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ES < ro 3) ra (-) ee ate) r JASON CARL Ae | LE | fa Ddngéons& Dragons y The Dungeon of Death A DuncEon CrRAWL™ Adventure Jason Carl Table of Contents Introduction. ....0eeeeceee 02 Habitat Level. « has iscory ofthe Dungeon of Death, 2 Notes on the En 5 The Shadow Curse 3 Getting Started 4 The Mines... : 5.28 Traveling 28 Entrance Level 3 Notes on the Environment 5 Within the Ruins 7 Credits Designers son Car Editor: Michele Carter ‘Creative Diestors Ki Johnson and Stan! ‘Cover Mustraton: Jef Eley Tnrerioe Mustestione: Ned Dameron Cartography: Tad Gamble Typography: Vitoria Avan Graphic Designs Dee Barnet ‘Art Director: Paul Honcherte Project Managements Larry Weiner, Juh Fasher rosucton Manager: hs Ds Spec thanks ts Sip Wiens for is unc suport an tr, nt to meron a fs Brace Condl for te mie fouchart prin; Ki Jobson, Stan, Steven chen, and Dale eas TE Sak for mr od leas an ons encnragoen oon fr uluaheacanc ant Maia who aI cou CCarapign sting hed on the orginal campaign world of Ed Greenwood Based on the orginal Dusaons & Deanone® uct cretted by Gary Gygax an Dave Asneson. Aaiional sous for this wok ince the fll ng: DuNizon MASE Guide an Payers Handbl by Zeb Cook, Fats @ Avatars by Juli Martin with rie Boyd nd the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome by aut es xa US, CANADA, EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS . ASIA, PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA ‘Waa ofthe Coan, Begin ‘Waris ofthe Come, Ine PB 203 PO. Box 707 2600 Berchem Renton WA 9805741 (Question!) 1-800-324-6496 4 Belem suo-riier2 Anwancen Dison & Dacre, ADSD, DAGON: FONOoTTOS RIALS a he Wharf she Cas og Dine cus Masta ate leaks oma by Was the Cha, In ll War ch n clcome to The Dungeon of Death, a stand-alone DUNGEON Caw adven: ture forthe RoncOTTeN REALMS* campaign. Inthe coune ds horacters wall explore o ‘The adventure can also eas This DuNcEON Craw Tih to 9th level, Dungeon craving i adventure thorou ly to ensure dat ahead of them with fe expe aps and tricks defend the dungeon against intruders; the succesful adventuring party needs brain as much as brain. History of the Dungeon of Death TTP is Dungeon of Denth hasan el eptaton Ie was originally a dwarven gm AL develope by intrepid dirarves of the Dee cok to this industry after the dvarven kingdom of Gharrazhaur f (3611 DR). The ki Spine of the World beyond the Lriwood northem comer of the Savage Frontier, and south Neverwinter Most of the Deepdelvers were slain and the ret driven out ofthe mine by a band of medusse \who claimed che place for theit own, They in turn f trolls, hughears, and worse rand stretched from the present cheerful name durin Because the slaves’ main purpose gained the name *The Dungeon of A small band of dwarves of 2 Fochammer clan attempted to reclaim the mines some noc recon! their ultimate fate. The place has cha ands many times since then, acquiring bone-chilling f crawling evil ehrough The Dungeon of Death Today ulative folk of the North of cruel and hateful nabassu (a type of he old mining comple: i unique brand of out into the world ‘most numerous servants were barbarians of the Blue Bear tribe, These humans the direct command of Tanta Hagasa, an evil anni vio in curn serve the opitiated the demons with, pleasure. Sadly, the Blue Bears dil not fully hher evil deeds, until it was too far too late but obliterated approximately one With their m for greener pastures, tleing most of their own demoni a, Visearis, remains in the mining complex today, lording with them. Only the once-vast demonic host. However, Visears is quickly discovering thar being rhe ruler of the euin is not all it's cracked up tobe les Not Easy Being Nabassu At first, Vicari viewed his fellow nabassu’s departure from the mines a « golden opportunity to establish himself as a master of woe and terror in the North, thereby gaining much satus among his kind. However, one stall bur vital derail stand i his way: He still a fledgling demon, Alone among the ranarsi, the nabassu go through two distinc life phases, fledging and mature. While the fledgling form isnot help less, itis substantially weaker chan the mature form. Vscars will not inherit the standard tanar’tt abilities unl he reaches marurit, which he cannot do until he pessonally slays and devours a toral of hhuman viecims. To date