PSS FAQs hntps/sse.utexas.edueonsulting! answers/fags htm SPSS — tutorials _htp//!

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