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Fortz Chauza es - translation

It is a a cruel thing that it behoves me

to sing of the great hurt

and the greatest pain which I have ever felt

and which I must forever lament with tears,

for he who was the head and the father of worth,

the powerful, valiant Richard, king of the English,

is dead - Ah! Lord, what harm and loss is here!

What strange words, so cruel to hear!

Any man who can bear it has a hard heart indeed.

Ah! Lord God, you who are the true pardon,

true God, true man, true lift, be merciful!

Pardon him, for he is in want and need,

and do not, Lord, look at his faults,

and remember how he went to serve you.

The king is dead and a thousand years have passed

since such a worthy man existed or since one was seen,

and never will there be any man of his kind,

so munificent, so lordly, so bold, so generous

that I do not believe that Alexander, the king who

vanquished Darius, ever gave or spent as much as he,

and Charlemagne and Arthur never had more worth,

for, to tell the truth, throughouy the world, he made himself

more feared by some and loved by others.

Ah! Lord God, Ah ! ... (bis)

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