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IEM CODE OF ETHIC ESSAY 2013 IEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 SEES Question 1 As a young engincer, you are instructed by your employer to prepare a bankable report for a prospective project based on the information provided by your employer. You have no access to ascertain the reliability of the information provided. In light of the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct, how do you advise your employer so that you may complete your assignment with integrity’? Engineer shall be honest in all their dealings, act with impartiality and responsibility and uphold the exedibility and dignity of the profession at all times in their professional and business activities. Engineer shall be objective and truthful in professional reports, statements and testimony. He shall include all relevant and pertinent information in such reports, statements, or testimony, which should bear the date indicating when it was current, In particular, the engineer should take all reasonable steps to ensure that all information and material provided is trathful, accurate and unambiguous and relevant to the public’s interests. Engineer shall uphold and comply with the spirit and letter of the law governing their professional affairs, BEM and IEM Codes of Professional Conduct, in the discharge of their professional duties and business activities. Engineer is encouraged to notify and assist employers to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. It is also an offence for an employee to use any false document, receipt or account to deceive his employer. If, in the course of their services on a project, engineer becomes aware of a decision taken by their employer which violates any law or regulation which will, in the engineer's judgment, materially affect adversely the safety to the public of the finished project, engineer shall: (A) Advise their employer against the decision ‘As mentioned in Clause 5.3 Code of Professional Conduct of BEM, a registered engineer shall check with due diligence the accuracy of facts and data before he signs or endorses any statement or claim. He shall not sign on such documents unless, where necessary, qualifications on errors and in accuracies have been made. The engineer shall express an opinion on a professional subject only when it is founded on adequate knowledge and honest conviction. He should request the employer to do some investigation to gather the necessary reliable information for using in the report. The employer could then decide how to pay for the improvements. When invited to quote for engineering services, employer should ensure that they have sufficient information about the commission for the calculation of their fee. Any fee quotation should clearly indicate the type and extent of the services (a defined scope of works) to be undertaken for that fee, and will also enable any subsequent changes to be identified. Employer should ensure that they have adequate and appropriate financial and technical resources and professional expertise to deliver the services offered. Copyrights Reserved 20130 TEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 (B) Refuse to consent to the decision An engineer whose professional advice is not accepted shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the employer overruling or neglecting his advice is aware of any danger which the engineer believes may result from such overruling or neglect. ‘When the professional advice of a Engineer is overruled to his advice, the Engineer shall, if the amendment may in his opinion give rise to situation that may endanger life and/or property, notify his employer and such other authority as may be appropriate and explain the consequences to be expected as a result of his advice being overruled or neglect. This complies with the Clause 1.5 Code of Professional Conduct of BEM, which mentions when the professional advice of a Professional Engineer is overruled and amended contrary to his advice, the Professional Engineer shall, if the amendment may in his opinion give rise to situation that ‘may endanger life and/or property, notify his employer or client and such other authority as ‘may be appropriate and explain the consequences to be expected as a result of his advice being overruled and amended. (C) Report the decision to the Board for further action If after an engineer makes a good faith effort to notify an employer of illegal operations or actions and the offending condition continue, the engineer shall, as a protection to the public, notify the appropriate regulatory or other law enforcement agency. Engineer should look upon the act of whistle blowing as the last available measure to be used for ensuring a safe, healthful, and legally compliant workplace. This complies with the Clause 1.4 Code of Professional ‘Conduct of BEM that a registered engineer having knowledge of any violation of this code and Local Authority regulations shall report thereon to appropriate professional bodies and, when relevant, also to public authorities and cooperate with the proper authorities in furnishing such information or assistance as may be required. Clause 5.4 Code of Professional Conduct of BEM also mentions that a registered engineer shall respond, within reasonable time, to communication from Board or any other relevant authority on matter pertaining to his professional service. Copyights Reserved 20130 EA IEM Code of Ethics Ess Question 2 You are assigned by your employer to prospect an area for an extractable material. However, in the course of your work, you discover no such object material but some other valuable material which your employer is not interested. On the other hand, the information which you have is of great importance to the adjoining interest. As an engineer can you release the particular information which you have to the other party so that the other valuable material may be explored? Please discuss taking into consideration provisions of the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct. IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct 82}: Amember shall take all reasonable steps to avoid waste of natural resources, damage of the environment, and wasteful damage or destruction of the products of human skill and industry. 