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Review Article

Cerebral salt wasting: Truths, fallacies, theories, and challenges

Sheila Singh, MD; Desmond Bohn, MB; Ana P. C. P. Carlotti; Michael Cusimano, MD;
James T. Rutka; Mitchell L. Halperin, MD

Background: The reported prevalence of cerebral salt wasting the large natriuresis were considered: first, a severe degree of
has increased in the past three decades. A cerebral lesion and a extracellular fluid volume expansion could down-regulate trans-
large natriuresis without a known stimulus to excrete so much porters involved in renal Naⴙ resorption; second, an adrenergic
sodium (Naⴙ) constitute its essential two elements. surge could cause a pressure natriuresis; and third, natriuretic
Objectives: To review the topic of cerebral salt wasting. There agents might become more potent when the effective extracellu-
is a diagnostic problem because it is difficult to confirm that a lar fluid volume is high.
stimulus for the renal excretion of Naⴙ is absent. Conclusions: Cerebral salt wasting is probably much less
Design: Review article. common than the literature suggests. With optimal treatment in
Intervention: None. the intensive care unit, hyponatremia should not develop. (Crit
Main Results: Three fallacies concerning cerebral salt wasting Care Med 2002; 30:2575–2579)
are stressed: first, cerebral salt wasting is a common disorder; KEY WORDS: antidiuretic hormone; adrenaline; hyponatremia;
second, hyponatremia should be one of its diagnostic features; natriuretic hormones; syndrome of inappropriate secretion of
and third, most patients have a negative balance for Naⴙ when antidiuretic hormone
the diagnosis of cerebral salt wasting is made. Three causes for

D isorders of salt and water ho- DIAGNOSTIC CHALLENGE damage. Molecular advances imply that
meostasis are common in pa- ligands that occupy the calcium receptor
tients who have traumatic The reported prevalence of CSW has in the thick ascending limb of the loop of
brain injury, subarachnoid increased steadily over the past three de- Henle should be excluded because they
cades, whereas the types of intracerebral induce a loop diuretic-like effect (4). Ex-
hemorrhage, or a, brain tumor (1). De-
lesions in this population have probably amples of these ligands include hypercal-
pending on the decade and the emphasis
not changed appreciably in this period
placed on individual factors such as hy- cemia (e.g., with metastatic cancers) or
(Fig. 1). Therefore it is reasonable to ask
ponatremia, the preferred diagnosis was cationic drugs such as aminoglycosides.
whether a change in therapy or a report-
cerebral salt wasting (CSW) or the syn- Two diagnostic elements will be em-
ing bias was responsible for the recent
drome of inappropriate secretion of anti- phasized. First, although some investiga-
resurgence of the diagnosis of CSW.
diuretic hormone (1–3). Before discuss- tors include hyponatremia as a diagnostic
ing CSW, however, it is important to criterion for CSW because it is commonly
define its essential diagnostic ele-
Clinical Diagnosis of CSW observed in this setting (1–3, 5), we con-
ments—we stress that hyponatremia is CSW is a diagnosis of exclusion based sider it a nonspecific clue. Second, to
not one of them. on clinical criteria. Its essential features determine whether there is a true deficit
are a cerebral lesion and renal sodium of Na⫹, mass balances rather than excre-
(Na⫹) and chloride (Cl⫺) wasting. The tion rates for Na⫹ must be known (6). To
latter feature implies that Na⫹ and Cl⫺ imply that the ECF volume is contracted,
From the Departments of Pediatric Neurosurgery were excreted without a physiologic stim- there must be a deficit of Na⫹ that ex-
(SS, JTR) and Critical Care Medicine (DB), Hospital for ceeds 2 mmol/kg body weight because
Sick Children, Toronto, Canada; the Department of ulus. This means that one cannot make a
Anaesthesiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Can- diagnosis of CSW if there is an expanded this is the quantity of Na⫹ excreted when
ada (DB); the Department of Pediatrics, Universidade extracellular fluid (ECF) volume or, more normal subjects diminish their salt in-
de Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil (APCPC); and the accurately, an expanded effective arterial take (7).
Department of Neurosurgery (MC) and Renal Division Hyponatremia Is not a Reliable Diag-
blood volume. In addition, the patient
(MLH), St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Canada. must not have a condition causing a de- nostic Criterion for CSW. The plasma
Supported, in part, by a grant from Physicians ficiency of a physiologic stimulator of re- Na⫹ concentration will be low in any
Services Incorporated. nal Na⫹ resorption such as aldosterone or patient who has an input of electrolyte-
Address requests for reprints to: Mitchell L. the presence of a natriuretic agent that is free H2O and vasopressin to minimize its
Halperin, MD, Division of Nephrology, St. Michael’s
Hospital, Annex, 38 Shuter Street, Toronto, Ontario not directly related to the cerebral lesion renal excretion (8). An electrolyte-free
M5B 1A6, Canada. E-mail: mitchell.halperin@ (Table 1). In this category, we include the H2O load can be given by oral or intrave- standard diuretics, inborn errors leading nous route, or it can be generated by the
Copyright © 2002 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins to a decreased resorption of Na⫹ (e.g., kidney by a process we called “desalina-
DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000034676.11528.E4 Bartter syndrome), and renal tubular tion” of intravenous saline or body fluids