he has slain and eaten fousteen. He isfoue victims shy of attaining his full demonic potential His geal is complicated by the fact that Viscaris is something of| ove gobbling ‘a snob among fiends. He considers himsclf down just any old passers-by, and wants to satiate his hunger ‘only on those living beings whom he considers "wor be devoured by a nabasat of his refinement. He disdains on folk a inferior, believing thar obtaining quality food will mean h vwith ehis place and returns home His aluctiend allies, Anderia and Estellia, have the fore sight to realize chat when Visearis devours his victim, he will mature and become considerably more pow- ef than he is now, and they look forward to receiving gen ferous rewards when that condition comes to pass. Theit her status for him when he's finally done centh, patience is wearing thin, however: If Viseaie’ plan to hire adventurers into the dungeon fails, they will seck their fortunes elsewhere, What ls Viscaris up Tot Visearis 6 un rstandably impatient to reach his mature fem. Thus, he’ trying ro accelerate his maturation process by luring adventuring parties into the mines so that he rmighs slay and devour them. Viscaris sent the alu-fiends out nto the North to salt taverns and festhalls with rumors shout the dungeon’ now-unguarded wealth. These servants hhave just recently retuened from their mission, but the plan has yet co bear fruit. The dire reputation of the Dungeon of Death sill dinsuades prudent adventurers from exploring its depths. Even if Viscaris’s plan yields results and attracts hetoes to the Dungeon of Death, his awn snobbery makes achieving his goal more difieul. To be certain that he eap- thes and devours only the very cream of the adventuring crop, Viearis has ser all che traps on the entrance level (Only those who make it past those diabolical devices alive are considered worthy to sit at his table (albeit as dhe main course) The Shadow Curse he Dang epDenh is steep eared oni ded lagi lg EE pcre profound cruelty and foulness have heen perpetrated for cen- turies on end. The htany of evil deecb—from the ols? breading of human babies for meals, co the annis sacrifice of living people to hee tanaeel masters, ro the unspeakable hor- ror inflicted on the nabass hapless eaprives—is so long so as to almost defy belie, and so profound that the essence of this evil has penetrated and permeated the stonework itself This evil lingers on long after the deeds themselves have been forgot ious manner: the Shadow Curse nd now manifests itself in asingulaely ins Living creatures are affected by the Shadow Cuse fom the moment they pass the dungeon’ doors. From. that moment on, until they again reach he surface, they suffer the loss of | point from theie prime requisite ability for every hhout spent within the Dungeon of Death's walls (Stength for watriors, Intelligence for wizards, Wisdom for priests, and Dexterity for rogues). Thus, a warrior who spends 3 hours vvithin che place loses I point of Srength perhour, fora total los of 3 points of Strength; a wizard who spends 5 hours in elligence. The DM must the dungeon leses 5 points of In tack chs loss of ability scores and carefully note the amount time the player characters spend in the Dungeon of Death, The Shadow Curse affects living creatures only: Nonliv- ing and extraplanar creatures are immune, so the indigenous fiends and undead are unaffected. The Shavlow Curse may be held off temporarily by pater from ev, bless, and similar spells char defend the living from the posers of evil, but when the spells dunation ceases 40 too does its protection, Perhaps the most insidious aspect of the Shaxlow Curse is that living creatures do not notice its effects unsil they have already lost fully one-quarter of their total natural ability score rating (not including increased scores bestowed by attributeenhancing magic such as strength spells or gzurlets taf ogre power). A. character dies when his prime requisite abil- ity score is reduced to 0. What remains of his life essence merges with the evil forces that produce the Shadow Curse, bhecoming a part of the very thing that slew him. Inside the Dungeon of Death, the characters may event ally notice the only physical manifestation of che curse: All the areas of shadow thar lie within the underground complex are visibly darker and denser than normal shadows. Worse ‘these shaklows sometimes appear to writhe and move of theic ‘own acconl—not far and not fast, but enough so that the characters catch hints of this movement out of theit eyes as they traverse the shadowed stone corridors and omners of roots belowground. The effect is most distinct in those areas just beyond the edge of whatever source the party uses 10 Tight its way in the darkness, These shadows eannot attack or otherwise physically interact with living creatures, bur the effect is unnerving to these who observe ft their way to the dungeon a osip, but have changed their mi he Deepsilve clan hie the ps id mine and determine if itis worth ses The Buea oae J Cross-Section ~ Lo Read or paraphrase the following to the players ‘The weathered gray stones and shattered gate ofthe stone blockhouse speak ofa time long past, when divarven hands raised a misty tow fend the entrance hhome far below. The place is now half-consumet ds, shrubs, vines, roots, and moss. What ly aks of rubble ftom shattered towers and tumbled walls litter the geound. There ee of recent habitation: Some of the nearby trees have been cut davn to enlarge the mudi cart track that passes fora add The trai has also seen some recent trafic. The area is stil, devoid of all signs of life, and thus the silence around the mains is profound and complete Play up the sense ofstillnes and silence as the adventurers explore the ruined keep. This is a ereepy, lonely place and i¢ should feel thae way, No€es on the Environment The entire purpose of the entrance level was to delay, halt, and kill unwanted intnuders, so its Avwarven builders dif not waste effort on decoration or adornment, All the tooms, chambers, corridors, walls lao, sn ceilings were carved from the earth and then smoothed. Almost all the floor surfaces are paved or tiled with smooth and flat flagstoncs Doors Except where noted, all the doors in the dungeon are constructed of heavy wood and reinforced with hands of steel. Most doors are relatively well preserved and functional, though many no longer fit tightly in their stone frames and thus fail to muflle sound A few doors now have gaps of more than half an inch between thems allowing anyone to peer through this space into the areas beyond Climate hey once did es and their frames, The air in the dungeon is cold, and many of the stone surfaces are coated with a thin sheen of ry to subterranean stream (which porwers the waste disposal the chill and damp. 1 air vents were cut into the rock atthe ceiling level of nearly every room and cor ex. Though some of the air vents no longer function, enough remain cleat 10 jckent fresh air for the adventures. moisture. The mine system in Room 7) contribu provide suf Lights and Magic somtidors throughout the dungeon are dark, so the characters must provide a lige source if they wish to see. Sources such as torches, lanterns, magic weapons, or continual lighe spells allow the heroes to notice the dark, dancing shadow effec caused by the Shadow All spells function normally within the mine complex, including those the dwarves and other inhabitants prepared for intruders The Mephits The mos frequent encounter on this level involves Visearis's rmephic spies. Viscaris uses these horrid crearures asa covert espionage team. Stationell on the entrance level are a total ‘of ren mephits: four fire, three ice, two mist, and one steam rmephit, who is the nominal chief of the spy crew; When not ‘engaged in their normal duties the mephits wait impatiently for adventurers to make their way here, idling away the time by spying on one another (just to keep in practice) and tor- menting anything or anyone unhucky enough to attract theit ‘The mephits purpose is twofold. Theie principal dry sto spy on intruders (dinner guests”) and bring news of ther nephi in tum relays useful information to Viscars (whom the mephits refer to as “His Nibs,” althous mephits hegin observing the adventurers the moment they hit progress to the steam mepbit in charge. The steam never to his face). The the firs rap on the entrance level and dog thei progress fom thar poine onward, passing messages to the steam mephit and hhence to Visearis. Their secondary duty sto hare ofc amy dim-witted or balky adventurers into che eraps—otherwise Viscaris won'e be able w weed our che weak and unfit! The ss torment, and rmephits also have standing