8 (12): Amember shall not improperly disclose any information concerning the business of his employer or of any past employer. No. According to 8 (12), “an engineer shall not improperly disclose any information concerning the business of his employer or of any past employer”. Although the other valuable material is of no interest to my employer, my employer still owns that piece of information. Thus | must not disclose this information without the consent of my employer. There is an obligation for me to protect the confidentiality of my company. 8 (2) stated that "a member shall take all reasonable steps to avoid waste of natural resources, damage of the environment, and wasteful damage or destruction of the products of human skill and industry”. Although this provision is more towards caring for the environment and humanity, we can interpret itn another way: since the other valuable material is of no interest to my employer, it ‘may just be ignored and thus from another perspective it may seems very wasteful if this material is not explored (waste of natural resources). We may discuss the potential to explore this material with ‘our employer or can propose to our employer to cooperate with the other party to explore. Comphckaned 0 ER IEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 Question 3 Engr X is a project engincer for a project contracted to Y Company owned by Mr Z. Mr Z tells Engr X that he is ordering the latest model of an electronic gadget for his company staff and he can get a set for Engr X at the company discounted price. Engr X agrees and pays on delivery. Did Engr X breach the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct: “It is the responsibility of every engineer to give the highest regard to his profession and conduct himself with integrity when executing his task.” Discuss this statement in details within the context of the Malaysian environment. {integrity = moral excellence; honesty) Yes. Accepting special privilege by Mr Z to purchase the gadget at special price although might not be considered as bribery, it comes close enough to be a case to raise a real worry. We can worry about Mr Z intention to bribe or influence Engr X future decisions or any approval regarding the project. (Harris, p.81) ‘As mentioned by the regulations, itis the responsibility of every engineer to give the highest regard to his profession and conduct himself with integrity when executing his task. Engr X shall at all times ‘uphold the dignity and reputation of the profession. His action of accepting the offer shows that he is taking advantage of his position as the project engineer and he is lack of honesty. This has reduced his integrity as an engineer in the eyes of others. His ability to conduct himself with integrity later on when executing his tasks in this project becomes questionable. In Malaysia, giving a gift or special privilege to someone may be just to show a token of appreciation, and may not meant to bribe. However, to the public, the intention may not be clear, and thus it may raise questions about the motive. Thus to avoid any suspicions, itis best that Engr X avoid in accepting any offers by his contractors, be it in terms of monetary, gift or special privileges. If the contractors insist on giving a gift especially on festive occasions (especially in Malaysian culture) as a token of appreciation, and that is no way we can reject, then we should not accept it as an individual. For example, if the contractors give a hamper for Chinese New Year, we must not accept the hamper as individual but maybe we can distribute the content of the hamper to other staffs in the office. Its a token of appreciation to the company and not specifically to any individual engineer. This is one of creative middle way solutions. Having said that, as an engineer with integrity, we should, if possible, avoid any form of offers from anyone. {In some organisation, accepting a gift as a token of appreciation below a certain amount is acceptable. If we accepted a small gift from contractors or suppliers, we have to make known to our immediate superior, so as to avoid any misunderstanding or suspicion of bribery. Commins TEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 ity sathor-th: dividual igh Lordig Copyrights Reseved 20130 ET Question 4 Professionalism cannot be taught by regurgitating the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct nor by memorizing a set of rules. Do you agree with the statement and why? The word “profession” connotes a learned calling having a special body of knowledge and skill, distinctive functions and recognized obligations. A profession is much more than a recognized ‘occupation; it carried with it