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Biomechanics of the Foot in

Diabetes Mellitus
Some Theoretical Considerations


Although diabetes mellitus is a biochemical disease, it has biomechan-

ical consequences for the lower extremity. Numerous alterations occur
in the function of the foot and lower extremity in people with diabetes.
This article evaluates biomechanical alterations of the foot in the pres-
ence of neuropathy in patients with diabetes in the context of several
theoretical concepts. Further study of these hypotheses will result in a
better understanding of how diabetes causes elevated plantar pres-
sures and the potential of strategies to prevent these changes so that
the burden of diabetic foot disease can be reduced. (J Am Podiatr Med
Assoc 88(6): 285-289, 1998)

Diabetes mellitus imposes a large economic burden plantar pressures are present. Brand12 first elucidat-
on society and the individual. Complications of the ed the mechanical causes of plantar ulcers in neuro-
foot are a significant contributor to this burden.1 Dia- pathic feet.
betes mellitus is a biochemical disease, but a large
number of lower-extremity complications of the dis- Limited Joint Mobility
order are due to biomechanical dysfunction. Dia-
betes not only alters the biomechanics of the lower Limited joint mobility has been widely documented
extremity, it also complicates any preexisting biome- in patients with diabetes.13-15 It is probably due to a
chanical dysfunction. Reviews of the biomechanics nonenzymatic glycosylation of collagen from the
of the foot in patients with diabetes are available chronic hyperglycemia, resulting in a stiffening of the
elsewhere,2-7 so the discussion here will focus on re- joint ligaments and other structures around joints.
viewing recent data and thought on foot biomechan- Delbridge et al16 found a significant decrease in the
ics in patients with diabetes in the context of a num- range of subtalar joint motion in diabetic patients
ber of theoretical considerations. with a history of foot ulceration compared with con-
A key feature of the foot in people with diabetes is trol groups. Fernando et al17 showed that diabetic pa-
that dynamic plantar pressures are higher than in tients with limited joint mobility had higher plantar
those without diabetes. This feature is independent pressures.
of body weight.8 Issues concerning measurement of In 1949, Hiss18 suggested that a limitation in joint
plantar pressures have been adequately dealt with mobility results in an alteration of the progression of
elsewhere.9, 10 The causes of higher plantar pressure11 forces through the foot, which alters weightbearing.
are generally assumed to be bony deformity, clawing It is generally assumed that limited joint mobility in-
of the toes, pes cavus, lack of soft-tissue cushioning, creases plantar pressures owing to restriction of pro-
callus formation, and limited joint mobility. A loss of nation at the subtalar joint16 based on the traditional
protective sensation in the foot due to peripheral understanding of the foot19 as a “mobile adaptor.”
sensory neuropathy permits undetected injury from Pronation at the subtalar joint when the foot con-
mechanical insults to occur to the foot when higher tacts the ground is assumed to allow the foot to ab-
*Lecturer, Department of Podiatry, La Trobe University, sorb shock. However, recently several of the concepts
Bundoora, Victoria 3083, Australia. of Root et al19 have been questioned,20, 21 and one pos-