onders to ha attack adventurers at inopportune moments, such as when they are right in the middle of dealing with those traps. endangered, they also try to gate in mote mephits to aid them in carrying out Viscaris’s standing orders, When in oube as w which type of mephit to use for a particular encounter, roll 1d6. A result of 1 indicates an ice mephit; a result of 2-4 indicates a mist mephits a resule of 5-6 indicates a fire mephit, The steam mephit does not notmally enter combat with adventurers. Its job is to remain in the secret chamber (Room 9} and relay information to Viseris, But ifthe situa tion appears sufficiently dire—the dinner guests are makiny short work ofthe traps and the other mephits, for example the steam imp steps in and attacks the adventurers, Use these statistics forall mephits that appeat throu: the adventure Fire Mephit (Imp): AC 5; MV 12, FLY 24 (B); HD 3+1; bp 20; THACO 17; #AT 2; Ding td3+1/1d3+1 (clawfclaw), SA breath weapon, spell-like abilities; SD immune to fire, regeneration; SZ M (5 tall); ML average (8) Int average (9) AL CE; XP 420 each, Special Abilities: SA—breath weapon. 3/day, a8 ether a flame jee 15" long and 1” wid, automatically hits one target for 1d8*1 points of damag damage) o& asa fan of flame covering a 120-degree are to a distance of 5', any creature in the are suffers 4 points of damage (no saving throw); SD—regenerates | hp/tum while in contact with fre, Spelbtike Abilities —I/day: heat metal, magic missle (rwo misiles). Once per hour a fire mephie can attempt to gate in © (sive vs. breath weapon for half another mephit with a 259% chance of success (equal probe bility of fire or steam mepbit) Note—touching a fire mephit causes | point of damage (no saving throw) Tce Mephit (Imp): AC 5; MV 12, fly 24 (B); HD 3:hp 18; THACD 17; #AT 2; Deng d2/le2 (claw/elaw); SA breath weapon, chill touch, spell lke abilities regeneration: SZ M (5 tall); ML average (8); Ine averaze (8) AL CB; XP 420 each, Special Abtides: SA—breath weapon 3khy; volley of ice shards that suomatially hits single victim within 15 fee for SD immune to eo 16 damage (save vs. Keath weapon for half damage), any sue cessful claw attack has afeesing elect chat reduces the victim's hit points by 1 per hie in addition to the damage inflceed by the mephit’s claws, effeces are cumulative and last 3 curs or unl the victim is healed to fll hit points; SD—reyenerares 1 hpitum while in contact with ice or extreme cold, Spelilike Abilities: Once per hour an ice mephie can in another mephie with a 25% chance of se cess (equal probability of mist or ice mephio), attempt Mist Mephit (Imp): AC 7% MV 12, fly 24 (B); HD 342 hp 21; THACO 17; #AT 2; Dang 1/1 (claw/claw); SA breath weapon, spell-like abilities; SZ M (5 tall}; ML average (9), Ine average (10}; AL CE; XP 420 each. Special Abilities: SA—breath, weapon 3)bo thacautomatically envelopes one vieim within 10 feet, vita must make a succesful saving chrow vs. poison or suffer Ldt+1 points of choking damage and be blinded for 14 rounds ‘Spelt Abilies—goseous form, wall of fog Iay (ata level ability). Once per hour a mist mephit can attempe to {gue in 1d2 other mephits with a 25% chance of success (equal probability af ice or mist mephie; if two ate sum- ball of mist :moned, they are ofthe same type). Steam Mephit (Imp): AC 7; MY 12, fy 24 (B); HD 343; hp 25; THACO 17; #AT 2; Dmg 1ddri/1d4+1 (clawjclaw): 'SA breath weapon, stun, spel-like abilities; SD—immune to fire and heat; SZ M (5 tall); ML average (10); Int average (10); AL CE: XP 420, Special Abilites: SA—breath weapon once every other round, scalding je of water that aueornatically hits its target within 20 feet, throw) and is 50% likely to be stunned for 1 ound; succes fal melee attacks from the mephit’s claws are alo 50% likely fo tun its victim for | round per claw hit, cumslative. Spelbite Abilies—comtaminawe water 1s, Once per hour steam mephits can create a rainstorm of boiling water over a 204by-20-foot area, whieh inflicts 2d6 points of damage to all throw). Once per hhoura steam mephit ean attempt to gue in Le2 other mephits tim suffers 1c points of damage (no sav Victims within the atea of effet (no savin with a 30% chance of succes (sual probability offre or steam mephit; two are summoned, they are ofthe same type) canes. Empey iron torch sconces line both walls of the tunnel, which extends