the ideas of advanced learning and a special way of life, involving corporate group of practitioners from which the profession is constituted. I totally agree with the statement “professionalism cannot be taught by regurgitation the IEM regulation on profession conduct nor by memorizing a set of rules.” Professionalism is a way of thinking and living rather than an accumulation of learning. Fulfilling professional responsibilities requires more than rule following. Fulfilling a responsibility requires some ‘maturity of judgment. The expressions ‘the age of responsibility’ or ‘the age of discretion’ acknowledge the maturity of judgment required to take on responsibilities, A strong professional sense is of undoubted benefit to the profession concemed in terms of morale and vocational satisfaction. It is also a fact that community benefits when it is served by a professional whose standing is recognized, in terms of both status and rewards. It is through the development of a strong professional attitude that the professional man motivated to give his biggest contribution to the community. It is probable that professional attitudes and professional motivation are prerequisites to community recognition and to a reasonable level. of reward, but the one depends very much upon the other. Achieving an ethical professional career is a journey, not a destination. The understanding of ethical behavior will change with time, experience, and discussion with others who have set out to take a similar journey. Only when you decide on a lifetime of leaming about and discussing ethical behavior with others, can you hope to complete the journey successfully. The responsibility borne by profession engineers to set standards of ethical behavior in their ‘own lives cannot be overstated. It is the responsibility of people in positions of authority and seniority to make their peers and colleagues aware of the need to read the code of ethies often. Further, these mentoring members have an ethical responsibility to model behaviors that others may learn from and to raise questions and engage their peers and colleagues in discussing ethical issues. Playing an important role in designing and building the key infrastructure of modem society, engineers are required to work a lot more than routine application of engineering science and knowledge. In the exercise of special expertise, professional judgment, and supervisory responsibility over the technical and administrative work of others, an engineer should live by ahigh standard of behavior and social responsibility laden with moral obligations. Professional ethics are of paramount importance to the engineering of a successful professional life. It follows from these considerations that the professional man must also bear some distinctive marks. Again, in the highest sense, the marks of a professional man are: Conch Roane IEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 —————— (A) Professional activity of type carrying high individual responsibility, requiring application of special skills to activities that are predominantly intellectual and varies rather than routine and normal; (B) Motivation for services takes first place over consideration of reward; (C) Motivation for self expression implies joy and pride in the work to be done and self- imposed standards of excellence in its performance; (D) Recognition of social duty, fulfilled through guarding the ideals and standards of the profession, by advancing it in public understanding and esteem, by rendering gratuitous public service, all as a return to society for the advantages that follow from professional education and status. In conclusion, The Engineering Professional plays a paramount role in a developing country such as ours. The work of engineers shapes the physical environment of society, and has a profound effect on the economic growth and development of the nation, Itis therefore essential that the members of the engineering profession should always perform their duties to the highest standards of professional integrity. They should maintain the dignity of the profession, and not be led astray by commercial motives into performing actions which are not for the good of the profession as a whole, or for the good of society in general. However, I have no objection that the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct and the set of rules are also important in creating the awareness to the profession. Copyrights Reserved 20136 TEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 Question 5 ‘The IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct speaks against active self promotion and advertisement. In what ways would such restraint enhance the stature of engineers as professionals? More importantly, given the advent of the information technology age where virtual reality is becoming the norm, how would any violation of the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct be detected and dealt with? Advertising is a common way of introducing a new product or service. A simple notification of the availability of a new product or service is acceptable and should not be banned by the code. Such advertisement increase public awareness of the range of professional services available, particularly from new firms. This could advocate fair competition and keep prices for services fair (rather than higher than it should be). Clause 9 of the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct mentions that: “A member shall not, in selflaudatory