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 11 2575

Table 1. Diagnosis of salt-wasting in a patient who has a cerebral lesion

The diagnosis of CSW is one of exclusion. One must have an intracerebral lesion and the excretion
of Na⫹ and Cl⫺ without another obvious cause.
1. The following must be ruled out
A physiologic cause for the excretion of Na⫹ and Cl⫺ (e.g., an expanded ECF volume)
A noncerebral cause for the natriuresis
Exogenous diuretic administration
Pseudo-diuretic-like states
States with low aldosterone action (39)
Bartter syndrome; Gitelman syndrome
Ligands for the calcium receptor in the Henle loop, such as hypercalcemia, cationic drugs
(e.g., gentamicin), and possibly, cationic proteins, such as in multiple myeloma
Obligation of Na⫹ excretion by the excretion of anions other than Cl⫺
High output renal failure
2. Possible explanations for salt wasting in patients with a CNS lesion
Natriuretic agents of cerebral origin
Figure 1. Prevalence of cerebral salt wasting in Down-regulation of renal Na⫹ transport by chronic ECF volume expansion
Pressure natriuresis (e.g., adrenergic hormone overload)
the past three decades. The data were obtained by
Suppression of the release of aldosterone
a literature search using “cerebral salt wasting”
and triple-H (“hypertension, hypervolemia, and CSW, cerebral salt wasting; ECF, extracellular fluid; CNS, central nervous system.
hemodilution”) as key words. The number of
reports with cerebral salt wasting for each decade
are shown in the black rectangles, and the num- A decreased ECF volume can be due to is that healthy subjects with their usual
ber of reports with triple-H therapy for each a deficit of Na⫹ or water. Only with the Western intake have a diet-induced ex-
decade is shown in the clear rectangles. former will hyponatremia be present. pansion of their ECF volume in steady
There are two major subdivisions of the state (i.e., an expanded ECF volume is
(9). The renal elements required to gen- ECF compartment, the larger interstitial needed for the daily excretion of 150
erate electrolyte-free H2O include an in- fluid volume and the physiologically mmol of Na⫹ (2 mmol/kg)).
tact concentrating process and a high more important intravascular volume. There are recent experiments in hu-
rate of excretion of Na⫹ (due to ECF Focusing on the vascular compartment, man subjects given a large oral NaCl load
volume expansion); both are often its largest component (75%) is in the (16). These data suggest that there is an-
present in patients undergoing surgery venous system. It is not really the venous other mechanism to deal with an extraor-
(9). Patients with CSW have multiple volume that is the critical issue; rather, dinarily large NaCl input akin to that
stimuli for the release of vasopressin such central venous pressure is the important seen in patients in the neurosurgical in-
as the central nervous system lesion, factor because this variable is directly re- tensive care unit. In more detail, when
pain, stress, high intracranial pressure, lated to diastolic filling of the heart. Pres- close to 600 mmol of NaCl were ingested
and medications (10). Notwithstanding, sure in the central venous system is di- per day, a positive balance for NaCl was
