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Student reply discussion

I like how you have indicated your thought on what Aristotle would think about a virtuous

person. It is true that Aristotle believed that being a virtuous person is based on a person’s own

habitual actions as indicated by his work on Nichomachean Ethics. I also agree with you that a

virtuous person should not possess the character of abusing drugs. I believe that being a

substance abuser is a vice that is highly condemned in the society. However, I think that

Aristotle’s perspective of a virtuous person is very strict since it views desires to make bad

choices as a person’s character. It does not matter whether they fight those desires or not. What

matters is that they had the desires. I think that being able to fight temptation is a good character

because we all get tempted to engage in bad actions in one way or another. If we take Aristotle’s

point of view then I would say that there is no existence of the good.

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