language or in any manner derogatory to the dignity of the profession advertise or write articles for publication, nor shall he authorize any such advertisement or article to be written or published by any other person.” The concem addressed in this code is on the competitive and deceptive advertising which could hurt and damage the dignity of the profession. It was deemed unfair to other engineers to win work through one’s skill as an advertiser rather than through one’s eared reputation as an engineer. It was also felt that competitive advertising caused friction among those in the field, lessened their mutual respect, and damaged the profession’s public image by placing engineering on a par with purely money- centered businesses Deceptive advertising occurs when products or services are made to look better than they actually are. This is done in several ways, including: (1) by outright lies, (2) by half-truths, (3) through exaggeration, (4) by making false innuendos, suggestions, or implications, (5) through obfuscation created by ambiguity, vagueness, or incoherence, (6) through subliminal ‘manipulation of the unconscious. Another way is to impress with performance data that is ‘meaningless because it has no reference standards. Such deceptive advertisement draws major concern from the professional engineering body as it provides not only misleading information to public, but also brings down the image and dignity of engineers as a whole. The Clause 9 of the IEM Regulations on Professional Conduct strictly prohibits this type of advertisement. ‘Actions could be taken against the particular engineer should he/she be found to make the competitive and deceptive advertisement based on the code. Engineers’ understanding and adherence of the code thus could prevent such activities from happening. In this new era, information transfer and processing is rapid. With the advent of internet, online advertising (or internet advertising) has becoming more popular nowadays. Online advertising uses the intemet to deliver promotional marketing messages to potential customers. This includes email marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, display advertising (include web banner advertising) and mobile advertising. Email advertising is ad copy comprising an entire email or a portion of an email message. Search engine marketing is Copyrights Reserved 20130 IEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 q designed to increase a website’s visibility in search engine results pages. It provides sponsored results and organic results based on a web searcher’s query. It could also employ visual cues to differentiate sponsored results from organic results. Social media marketing is commercial promotion conducted through social media websites. For example, Fan Page is created using Facebook account and online advertisement is done by attracting customers to visit the page. Display advertising conveys its advertising message visually using text, logos, animations, videos, photographs, or other graphics. Using this method, advertisers often use cookies, which are unique identifiers of specific computers, to decide which ads to serve to a particular consumer. Mobile advertising is ad copy delivering through wireless mobile devices such as smart phones, feature phones, or tablet computers. Mobile advertising may take the form of static or rich media display ads, SMS or MMS ads, mobile search ads, advertising within mobile websites, or ads within mobile applications or games. Employment of online advertising increases the chance of deceptive advertising. This is because online advertisement requires short and attractive pictures or slogan that is eye catching. Advertiser/engineer might exaggerate on his/her service or product in order to attract attention from customers. ‘The detection of fraud and unethical online advertising is difficult. Usually, Computer Science and Information Technology specialist is needed to carry out the detection tasks. Such detection is usually meant for fraud detection in which the company or information provided is illegal and against the law. Perhaps, the unethical advertisement which is against the IEM Professional Code of Conduct can only be detected manually, i.e. by engineers in the same discipline. Through networking, engineers working in the same discipline will know each other and get to know the recent happenings in their counterparts. As such, if he/she found out that other engineers who have made unethical advertisement, he/she should be the whistle blower. He/she should report to IEM and the Board. Such awareness is vital in order to defend the dignity and image of the engineering profession. More importantly, it is the duty of engineer to protect the public from inaccurate information with respect to engineering. ‘Upon receiving reports and complaints from the engineer or public, IEM should investigate the ‘matter immediately. The particular engineer should be warned and the unethical advertisements need to be removed. In conclusion, engineer is allowed to advertise if it is a simple notification on the type of services and products provided. This has the advantage of fostering fair competition among the engineering services. Based on the IEM Professional Code of Conduct, competitive and deceptive advertising is strictly prohibited. Engineer should be honor, and give accurate information on his/her services and products. This is applicable not only in making advertisements on conventional media, but also on