hyponatremia could be prevented if the rectly related to two factors, the venous created. Nevertheless, there were unex-
volume and the concentration of Na⫹ in volume and the size of venous capaci- pected findings—the plasma volume was
the intravenous solution matched that of tance vessels. If venous capacitance ves- expanded by 10 –15%, but there was no
the urine (11). Therefore, because hypo- sels were to constrict under the influence change in either the total ECF volume,
natremia is a secondary event, inappro- of adrenergic hormones, for example, the plasma Na⫹ concentration, or in body
priate secretion of antidiuretic hormone there could be an increase in central ve- weight. This led to the impression that
should not be confused with CSW. nous pressure and thereby a tendency for Na⫹ could be sequestered in the body
Definition of a Normal ECF Volume. a higher cardiac output and an expanded (presumably in the interstitial compart-
Na⫹ ions are located primarily in the ECF effective arterial blood volume even if the ment). These observations add to the
compartment and Na⫹, along with its at- total ECF volume is contracted. There- clinical problem of defining a normal and
tendant anions Cl ⫺ and bicarbonate fore, it is not clear how a normal ECF an expanded ECF volume, even when us-
(HCO3⫺), exert the osmotic force that volume should be defined. ing measured values for Na⫹ balance.
retains water outside cells. Therefore the Control mechanisms for Na ⫹ ho- The difficulty in recognizing a NaCl
ECF volume is determined primarily by meostasis were designed in Paleolithic deficit at the bedside was illustrated by
the content of Na⫹ in this compartment. times when the diet contained very little the landmark experiment performed by
If a patient had a low plasma Na⫹ con- Na⫹ (12, 13); moreover, modern evolu- McCance (17) in healthy subjects con-
centration, this will raise both the ECF tionary pressures have not been strong suming a NaCl-free diet. When the nega-
and intracellular fluid volumes for any enough to induce major modifications in tive balance for Na⫹ exceeded 30% (close
given ECF Na⫹ content. Nevertheless, this control system (14). This primitive to 900 mmol in a normal man), the sub-
without knowing the content of Na⫹ in set of controls is reflected by the fact that jects felt unwell, but there were no ob-
the ECF compartment, the plasma Na⫹ diuretics readily cause an initial large ex- jective physical findings, including a fall
concentration does not provide insights cretion of Na⫹ in subjects who consume a in blood pressure or a rise in pulse rate
about their ECF volume. For example, typical Western diet. Nevertheless, once a on assuming the upright posture. More
the ECF volume could be expanded (e.g., 2 mmol/kg Na⫹ deficit is induced, the recent studies confirmed that physicians
congestive heart failure) or contracted natriuretic response to the same dose of a are not able to ascertain that the ECF
(e.g., adrenal insufficiency) in a patient diuretic is much smaller (15). A conclu- volume is contracted on physical exami-
with hyponatremia. sion that could be drawn from these data nation (18). On the other hand, when a