some 30 yards into the earth before it levels our and becomes corridor fashioned in the same style. This hallway continues straight ahead for another 20 yates until it reaches a pair of steel double doors set within an iron frame and lintel. Both doors and frame are rosted, though they still appear to be structurally sound. Each door is approximately 5 fect wide and 2 inches thick. The left hand door stands halfway open, allowing characters 10 peer into the room beyond Room 2: The Welcome Mat oth doors are embossed with the same syinbol: four ver- tical diamonck, three forming a triangle with the largest diamond in the center. The stone lintel above the door- way bears words carved in ancient darven runes. The Jefichand door is wedged halfopen, allowing a glimpse of the lange room heyond. The air wafting gently chrough the open portal carries with ir che fain eel of damp. ‘The message inscribed above the deor reads "Stand Fast the Iron Teer,” » reference to the ancient capital of the fallen dwarven kingdom of Gharraghaur, Likewise, the dia ‘mond symbol on the doors isthe sign of that lost realm. The left-hand door is open about 3 feet andl is missing its ropmnost hinges, so that most of is weight rests on the floor of the corridor: The door eannor he opened further without biting ic off the stone floor, a fear char requires a toral Strength score of 24 of etter. However, most characters should be able ro slip (or squirm) through the opening withour undue difficute. ‘The dwarves prepared a most unpleasane welcome for any intruders who breached the hlockhouse on the surface and then tried to enter the complex itself. This room is outfitted vith a system of three kinked traps to grect the unwary. The hazards consist of a ring of simple pt taps are perimeter, an ascending floor trap in the center of the oom, tnd the three doors thar lead to the s ul the room's west, and north, Characters who successfully check for traps on the floor beyond the doonway discover the ewo pit t directly in front of the doors, bur note thar they do not appear to be armed. Stepping on the pressure places that cover the pits appears 10 have no effect. (The pit until the steam mephit unlocks the the adventurers pass from this room into one of the adjoin ing corridors.) They cannot detect the rem: the ascending floor trap or the traps on the other doors, eovers remain in place /hich won't be until without first checking thase specific areas af the room, Char acters who state that they are inspecting the rooms ceiling notice a great number of circular holes, each about 2 inches in diameter, docting the ceiling in an area the enals approxi smarely 10 feer from the walls. Search as they might, the characters eannor locate any means of turning off the trap mechanisis: All are centtally conttolled from the secret room (Room 9) and under the direct control of the steam rmephic ‘A single fire mephic lurks in the secre corridor ateached to the rooms southeast comer, watching for dinner guests, Acti vating any of the traps creates sufficient noise to alert the ‘other mephits on the level to the characters’ presence, s0 i doesn't need to rush off to alere anyone. Instead, waits until the adventurers are busy negotiating a trap to harass them, Pit Teaps—These traps will not be activated until the characters move into one of che adjoining comidors. Once they leave this room, the steam mephit in Room 9 unlocks the pir covers and the heroes muist deal with the pits when they reenter the area ‘The 10-foor square stone blocks that form the rooms floor perimerer (those blocks nearest the wall) are pressure plaesy hinged on che underside where they join the wall. When they are activarad, stepping on a plate causes it ro swing ‘open on its hinge, dropping che victim into a pit below. A successful Dexterity check (at 2-2 penalty) allows the victim to aveid filling into the rap as it opens by reaching the central portion of the floor, or by grabbing the ede of the pit as she falls and hangs on. The pits are 30 feet deey and a fall inflicts 3d6 points of damage. The pit floor an walls are constructed of Sfoot-square smooth flagstone blocks coated witha lighe film of motsture, The walls are too smooth to be climbed by anyone without special wall-climb: ing abilicy, and even rogues trear chem as smaoth, slightly slippery surfaces (see Table 67: Rates