online advertising Comin Reened2050 JEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 Question 6 You are an engineer and it is known that your project activities/plant production had caused an adverse health, safety and/or environmental (HSE) impact. To improve the HSE quality, you have to cease your project activities/plant production for a period of time, resulting in the inability to meet the required schedule and targets. How would you handle in a situation where there is a conflict between the IM Regulations on Professional Conduct and commercial consideration? ‘An engineer shall at all times take care to ensure that his work and the products of his work constitute no avoidable danger of death or injury or ill health to any person. An engineer shall take all reasonable steps to avoid waste of natural resources, damage of the environment, and wasteful damage or destruction of the products of human skill and industry. An engineer shall conduct their professional lives in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Compliance with laws does not necessarily fulfil an engineer’s entire ethical responsibility, but it is paramount for performance of one’s professional duties. As prevention is better than cure, we need to ensure the safety at the construction site are always be implemented and should not be compromised. Engineers should always promote safety or dissemination of such information to the worker and the public in general. ‘This complies with the IEM Clause | Regulations on Professional Conduct where a member shall at all time take care to ensure that his work and the products of his work constitute no avoidable danger of death or injury or ill health to any reason. There are key questions which the employer / client should be asking for their commercial decision - “What information is available to assure that throughout the project arrangements to control health and safety risks are in place; comply with the law as a minimum; and operate effectively to meet the revised schedule and targets?” (A) Ensure that all employees and contractors understand that working safely is a condition of employment, and that they are cach responsible for their own safety and the safety of those around them; (B) Manage all projects, products and processes through their life-cycles in a way that protects, safety and health and minimizes impacts on the environment; (C) Provide employees with the capabilities, knowledge and resources necessary to instill personal ownership and motivation to achieve HSE excellence; (D) Provide relevant safety and health information to contractors and require them to provide proper training for the safe, environmentally sound performance of their work; (&) Measure, audit and publicly report HSE performance and maintain open dialogue with stakeholder groups and with communities where we operate; (F) Work with both govemments and stakeholders to develop regulations and standards that improve the safety and health of people and the environment, Copii Roane 130 TEM Code of Ethies Essay 2013 (G) Maintain a secure work environment to protect ourselves, our contractors and the company’s assets from risks of injury, property loss or damage resulting from hostile aects.; (H) Communicate our commitment to this policy to our subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors and governments worldwide and seek their suppor (Applying the precautionary principle is essentially a matter of making assumptions about consequences and likelihoods to establish credible scenarios, and then using standard procedures of risk assessment and management to inform decisions on how to address the hazard or threat; (J) Decision-making should bring together all relevant social, political, economic, and ethical factors in selecting an appropriate risk management option. Engineer is encouraged to advise and assist employers/client to comply with all the applicable Jaws, rules and regulations. If, in the course of their services on a project, engineer becomes aware of a decision taken by their employer which violates any law or regulation which will, in the engineer's judgment, materially affect adversely the safety to the public of the finished project, engineer shall advise their employer or client against the decision. He should request the employer to do some investigation to gather the necessary reliable information for using in the report. The employer could then decide how to pay for the improvements. In case his advice is overruled, as mentioned in Clause 1.5 Code of Professional Conduct of BEM, when the professional advice of a Profe wverruled and amended contrary to his advice, the Professional Engineer shall, if the amendment may in his opinion give rise to situation that may endanger life and/or property, notify his employer or client and such other authority as may be appropriate and explain the consequences to be expected as a result of his advice being overruled and amended. An engineer whose professional advice is not accepted shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the employer overruling or neglecting his advice is aware of any danger which the engineer believes may result from such overruling or neglect. However, the engineer must ensure that the remedial steps are taken. onal Engineer is If after an engineer makes a good faith effort to notify an employer of illegal operations or actions and the offending condition continue, the engineer shall, as a protection to the public, notify the appropriate