2576 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 11

smaller deficit of Na⫹ occurred in con-

junction with another lesion such as ad-
renal insufficiency, physical findings of a erebral salt wast-
contracted ECF volume (e.g., postural
ing is a diagnosis
hypotension) were evident (17). There-
fore, our ability to detect a given deficit of of exclusion that
NaCl on clinical grounds may more
closely reflect the underlying cause requires a natriuresis in a
rather than the specific NaCl deficit itself. Figure 2. Development of a salt-wasting state by
Laboratory data are often used to con- previous chronic expansion of the extracellular patient with a contracted ef-
firm that the ECF volume is contracted. fluid (ECF) volume. For details, see text. The left
portion of the figure represents the normal state
fective arterial blood volume
Although elevated plasma renin activity
with its luminal Na⫹ transport system (open
and vasopressin or catecholamines levels
symbols) and basolateral Na-K–adenosine
and the absence of another
could be helpful (19), these results are
triphosphatase (solid symbols) that are the com- cause for this excretion of
not usually available at the bedside in a ponents of the system to resorb Na⫹ in the prox-
timely manner. Urine electrolyte data can
also be misleading (20). For example, ex-
imal convoluted tubules (PCT). Most of these Na⫹.
elements are in the luminal and basolateral
cretion of a Na⫹- or Cl⫺-poor urine is the membranes. The response to chronic expansion
expected observation in populations who of the effective arterial blood volume is depicted
eat a low quantity of NaCl (21). In con- in the right portion of this figure. Elements for
trast, finding a high rate of excretion of Na⫹ resorption are transferred intracellularly to
Na⫹ and Cl⫺ does not define a normal vesicles inside PCT cells (internalization) (see
ECF volume in a patient with salt wasting Zhang et al. (31)).
because these are the expected urinary
results in a patient with this condition. retained in response to prior NaCl intake
Other indirect indexes to suggest that the and become much less potent when the
ECF volume is contracted include a low deficit of Na⫹ approaches 2 mmol/kg (12,
fractional excretion of urea or total urates 13). Therefore it is unlikely that any of
(22)—it remains to be seen how helpful these agents could cause clinically obvi-
these indirect indices will be to diagnose ous CSW with hypotension. Moreover, el- Figure 3. Possible role of an adrenergic surge in
CSW. In summary, because CSW is a di- evated levels of atrial or brain-derived na- cerebral salt wasting. Three major actions of cat-
agnosis of exclusion, it should not be triuretic peptides are not a universal echolamines (dashed lines) could lead to a natri-
made in a patient who lacks a sufficiently finding in patients who are said to have uresis that is caused by a high effective arterial
negative balance for Na⫹ ⫹ K⫹ (23). CSW (24 –26).There is a second category volume. 1, contraction of the large venous capac-
of agents of central nervous system origin itance vessels can lead to a rise in central venous
that could, in theory contribute to a se- pressure and, thereby, diastolic filling of the
CEREBRAL SALT WASTING heart; 2, there is the inotropic action of these
vere salt-wasting state, the digitalis-like
Factors other than an intracerebral le- peptides (27, 28). Their role to explain the compounds on the heart; 3, if there were a renal
vasodilator present such as dopamine, a pressure
sion could be responsible for an excessive true cases of CSW is yet to be established.
natriuresis could result. PCT, proximal convo-
natriuresis, and these should be ruled out Large Infusion of Saline May Cause a luted tubules.
(Table 1). In this section, we shall discuss Significant Negative Balance for Na⫹
factors related to a central nervous sys- and Cl⫺. On the surface, it seems para-
tem disturbance that could be responsi- doxic that the physiologic natriuresis in that were located in the luminal and ba-
ble for an excessive natriuresis. response to a considerably expanded ECF solateral membranes of their proximal
CSW Caused by Natriuretic Agents of volume might lead to renal salt wasting; convoluted tubules (Fig. 2) (31). If the
Central Nervous System Origin. The sim- however, this is a distinct possibility once same changes occurred in human sub-
plest model for CSW is to have the brain NaCl intake is reduced (Figs. 1 and 2). In jects, this natriuresis could become more
release a natriuretic hormone. Although patients undergoing aneurysmal repair, profound and eventually lead to a con-
it is possible to have a large natriuresis in four- to five-fold more Na⫹ is given daily tracted ECF volume. Indeed, some of
a patient with an intracerebral lesion if as intravenous isotonic saline than is these patients eventually do develop signs
natriuretic agents were released from the present in a typical Western diet— consistent with chronic ECF volume con-
brain, there are two issues to consider in moreover, this high intake of NaCl is traction when the rate of infusion of sa-
this regard. First, the prototype of agents given for up to a week or two after the line is decreased. There is a second factor
in this category, atrial natriuretic pep- surgery. Expansion of the ECF volume is that can cause an excessive natriuresis in
tides, do not lead to a large natriuresis if designed to minimize intracerebral vaso- this setting. If expansion of the ECF vol-
there is a contracted ECF volume (24). spasm (29, 30). A salt load may cause the ume is combined with a very high rate of
Second, even more potent diuretics such arterial blood pressure to rise and induce release of adrenergic (32) hormones and
as loop diuretics do not cause enough a physiologic pressure natriuresis. In the inhibitors of Na⫹ resorption in the kidney
ECF volume contraction to produce clin- rat, a NaCl load caused a natriuresis ac- such as dopamine (33, 34) or natriuretic
ically obvious hypotension in subjects companied by down-regulation of renal agents (24 –26), the full-blown picture of
with an input of NaCl (15). They primar- Na⫹ absorption along with internaliza- CSW might become evident (Table 1).
ily cause the elimination of Na⫹ and Cl⫺ tion of the components of Na⫹ resorption In our institutes, when CSW was diag-

Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 11 2577

Table 2. An example of cerebral salt-wasting study was performed when this patient
was switched acutely to a very low daily
Blood Pressure,
NaCl intake (9 mmol/day). During part of
Day Na⫹, mmol K⫹, mmol mm Hg
this balance study, the patient was given
1 ⫺100 ⫺70 145/80 mineralocorticoids without discernible
2 ⫺84 ⫺55 138/78 effects. The patient had consistently neg-
3 ⫺62 ⫺28 130/65 ative daily balances for Na⫹ and for K⫹.
4 ⫺61 ⫺34 128/74 Her total deficit of Na⫹ was 626 mmol,
5 ⫺68 ⫺29 126/72
6 ⫺67 ⫺46 124/68
which is close to 40% of the estimated
7 ⫺66 ⫺57 132/68 content of Na⫹ in the ECF compartment
8 ⫺58 ⫺38 128/69 of a normal 50 kg woman (50 kg ⫻ 60%
9 ⫺60 ⫺32 138/74 water ⫽ 30 L, one third of which [10 L] is
Total ⫺626 ⫺389 the ECF volume; 10 L ⫻ 140 mmol
Na⫹/L ECF ⫽ 1400 mmol total Na⫹). Of
Several days before the balance study, the patient was given a high salt intake (15 g or 250 mmol special importance, there was little de-
NaCl). She was placed on very low salt intake (9 mmol/day) for the 9-day balance study (36). The PNa cline in her blood pressure and rise in her
fell from 128 to 109 mmol/L, and the plasma K⫹ concentration fell from 4.8 to 3.4 mmol/L over the plasma creatinine concentration over this
9-day period. period.
Our interpretation of these data is
shown in Figure 4. It involves a combi-
should document that there were low lev-
nation of factors thought to be important
els of aldosterone before expansion of the
to explain the large natriuresis in CSW
ECF volume and that aldosterone levels
(Table 1). First, this patient began with a
failed to rise appropriately when the ef-
high salt diet that may have led to down-
fective arterial blood volume became con-
regulation of renal Na⫹ resorption owing
to chronic expansion of her ECF volume.
Very large Adrenergic Surge May
Perhaps this ECF volume expansion and
Cause a Natriuresis. The levels of adren-
the absence of hyperkalemia could have
ergic hormones are elevated in patients
led to a temporary state of hypoaldoste-
with major injuries to the brain (32).
Figure 4. Cerebral salt wasting, an overview. For ronism (37, 38). Second, the large tumor
There are four possible elements in this
details, see text and Figures 2 and 3. EFW, elec- may have led to a high release of adren-
response. First, adrenergic hormones
trolyte-free H2O; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; ergic hormones and thereby a pressure
could contract venous capacitance ves-
BP, blood pressure; ECF, extracellular fluid. natriuresis. Third, natriuretic peptides of
sels, raising central venous pressure (32)
cerebral origin could have led to a signif-
(Fig. 3). Second, inotropic actions of cat-
icant inhibition of the renal resorption of
echolamines could raise the arterial
nosed using unreliable criteria such as a Na⫹ if her effective arterial blood volume
blood pressure. Third, a very important
very large Na⫹ excretion rate, a high was expanded (venous capacitance vessel
element in this response would be renal
urine Na⫹ concentration, or hyponatre- contraction and myocardial inotropic ac-
vasodilation, perhaps due to actions of
mia, ⬎90% of patients in our neurosur- tions of adrenergic hormones). Although
dopamine (34) or natriuretic peptides.
gical intensive care unit had an overall vasopressin might be present, the urine
Fourth, the renal response to a rise in
positive balance for Na⫹ and Cl⫺ when volume might still be large because of the
systemic blood pressure, if accompanied
calculations included all infusions from large natriuresis (see the equation be-
by inhibited renal resorption of Na⫹ by
the time of first contact with medical or low). Because the urinary concentrations
dopamine (34), for example, could lead to
paramedical personnel. This suggests of Na⫹ and Cl⫺ should be very high, this
a pressure natriuresis (31). Nevertheless,
that their ECF volumes were not actually could lead to the generation of electro-
even though a pressure natriuresis could
contracted. We have stressed that a diag- lyte-free H2O (9) and helps explain why
cause a negative balance for Na⫹ and a
nosis of CSW must not be based on a hyponatremia might develop or become
contracted ECF volume, the effective ar-
negative balance for Na⫹ ⫹ K⫹ or Cl⫺ on more severe. If more isotonic saline were
terial blood volume and pressure could
a few days in the intensive care unit given to avoid a daily negative balance for
still be increased. Therefore, there are
(23)— overall balances must be evalu- Na⫹, the natriuresis could become even
additional difficulties with the diagnostic
ated. more marked.
criteria for CSW because one must detect
There is another factor to consider
a contracted effective arterial blood vol-
with respect to renal Na⫹ wasting in re- Urine volume ⫽
ume to make this diagnosis.
sponse to a chronically expanded ECF No. of solutes excreted/(solutes)urine
volume. Should a stimulator of Na⫹ and
Cl⫺ resorption such as a mineralocorti- EXAMPLE OF CSW CONCLUSIONS
coid (fludrocortisone) be administered,
the rate of NaCl excretion might fall (35). In their classic description of CSW, CSW is a diagnosis of exclusion that
Nevertheless, one should not conclude Cort and Yale (36) described a young requires a natriuresis in a patient with a
that the prior natriuresis was due to a woman with a large thalamic tumor who contracted effective arterial blood volume
mineralocorticoid deficiency state with- was treated with a high intake of NaCl and the absence of another cause for this
out other evidence (36). For example, one (250 mmol/day) (Table 2). A balance excretion of Na⫹ (Table 1). To establish a

2578 Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 11

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Crit Care Med 2002 Vol. 30, No. 11 2579

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