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Dec 16, 2019, 10:10 PM


1. Mechanism of formation of duodenal

ulcers is.......

↑ acid production and ↓ defense

2. Most common peptic ulcer is ........

Duodenal ulcer

3. Duodenal ulcers are more common



4. Duodenal ulcers usually occur in ......... part

of duodenum,
1st part of duodenum, anteriorly.

5. Complication of Anterior duodenal ulcers


They perforate

6. Complications of Posterior duodenal

ulcers is........

They bleed from gastroduodenal artery

7. Symptoms duodenal ulcers are ..........

epigastric pain radiating to the back;

8 ........... ulcer pain abates with eating but

recurs 30 minutes after .

Duodenal ulcer pain

9. Diagnosis of duodenal ulcers is by ......


10. Treatment of duodenal ulcers is.........

proton pump inhibitor (PPI; omeprazole),

triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori

11. triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori

includes .........

bismuth salts, amoxicillin, and

metronidazole/tetracycline (BAM or BAT)

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