regulatory or other law enforcement agency for ensuringa safe, healthful, and legally compliant workplace, as mentioned and advised in the Clause 1.4 Code of Professional Conduct of BEM that a registered engineer having knowledge of any violation of this code and Local Authority regulations shall report thereon to appropriate professional bodies and, when relevant, also to public authorities and cooperate with the proper authorities in furnishing such information or assistance as may be required. This was also mentioned in Clause 5.4 Code of Professional Conduct of BEM where a registered engineer shall respond, within reasonable time, to communication fom Board or any other relevant authority on matter pertaining to his professional service. Question 7 Copyrights Reserved 20130 TEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 i Very often codes of practice suggest diseretion of engineering judgment. There are merits and demerits of international codes of practice and standards as opposed to national documents within the context of the Malaysian industry and practices. Discuss by giving examples of engineering judgment whereby such decision does not conform to an international (2) code of practice and how it is justified. Is international conformity always desirable? Copyrights Reserved 20136 TEM Code of Ethies Essay 2013 Question 8 Engineers are often entrusted with the responsibility of implementing large-scale projects involving millions of dollars. In view of the large amount of money changing hands, the integrity and ethical standards of engineering are being put to test. What measures can an engineer take to prevent corruption and unethical practice of eutting corners in order to safeguard the good image of the engineering profession? Corruption and unethical practice of cutting corners are common issues in the engineering communities. Engineer should avoid involving in such activity due to several reasons: (1) to ‘maintain his/her professional judgment and tamish the reputation of the engineering profession; (2) take obligation to promote the well-being of the public; (3) to avoid undermining the efficiency of the market by inducing someone to buy products (such as house) that are not for the price; (4) to avoid bias and unfair advantage over his competitors, and violate the standards of justice and fair play. Engineer should take pro-active actions to prevent such unethical practice and sometimes be the whistle blower. This could only happen if engineer is aware and abide with the IEM By- laws and BEM Code of Professional Conduct. Clause 9.6b mentions that an engineer should not accept any trade commissions, discounts, allowances, or indirect profit in connection with the work upon which he is engaged. In Clause 9.64, it is mentioned that the engineer shall not receive, directly or indirectly, any royalty, gratuity or commission on any patented or protected article or process used on work which he is carrying out for his clients, unless authorized in writing by clients. Clause 9.6e mentions that engineer should not pay commission to any person who may introduce clients to him, and Clause 9.6f mentions that the engineer shall not be the medium of payment made on his clients’ behalf to any contractor, unless recommended by the clients. BEM Code of Professional Conduct also has several clauses that related to bribery and corruption. In Clause 5.2, it is mentioned that a registered engineer shall not offer, give, solicit or receive, either directly or indirectly, any contribution to influence the award of a contract which may be reasonably construed as having the effect of intent to influencing the award of a contract. He shall not offer any gift or other valuable consideration in order to secure work. He shall not pay a commission, percentage or brokerage fee in order to secure work. Clause 5.4 says that a registered engineer shall check with due diligence the accuracy of facts and data before he signs or endorses any statement or claim. He shall not sign on such documents unless qualifications on errors and inaccuracies have been made. Awareness and proper understanding of these codes govern the engineer doings and allow himvher to judge right and wrong. As such, engineer should aware, remember, and use them when dealing with their daily work. In addition, several practical strategies can be adopted to prevent corruption and cutting corner activities when dealing with infrastructure construction project. These include: TEM Code of Ethics Essay 2013 ae (1) Call for competitive tender There is much opportunity for corruption to occur during tendering process. As such a transparent tendering system and process is essential to mitigate unethical activities. Competitive tendering should be adopted for better comparison of prices and service quality and therefore make it difficult to hide favouritism and corrupt motive. In addition, the tender price should be evaluated based on both price and non-price factors to ensure that the procurement can result in the best quality of project or services for the price paid, and the lowest price for the specified acceptable quality. (2) Set up transparent system for appointing contractors A systematic and consistent procedure with well-defined financial and decision-making authorities should be formulated. Administrative guidelines and contract document should include appropriate warnings prohibiting bribery and the requirement of declaring any potential conflict of interest. A list of approved contractors/suppliers