of Climbing in the Player's Handbook). The pressure plates reset on a spring Fhinge (unless the victim doesn’ fit eheough the 10-foot square area, or manages to grab the edge ofthe pit, prevent ing the plate from closing again), sealing the victim in the pit below. Once a charac falls into a pit, his companions can force open the cover with a successful Open Doors rll and can wedge it open the same way they can wedge a door open. ‘The mephits have cre with, salted the floors ofthe pi “treasures” worthless glass permanent foo!’ gold cast on chem. Each pit contains either 1ai4 fake gems (40%) or 1d6 x 10 fools gol coins (60%), rns” and eopper coins with a Ascending Floor Trap—Depressing any of che pressure plates (see “Pir Trays” above) crigaers this trap, regardless whether the pit covers are lockes or unlocked. Tivo rounds after any presire plate isactivated, the central section of the floor begins to rise up quickly, propelled by a column mech anism heneath. The floor rises to within 3 feet ofthe ceiling m2 rounds, Simultaneously, barbed and rusted throu the holes with a THACOof 7 andl deliver 1d6 points of damage per hit; a med character can he hic by 110 spears, and a symall characteris caged hy 1d6 spears. After 10 rounds the eats project n the ceiling, The spears strike victims ‘mechanism retracts, withalrawing the spears and causing an additional 2 points of damage per spear hit due to the etract- ing barbs Collapsing Door Teap—The third and final trap in the room isthe trio of daonways facing south, west, and north. A pair of heavy woolen doors reinforced with steel bands ‘opens into the room by yanking on an iron pull-ing. These doors have visble hinges, hur the trap removes.a centeal rod that connects the hinges ro the dorfrarue. When the pull ring is yanked, the door falls forward with great force like a rawbridge opening, Individuals within an area as wide and tall ns the door (7 feet ral hy 5 feet wide) sufer 2410 poines ‘of damage and are pinned until the door i lited off them. Each door weighs approximately 400 pounds Dexterity cheek (ar a 3 penalty) allows the vietim to escape ‘A succesful the tap by leaping or rolling out of the way before the door crushes hit, While this trap cannot be disarmed (as the safe- guards the dwarves put in place have been remove), a suc~ ‘cessful Remove Traps roll reveals how the door opens and thereby allows the PCs to avoid i Room 3: Portcullis Perils Only 20 feet from the entsance chamber a metal portcullis extends from the ceiling t0 the floor, effec tively bareing the way. When any ofthe three traps in the entrance chamber are activated (see Room 1), a portculis descends from the eel ing of these three corridors at the position marked on the snap, blocking access ro the areas beyond. The corridors all share uniform eonstruction—flagstone floos, with natural rock walls and ceilings. Empty torch sconces line both walls ar regular intervals. Each portculis i itself a trap. Porteullis Trap—Each portcullis is a metal gate chat lrops from the ceiling to the floor of the caridor. Characters may bend the hars of the portculis without il effect by making a successful Bend Bars roll. Os, PC3 ean attempt t0 ev. ping the undersides of the crosshars to lift the gate proshces lift the portals by making a Lift Gates roll. However, two separate effects Fist, the undersides of the erossbars are coated with sov- reign glue thar has been treaced with magic that prevents it fiom setting until (eadheres to something. Anyone tying to tise the portcullis by gripping the crossbar is stuck fast in 1 round. Ifthe crossbar, someone could cut the material fom her hands to five het. Oil of etherealness or universal solvene dissolves the tlie and releases trapped hands. Another, more painful mthox! of removing hands stuck: o the crossbars is simply to pull on chem with sufficient free (a combined Strength of peter is wearing gloves when sbe wrasps the 3Zallows » character to tug fee a stuck hand). This method is quick, bur ir also peels the skin snd some musele tissue fron the victim's hand, causing 1d6+2 point of damage and ‘making it impossible forthe vietim to perform any tasks with the wounded hand until i is healed. ‘Second, the action of pulling up on the crossbar eriggers a mechanical ton an auulible cick. A panel in the ceiling opens to allow a fragile glas globe to fll