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‘The following paper is an example research paper which you can use as a model for your research paper. Your paper should include more details and go more in-depth about your topie, but this paper shows the general ontline you should follow. Pay attention to the faets that are cited using in-text citations, Remember to put information that is word-for-word in quotes. Ideas that are from an author but put into your words also need to be cited but not put in quotes. Please remember you can always ask Miss Maze for assistance! Research Paper Introduction Paragraph Example Attention Grabber: Have you ever wanted to play a sport that is fast and requires a lot of skill? Have you ever wanted a competitive game that involves a lot of endurance? If you have, then lacrosse isa great sport for you. Supporting Sentences: John Doe says, “Lacrosse is a game of thrills and excitement. There is always something entertaining going on” (Doe 44). This sport always has thrilling action going on, which makes playing that much more enjoyable. “Playing lacrosse always boosts my mood. It gets my mind concentrating, and my body gets pushed to the limit” (Smith 45). Thesis Sentence: Lacrosse is a great game because of the game's speed, the aerobic endurance needed by the players, and the game strategies involved. Research Paper First Body Paragraph Example Transition Sentence: To begin, lacrosse is a wonderfull game due to the speed of the game. Supporting Sentences: John Doe says, “The game of lacrosse can change in the blink of an eye, from one shot to one save to one interception” (Doe 44). This sport always has incredible passes and quick game play. “Playing lacrosse means always being in the game: mentally, physically, and emotionally. If you let down for one second, you could ruin the whole game” (Smith 45). Some lacrosse players can shoot the ball at incredible speeds, and some players are incredibly quick. Bob Jones says, “Lacrosse is such an amazing sport. Itis almost like a combination of hockey and soccer.

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