Volume 88 • Number 6 • June 1998 285

sible alternative, the sagittal-plane facilitation of mo- foot, but increased pressures on the lateral side of
tion model, has been proposed.22 It is also difficult to the forefoot. The sagittal-plane facilitation of motion
accept that mobility of the subtalar joint allowing the model would predict that the rocker sole would pre-
foot to absorb shock during the contact period of the vent the autosupportive mechanisms of the foot from
gait cycle could be related to increased pressures being established owing to a lack of dorsiflexion of
under the forefoot during propulsion. Recently Ying- the first metatarsophalangeal joint, resulting in an in-
ling et al23 demonstrated that there was no increase crease in lateral plantar pressures.
in the impulse wave at the level of the tibia when The presence of limited joint mobility in patients
subtalar joint pronation was restricted, which raises with diabetes raises the possibility of therapeutic in-
a question about subtalar joint pronation absorbing terventions to increase the mobility of the joints of
impact shock. the foot, with the aim of reducing plantar pressures.
The sagittal-plane facilitation of motion model22 In a small uncontrolled trial, Curran et al32 used phys-
suggests that normal foot function is dependent on ical therapy on a group of diabetic patients with lim-
an adequate range of motion at the first metatar- ited joint mobility for 6 weeks; the result was an in-
sophalangeal joint during dynamic function (which is crease in the range of motion of the subtalar joint
independent of the range of motion of the joint dur- from 14.5° to 24.5° and an increase in that of the mid-
ing clinical examination) so that the windlass mecha- tarsal joint from 17.6° to 31.4°. The peak plantar pres-
nism24 can be established. This allows the foot to ad- sures decreased from 10.1 to 7.2 kg/cm2. It is unclear
equately resist the stress applied to the foot during what exercises were used and which other joints
the propulsive phase of gait. If this mechanism and were mobilized, but this hypothesis is promising and
other autosupportive mechanisms22 are not estab- needs further investigation by means of prospective
lished owing to a functional hallux limitus or an inap- clinical trials.
propriate direction of “weight flow” through the foot
or to limited joint mobility affecting dorsiflexion of Sensory-Attenuation Hypothesis
the first metatarsophalangeal joint and plantarflexion
of the first ray, a number of compensatory mecha- The sensory-attenuation hypothesis, originally pro-
nisms are predicted by the model to occur.22 One of posed by Robbins et al 33-36 in relationship to athletic
these is an “off-loading” of the medial side of the footwear, states:
forefoot and an increase in weightbearing under the In humans, avoidance of uncomfortable or painful but
lateral side of the forefoot. While other mechanisms locally innocuous plantar cutaneous tactile stimuli
or structural changes may increase plantar pressures moderates shock on subsequent impacts when hu-
under the first metatarsophalangeal joint, such as a mans walk, run, or jump repetitively. This feedback
limited range of motion of the first ray,25 the model control circuit is optimized in terms of protection for
offers another alternative theoretical explanation for mechanical interaction of the bare foot and natural
the correlation between limited joint mobility and in- surfaces. Eventually learning allows anticipatory
creased plantar pressures. avoidance. Modern athletic footwear is unsafe be-
cause it attenuates plantar sensations that induce the
A restricted range of motion at the first metatar-
behavior required to prevent injury.33(p218)
sophalangeal joint has been shown to be more com-
mon in patients with diabetes compared with con- This hypothesis is not without controversy,37, 38 but it
trols.26 One of the findings of Stokes et al27 was a suggests that some plantar discomfort on impact is
more lateral distribution of plantar pressures in the required for optimal shock absorption, which is at-
diabetic group compared with controls. Stess et al28 tenuated by soft footwear. When impact is sensed,
showed that plantar pressures increased more in some impact-moderating behavior takes place. If im-
those with a history of diabetic ulcers compared with pact is attenuated by soft footwear or if sensory neu-
the diabetic control group, with the highest pressure ropathy is present, there is a perceptual illusion of
noted on the lateral side of the plantar forefoot. St less plantar impact than actually exists, which re-
Zimney et al29 also reported a greater increase in duces impact-moderating behavior.
plantar pressures under the fourth and fifth metatar- As a consequence, the model predicts that more
sal heads. These reported findings are consistent weight is borne by the metatarsal heads and less by
with what would be predicted by the sagittal-plane the toes, which was demonstrated by Robbins and
model; however, Ctercteko et al30 showed a medial Hanna39 in those who habitually wear soft running
shift in the increase of plantar pressures. Schaff and shoes. Ctercteko et al30 showed a similar effect in pa-
Cavanagh31 reported that a rocker-bottom shoe re- tients with sensory neuropathy with a reduced toe
duced pressures by over 30% under the medial fore- loading and increased metatarsal head pressures.