which activates it to the floor, where it shatters, The globe contains a quickly vaporating liquid thar turns to gas on contact with ai, gen erating a cloud 60 feet long by 60 feet wide by 30 foet deep; the gas re caught within dhe cloud are subject to the effects of the gs ly ns visible and active for lef rounds. All chose and must successfully save vs. p ‘or fall uncon. scious for 24 round the chatacters aren't aware of their mephit stalkers yet this is a gGod place for the PCs to realize thar they aren't alone. Should any characters he rendered unconscious by the as, one of the mist mephits takes this opportunity to create 1 wall of fog in the corridor. Using the fog as cover (and hhoping that the intruders think i is more gas), the mist smephit and 143 mephit associates use the eover to actack the parry in the corridor, retreating aawin the round hefore the wall of fog effect, and pref ‘Should the entite party be so unlucky as to be rendered rds (remember thar the mephits can fly, his means of lacomorion to running). unconscious, all the mephits (including the steam mephit) ‘on the corridor and quickly bind the prone charac: ters with ropes the steam mephit has in its seeret chamber (oor 9). Once the advencurers are securely bound, the steam mephie flies off at top speed eo inform one of the ali fiends that the dinner guests are immobilized. Meanwhile the remaining mephits relieve the characters of their per- sonal belongings. The captive adventurers have about 16 rounds before one of the altfiends (50% chance for either) shows up with a work crew of dretch to haul dhe characters down to the habitat level. Ifthe steam mephic founel Esl lia, he characters might have a chance ro talk their way out of their predicament (see Room 28). If Anderia (Room 31) shows up, she send: a message vin mephit to Visca (by way of his eral al) exces chem pit to ceath: Hi interested in meeting of eating anyone who couldn't even ‘make it pase che mephits Room 4: Tilting at Floors ‘The dwarves constructed this entire corridor and the room who beyond to foil intnuders, Invaders who made it heyond the portcullis and into this apparently unguarded corridor would believe they had outsmarted the dwarves, until they acti vated this two-part erp, The first part consists of section of the cotridor floor that tiles downward, creating a ramp t0 send intruders sliding roward the room the second part isa pit trap in the room at the end of the ramp. Both parts ofthe trap ate activated when weight is placed on the pressure plates in the coreidor ico the ceiling, revealing a small compartment thats empty ‘except for ewin stone pillars finely carved to resemble young human women, ‘The pillars are a pair of caryatid columns, which activate and attack ineaudets when the door completes its ascent into the ceiling (1 round). The antechamber itself is quite small, barely lage enough for the two colums Caryatid Column (Golem) (2): AC 5; hp THACO 15; AT 1; Dmg 244 (sword); SD immunities, shatter weapons; SW spells; SZM_(7" tall); ML fearless (20); Int non (0); AL N; XP 420 each, ‘Speclal Abies: SD—immune to poison, hod, harm, i ‘or other mine/-affecting spells: +4 to saves; half damage fom ronmagical weapons, magical weapons inflict full damage bue do not add their magical bonus to damage toral; 25% MV 6; HD 6 bance any weapons will shatter when st hits a caryatid column, reduced by 5% for each magical plus of the weapon; SW-—sione to flesh, ranamute rock to mud, or stone shape instanely destroy column with failed save (On the round alter the caryarid columns attack, 1a rmephits (any other than the steam mephit) fly here 19 pro vide ari from the partys reae co catch rhem berween the mephits andl ery support sith their breath weapons, striking the attacking columns. Ifthe characters defeat the columns and then focus their attentions on the mephits the imps lee, flyin hoping the characters follow and run afoul of the pit traps. away in dhe direction of the entry room (Room 2), Room 6: Stairway to Nowhere Beyond the portculis, a search discovers a seeret door in the north wall. The door opens by depressing afl the floor just to the right of the door’ lefr vertical seam. When the characters open the door, read che following aloud: A section of the corridor wall slides away witha groan of long-

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