for different works or supply of materials according to prescribed criteria should be developed and reviewed regularly. The listing criteria should be made known to all potential bidders in the call for registration. The procurement requirements, rules and decision-making criteria should be made readily accessible to all potential suppliers/contractors. An independent panel for selecting and approving tender should be set up. Contractors/suppliers should be selected based on their qualifications, the merit of their offers, and the pre-defined criteria in tender document. Tender documents and information need to be kept confidential before awarding contracts. (3) Setup counter-checking mechanism and conduct random spot checks A counter-checking mechanism is set up in contract negotiation process, procurement of materials, and authorizing acceptance of goods on delivery to ensure that the person-in- charge abide to the procedures and rules when carrying out the work or making decision. Frequent spot checks, including random inspections of product quality, quotations, receipts, procurement records and others need to be conducted to ensure that work is carried out systematically. Proper work records should be kept for verification of senior staff. (4) Check contractors” performance recor Contractors’ performance needs to be monitored and evaluated regularly and immediately afier the end of the contracts. The evaluation is properly recorded for reference in future tender invitations. Periodical meetings with suppliers or contractors need to be set up and maintained to provide a direct channel for them to express views. Besides, the suppliers and contractors should be informed of the company’s policy to prohibit staff from engaging in corruption or other malpractices. Copyrights Reserved 20130 IEM Code of Ethies Essay 2013 In conclusion, engineer should uphold his/her profession dignity by abiding to the BEM and IEM Code of Professional Conduct. He/she should not take the opportunity to give or accept bribes in any circumstances, Furthermore, he/she should act as a whistle blower and ensure that other parties (such as contractors) carried out their work properly and comply with the specification. Corruption and cutting comer would not happen if everyone is aware of his/her duties and responsibilities and carry it out with due diligence Alternative Answ ‘A transparent tendering process and a clear guideline of standard operating procedure could minimize the chances of corruption. The tender documents, especially the Specifications and Bills of Quantities must be clear and reasonable. The tender shall be prepared through proper study of market price which facilitates a truthful estimate of the project cost with full confidentiality. Engineer should ensure that the specification is clear and by taking into consideration of site/local constraints. The Bill of Quantities must be clear and precise to prevent engineer act in collusion with contractor. Besides, engineer should evaluate the tender properly and recommend a reasonable one to his client. A too high or too low a tender might create corruption or cutting comer. In the case if the tender is under priced, the contractor might struggle for a tight margin of profit in which they might cut comer to save cost and bribe the engineer to accept their inferior work. In addition, engineer should ensure that payments shall be made in accordance to the contract. All consultants shall process the payment on time as specified in the contract. By doing so, the contractor will not pay the engineer to ensure their payment is giving priority in the process. The engineer shall not allow the contractor to subcontract their work unless agreed by the client. This is to prevent the work fall on the hand of subcontractor with very small profit margin which might cause cheating, Engineer has to be experienced and competent in carrying out his/her work. If the engineer is knowledgeable and experienced, he/she will not be easily conned by the contractor. In addition, he/she has to understand his/her roles, duties, and responsibility clearly. An experienced engineer would give a reasonable time period for the contractor to work. This could avoid the contractor from carrying out an inferior work and cut comer to rush for the deadline. Before work starts, engineer has to establish communication with the site staff. Everyone must be properly briefed on their duties and responsibilities in the project. Awareness among all the personnel (engineers, site engineers, site supervisors) involving the project on the moral value whether bribery could be accepted. In addition, engineer should request material samples to be ‘used in the project and seek for approval from the client. This is to ensure that the material used is not a sub-standard one. Proper checking must be carried out before work starts. Engineer (cither design or site engineer) takes great responsibility to ensure that proper work is carried out, He/she must ensure that his/her instruction is clear and is carried out properly during construction, Proper and careful supervision must be carried out Workmanship must be checked during work itself so that it can be rejected immediately if sub-standard. In addition, engineer must make surprised check especially during weekends. Engineer should only sign and certify for good quality work which follow to the design and specification strictly. Copyrights Reserved 20130

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