286 Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association

Similar findings have been reported by Stokes et al27 pads, and depressed metatarsal heads, has generally
and Boulton et al.35 Frykberg 5 attributed these report- been considered to result from intrinsic muscle atro-
ed changes to intrinsic muscle atrophy and claw toe phy and dominance of the long flexor muscles. How-
development in patients with diabetic neuropathy; ever, the hypothesis proposed by Kidd and Kidd and
however, it is proposed here that the sensory-attenu- the sensory-attenuation hypothesis discussed above
ation hypothesis offers an alternative explanation. could also account for these structural changes.
If this hypothesis can be demonstrated by pro-
spective studies to apply to the lower extremities of Mechanism of Tissue Damage
those with sensory neuropathy, it raises a question
about the use of soft cushioning on orthoses or in It has been well documented that elevated pressures
footwear in those who have not yet developed a sen- are associated with tissue damage,42 but the mecha-
sory neuropathy or are in the early stages of one. If nism of the tissue damage has not been clearly eluci-
plantar sensations are further attenuated, this may dated. Landsman et al 43 proposed a cellular model
alter foot morphology and function in a detrimental that shows that high rates of tissue deformation may
way. Further prospective investigations are needed cause elevated intracellular calcium concentrations,
to test this hypothesis. resulting in cellular death, while comparable loads
gradually applied do not. They hypothesized that ulcer
Structural Changes formation is a result of high-strain-rate deformation
rather than the actual peak threshold. They further
The putative effects of motor neuropathy and ampu- hypothesized that a reduction in the rate of loading,
tations on foot function are adequately dealt with rather than the reduction of peak loads, will lead to
elsewhere6 and are not considered here. The signifi- healing and minimize the recurrence of foot ulcera-
cance of structural changes was demonstrated by tion. Strength in the anterior compartment of the leg
Cavanagh et al,40 who demonstrated that static struc- will be reduced because of the motor neuropathy, re-
tural variables are significant predictors of dynamic sulting in a “foot slap” and a higher rate of forefoot
foot function in walking. Measurements from stan- loading. They proposed that an ankle-foot orthosis
dardized radiographs explained approximately 35% will reduce foot slap. No data can be found linking
of the variance of dynamic plantar pressures under the velocity of foot strike and anterior-compartment
the first metatarsal and the heel. The two most domi- weakness in those with plantar ulcers. Anderson et
nant factors in the predictions of pressures for both al44 found a 21% reduction in strength of the ankle
regions were soft-tissue thickness and inclination of dorsiflexion muscle group in insulin-dependent dia-
the first metatarsal. For each 1° increase in first betic patients compared with controls, which would
metatarsal inclination, heel pressures increased by support the hypothesis presented above. However,
17 kPa and first metatarsal head pressure increased Anderson and Mogensen45 showed that peak velocity
by 47 kPa. at the ankle was lower in patients who had been in-
In the hand, limited joint mobility causes a con- sulin-dependent for a long time, presumably owing to
tracture of the palmar aponeurosis that results in the a slower cadence.
characteristic “prayer sign,” in which the patient can- Most of the literature has focused on elevated
not oppose the palmar surfaces. It has been generally plantar pressure, probably because of the limitations
assumed that this contracture does not occur in the inherent in the equipment used to measure shear
foot because of the weightbearing forces on the plan- stress under the foot. The consequences of combined
tar aponeurosis. However, in a dynamic situation, Kidd shear and vertical pressures are likely to be much
and Kidd41 hypothesized that glycosylation of the col- greater than those of vertical pressures alone. Ul-
lagen-rich plantar aponeurosis would result in a con- brecht et al9 discussed the issues surrounding the
tracture of the plantar truss structures, leading to an variability in the reported threshold of vertical pres-
accentuated arch height via first ray plantarflexion sures at which tissue damage occurs. Some of the
and the windlass mechanism. The result would be a variability may be due to shear stresses. Dinsdale 46
more rigid, high-arched foot with prominent metatarsal was able to induce an ulcer in the skin of swine with
heads. In support of this theory, pes cavus has been a verticle pressure of 290 mm Hg, but a pressure as
shown to be more common in those with diabetes low as 45 mm Hg was sufficient when friction was
than in nondiabetic controls,26 whereas the preva- present. Davis 47 proposed the existence of a “wrin-
lence of pes planus was the same in the two groups. kled carpet” effect, with the tissues being either
The characteristic “intrinsic minus foot,”7 with “bunched up,” stretched, or sheared, depending on
claw toes, anterior advancement of the plantar foot the direction of slippage. Brand48 showed in a study

Volume 88 • Number 6 • June 1998 287

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